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Everything posted by MRevolutionIX

  1. The talk about Rodizios had me craving it. So the NorCal crew and my family ended up going there Sunday. Haha!
  2. Thanks for all the feedback Charlie! I can definitely see all your points. After my first 2 stages, my stage planning for the rest of the match heavily favored the side of safety. I wasnt trusting my ability and it was a mental battle all weekend. I know, to drag along a bad stage run throughout a match is the wrong thing to do but I feel into the trap. I have been struggling a lot with the mental side of the game lately and I know it has resulted in these kind of match perfomances. Ive got to say... It has been the most difficult thing I have had to deal with in this sport.
  3. I just use the youtube editor. (www.youtube.com/editor) its free and easy to use
  4. Yes sir. My name is Leonard. You are welcome in regards to the video. I also like to see other videos from the same match, regardless of division, to see how others shoot the stages. Regardless of classification, critique and pointers can be given. I take all critisism from all. If it can help me. I am grateful!
  5. I managed to place 2nd overall in Production in this match but even with the decent finish, I am very unhappy with my performance. I had a very difficult time keeping my head in the game. My first stage I shot was a disaster and it really effected the rest of my match. Besides the obvious like fumbled reloads, multiple misses on steel targets and mental lapses (buzzer amnesia) what else do you guys see. The video shows the order of the stages in which I shot them in. Cha-lee, you were out here. I would love to hear your opinions since you shot the match. Thanks!
  6. Does anybody know the difference in thickness between these and the DAA thick grips? I run the DAA thick grips and like how thick they are. I just wished they provided more traction.
  7. I started out using CR speed and havent felt the need to try or swith to anything else. I did throw on a buddies outerbelt that had DAA racer mag pouches when I tried his limited gun in practice. Didnt feel they were any better or worse then the CR speeds.
  8. In addition to breaking down my mags after each stage and applying a few drops of lube on the rails between days is to run a mag brush up through the mag well and protrude just past ejection port on a locked back slide. Repeat that a couple of times and it ensures mags drop freely. To address the feed ramp, I run a bore snake up the mag well and through the barrel. As I pull the bore snake through, I keep tension at the bottom of the bore snake to apply pressure to the feed ramp. I do that a few times and the feed ramp is clean ans shiny.
  9. Depending on the range and its terrain. I would be more concerned with making sure your mags that hit the ground are taken apart and cleaned between days.
  10. 1.130 in my accu shadow using 147 BBI
  11. 147 BBI 3.8 WSF OAL 1.130 WSP primers Mixed brass 135 PF Here is a group I shot out to 25 yards when I first developed this load for my Accu Shadow. I believe it could be better but I suck at group/bullseye shooting.
  12. Go ahead and add this to the mix to!
  13. So after having a pleasent experience ordering a czechmate through Stuart. A few days later I asked him through and email if they sell the skate board tape (triangular ones) that are found on their grips to replace some on my CTS. A few days pass with no response but in the mail box an envelop with skate board tape. Goes to show the great customer service they provide.
  14. None that I have experienced. Yes it is expensive but the shooting confidence you gain in the mechanical accuracy is well worth it to me.
  15. My guide rod will not come out unless my bushing is removed. I think there is a post somewhere here on enos talking about this. Some guns require the bushing be removed and some not.
  16. Looks great!I would really like to have one of these but CZC is saying the build time is 4-5 months. I got lucky with this one. A local shooting buddy put it up for sale and I jumped all over it. Low round count to.
  17. Just got my CTS back from cerakote. Had a few other guns done in this tungsten and really like how it looks.
  18. Very good points made by all. My concern is, I tend to shoot closer targets with both eyes open but squint my left when targets are further away or require a better placed shot. A 2" point of impact differance at @ 25 yards could mean a no-shoot or mike.
  19. try the scotch tape strip on the shooting glasses to block the left eye when sighting and see where the POI is. I shoot with a guy here locally that does that. I may try it and see how it goes. Thanks.
  20. Just to give a little background on myself. I am a right handed shooter, right eye dominate, had laser corrective surgery a few years ago and have 15/20 vision. During a range session today I wanted to try and replicate something I experienced during this past weekends match. I had a combination of 5 hardcover mikes and no-shoot misses all left of my intended target. With both eyes open i was consistenly hitting left at varying ranges. 7, 10, 15 and 25 yards. As soon as i squinted my left eye my impacts were hitting where I intended. Shot about 150 rounds and the results were consistent. I even went as far as give myself a very small target in the form of one bullet hole. With both eyes open i would hit left. The very next shot with my left eye closed the bullet went straight through the original hole. I have never experienced this before and would like to hear from those who may have. Potenial fixes are to drift my sight or shoot more with my left eye squinted. Any suggestions?
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