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Everything posted by 3quartertime

  1. Up date: Finally made it to the appointment for my hand. After so long I've decided to have the VA take care of it. The doctor suggested I do the enzyme injection. She said they have been doing the procedure of over a year now with good success. My degree of contracture is at 140 now. Next month I'll go in to have the enzyme injection into the cord. Two days later I go back to have the cord broken. She said because of the level of contracture and the length of time it's been contracted, I will probably have some minor skin tearing, but that will heal up easy. I'm pumped that I get my hand back next month! Whoo Hooooooo!!!
  2. Ditto about the family being healthy. Reminds me of a buddy of mine. Late 2002 he's just been laid off and driving his prized 1986 GMC, first new truck, to first day of the new job. Stops at a light and the truck catches on fire. Burns to the ground before the fire department shows. UGH!!!
  3. Contact The Hammer!!! http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showuser=690 ...Just sent Flex a PM
  4. She actually lost some weight recently and I was worried. But she's back up to a comfortable 110 now...
  5. I've always liked the simple ones. Easy to say and easy for the pup to understand. Remmy Trigger Sight Scout Grip Chester Smoke Tracer Bullet Cooper
  6. Venice Beach Kinda small and the seaweed is heavy, but it's fun to get the puppy out in the surf. Someone had a huge Newfoundland there a week or so back. It was actually out swimming parallel to the beach!
  7. Puppy pictures!!! No, she didn't dig the salt water so much...
  8. Yep. It's up the coast a bit in Sarasota. Didn't check out the website before. Too cool!!!
  9. Herbie and The Beetles. Trippy!!! Bug Row This is their lunch room! A customer wanted the front of a bus for decoration so they cut off the front and used the back for a lunch room! Cool Beans!!!
  10. The picture sux, but the black one is actually bus/pick up. There was an even cooler one behind it, but again my phone didn't do a good pic. Bus Row!!! The hedge!
  11. My brother in law has a 59' VW Beetle that's pretty much a full blown race car. His transaxle was leaking so he had a local place do a seals and O ring update and asked me to pick it up for him. The place is called Sunshine Auto Repair but it should be Hippie Flashback Vibe Emporium!!! The garage is in a smallish yard and they have used VW bus's as a sort of hedge around it. They own the bus's and use them for advertisement and parts. Some are painted the cool hippie vibe style and some are just rusted old hulls. I'm not a former hippie or a VW collector/enthusiast, but getting to visit a joint like that is too cool and warrants some pictures!!! The inside is really cool too. Lots of VW stuff on the walls, but my the pics on my phone didn't turn out. Thing!!! Ghia!!!
  12. Moving this to the forum it fits a little better in. Also removing the link. Remember the part of the guidelines that I've quoted here; Talking about a TV show that uses 'creative' ways to eradicate the feral pigs is cool. Lets leave the links out though. Those that are interested in such things can find them easy enough and those that don't wish to view them won't end up there by accident. Thanks!
  13. Kinda pricy, but if it includes a song by The Champ it's worth the dough...
  14. “He who has the fastest cart never has a bad lie” Mickey Mantle (American Baseball Player, 1931-1995) “If you are caught on a golf course during a storm and are afraid of lightning, hold up a 1-iron. Not even God can hit a 1-iron.” Lee Trevino
  15. Moved for input. If anyone can get us some high res pics of an actual form or the like we may move this back into the Firearm Laws forum for reference.
  16. Just a minor fluctuation in the Matrix. For your own safety forget that it happened. You saw nothing...
  17. Not sure what you are seeing. Got an example?
  18. My old man is having some medical issues and is staying at the VA Hospital in Bay Pines, Saint Pete. What an incredible location for a government campus! Beautiful Spanish style architecture. His room in the hospital is on the fifth floor facing the bay: Treasure Island Cool designs Pretty darned impressive view. Not much good about being laid up in the hospital, but a view like that while your recovering ain't so bad!!! The campus is huge. About 50 acres I believe right on the bay. Amazingly well kept. I don't believe you have to be a veteran or family member to tour the site so if in the area it might merit a visit!
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