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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. There are no targets, just the steel backdrop. They are freaking over steel core ammo because of it's potential to penetrate steel, but iron jacket lead core ammo has no such capability. Steel has much higher tensile strength than iron and typically is also much harder, although hardness depends on particular blend and what hardening process is used. It's just BS to make people buy ammo at the range, which is no longer an option since they never have any.
  2. I could still buy some (for a few more months) if any ammo existed. Where would I get it? Ammo has been sold out for months. The shops get some in and it's gone in two nano seconds. And there are one box limits even if you tripped over some by luck. There is none available on line anywhere. The hysterical panic hoarding shows no sign of letting up.
  3. So, I plan ahead...... and I have a couple of cases of brand new .38 FMJ ammo from some years back to shoot with. I was shooting it in PPC league, when the guy who calls the start/stop comes over and says I can't shoot it there because he saw "a spark" so it must be steel core ammo. Well, it sure ain't steel core ammo, but it is bi-metal jacket over a lead core ammo. The jacket is copper over iron. They made some that way to pinch pennies by rducing the copper content of the jacket. So, got no ammo and the .38's are going permanently into the safe. And with the enacting of the new laws in california restricting ammo sales, the chances of me ever getting any more in my lifetime are remote to zero. Farewell wheel guns.
  4. I guess I hate it when computers screw with me.... like NOW. So, a couple of days ago I posted a "hate" thing about how the post office was doing it's best to make my mail become an extinct species..... the title of the piece was "Post Office". Clever, eh? Then when I went to see the thread.... it was gone like it had never been there. vanished with no forwarding address. So, today I see on the title page that somebody has replied to my thread titled "Post Office"... and I try clicking directly onto it (on the title page) and it goes to a screen saying I "don't have permission to view that page".... the note I posted that vanished...... I don't have permission to view It seems everybody else can see it and reply to it, just not me. I give up.
  5. You can also get the thumbs off the frame. I used to point mine about 30 degrees away and up from the frame. Looks funny, but you may shoot better because it "balances" the grip by preventing the thumbs from pressing on the left side of the frame.
  6. Seems like the AT+T commercials are the stupidest.... Carl's Junior are a close second. Always a commercial where some dufus is chomping out loud in slow motion with food falling out of their mouth.... makes me want to slap them.
  7. Also check for hammer drag on side plate or frame. Couldn't count how many SWs I have had to fix with that problem. Most seem to lean to the right.
  8. myth that a longer striker (firing pin) increases ignition energy. In reality, reducing striker mass does. There are reduced mass strikers for Glocks, maybe somebody makes on for an XD? Normally only needed in comp guns where the striker spring is reduced power to get a light trigger pull.
  9. Welcome to the world of the PC. I bought a PC 627 about five years back...... and spent a big chunk of my life fixing all the problems. If all you need is a shim or two..... go for it. Good luck.
  10. That's not what my wife says...... but shooting skills definitely drop.
  11. They call then Jack Russel Terrors...... best advice is get all Kevlar furniture. We have two of them down at the animal shelter where I work. The one guy Sport is like 11 years old and goes like he was on crank. he will never put his toy down. To leash him to go outside takes two people: one to grab the toy, the other to drop the leash on him. He's a nice pup, but he definitely needs a full time job.
  12. Funny...... once you buy a "cali legal" 1911 in any form, you can then send it off for any modification you want short of full auto operation. I had a whole new gun built up onto a 1911 receiver I had.... perfectly legal. (but stinking expensive)
  13. Not from a store. Bare frames can only be bought from a private party CA resident in a face to face transaction. Pretty difficult to find someone willing to part with one and if you do the price is usually high. Correct. The frame has to have been in the state legally, it can't be imported if not on the list unless for LE use.
  14. You can buy a "legal" 1911, pretty sure some come in .40. Unfortuanately, the really good ones like STI are no longer legal.
  15. Just get out there and try and everybody gets a trophy...... that is the world we raise kids in these days. A failing grade given can be the best thing to do. A fundamental lack of understanding in math or any basic skill will prevent going forward. It's best to get it fixed and then pass them out. Giving somebody a pass when they don't get it is going to doom them.
  16. Some years back, they did a back 'skin test" on me where they poke 100 holes and put drops of liquids on the skin. The nurse watching kept getting more concerned and asking if I was OK... I said yeas but she got th doctor anyway. Apparrently, I set some kind of record for allergic reaction to their tests. It really does suck. I never go outside any more without a particle mask on. That doesn't protect my eyes, so they still puff up.
  17. When I bought my new car back in 2002, the sticker price was about 17,000 and I offered to pay the sticker price. The dealer is trying to get me to pay a bunch of add on charges to jack it up to 23,000. So he does the "four corners" negotiation where he divides a piece of paper into four squares and then draws a diagonal line through each square. he writes his "offer" in the upper of the first box (23k) and I write 17k under it. In the next box he writes 22.5k...... and I write 16.5k under it! He turns red and says the only way we will ever get to a deal is if I come up "a little" until our prices meet. I tell him: the only way we will ever have a deal is if he opens his ears and believes me when I tell him what I will pay for the car and stop screwing around wasting my time. I ended up buying it for 16.5k.
  18. I know the feeling. I had to buck the management at National Semi for most of the 20 years I worked there over that issue: lying. They lie all the time (to internal management as well as customers) and knowingly ship defective products. Then I was supposed to write up failure reports of "WOW! We never saw that before..." when we had the same defective junk coming back for years. In one case I forced them to take me out of the loop on some products because I wasn't going to partake in the BS anymore. I often wonder if the general public know what a bunch of lying bottomfeeders the general workplace environment is filled with...
  19. What a coincidence...... I would talk to a lawyer.
  20. Hope you have better luck than I did. I got dumped back in 2008 in the great wave of the economic collapse. Now I just say I have been "involuntarily retired".
  21. schadenfreunde is one of the few treats in life that is neither fattening or dangerous.
  22. One slide stop is for 9mm/.38S and the other size stop is for .40/45. That said, I have a dual caliber 9mm/.40 Trojan with two different top ends that uses the 9mm slide stop and ejector for both with no problems at all.
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