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Bill Schwab

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Everything posted by Bill Schwab

  1. I just got the Dillon unit and agree that it is expensive, but it works great, defintely a major time saver. Bill
  2. Paul, Is it possible that you set an ultimate goal of reaching GM, and now that you have it you feel you have nothing to stirve for? Maybe what's needed is a new goal, a new vision. Hope this helps. Bill
  3. I own and use the Wilson 10 rnd & Ed Brown 10 rnd mags, and my vote goes to the Wilsons. FYI: my Ed Brown 10 rnd mags are made by Metalform. Bill
  4. Phil, I believe it was Duane Thomas who posted an excellent desciption of the personality types awhile back in this forum. I was unable to find his post, but this website should help you: http://www.keirsey.com/sixteenroles.html Hope this helps. Bill
  5. Guys and gals this seems too good to be true: http://rense.com/general21/free.htm but the patent and trademark office seems to this it's real: http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?...RS=PN/6,362,718 Bill
  6. I thought I heard that Jethro retired from pro shooting to run the family business in the Phillipines, but I could be wrong.
  7. Rob postal worker Brian car mechanic Jerry electrician Todd heating/AC repair dude Doug carpenter (thanks for the quick e-mail back Doug) Bill
  8. I don't know all of them, but I'll throw what I know out to help somone else: Rob - postal worker (good thing he never went postal!) Brian - I've heard a few times that he was a car mechanic, but he's wrote here that he was a corrections officer Jerry - I think he was a plumber Todd - heating & AC repairman?? No clue on Doug. Bill
  9. Bill Wilson shoots IDPA now (big surprise) Jethro the Jet retired
  10. Tom Campbell from S&W??? I want to say Plaxco too, but George Smith was telling me he's shooting the Sportsman's Team Challenge.
  11. Hardball, Cool! I'll see you there...but why don't you look me up since you know my name. PS I'll only be there on Friday. Bill
  12. Yeah, I wouldn't fire-lap a chrome lined barrel.
  13. Jon, There's two methods: Method #1: everyone has their own recipe, but here's mine...shoot one shot, clean the barrel until it's immaculate, repeat for 10 shots, then shoot 5 shots, clean until immaculate, repeat once, then shoot 10 shots, clean until immaculate, done. Methos #2: buy the NECO fire-lap kit (go here for more info about it: http://www.neconos.com/details2.htm) It's the firing of bullets that have a polish ground into them. I understand that Tubb has a kit of his own now, but I haven't used it. Hope this helps. Bill
  14. Ahha! I found it: http://www.brianenos.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard...16&topic=22 Bill
  15. I just sent my $ in, will be shooting Friday, anyone else makin' it? http://www.1911society.org/entryform.htm Bill (Edited by Bill Schwab at 9:15 am on Mar. 29, 2002)
  16. Billf, I believe your Limited EAA is legal for ESP. Where did you buy it? I have a few friends locally who can't find them anywhere. Bill
  17. Billf, You'll find the SO's view of IDPA different from place to place. At one range they'll view it as a game, and not be so harsh with enforcing the rules verbatim, then you'll shoot IPDA somewhere else and the SO will be hard on you because he feels you're training for a real world shootout. It all depends on where you shoot. Bill
  18. Should I use it when trying to work in a new technique or is it solely to reinforce existing techniques? Also, to be effective, should my visualization be from a “driver’s seat” view, or can it be from a 3rd person perspective? How much time do the GM’s spend visualizing? Any other visualization principles would be greatly appreciated…I just finished a sports book, The New Toughness Training for Sports, which expressed the importance of visualization in sports, so I figured I’d take it more seriously. I can clearly visualize correct sight alignment on a target thanks to the Bruce Gray drills, but I find it difficult to visualize something else, like a reload. And I will often finish a stage and only recall seeing the brown target and front sight, so I feel I have little to work with there, but I can easily visualize myself from a 3rd person perspective. Help me out. I guess I need the basics of how to visualize, I understand you get better at it the more you do it. Thanks. Bill
  19. There's a great thread on this somewhere, but I can't find it. I could swear it was under the Misc Beginer's forum, but I guess it's not. I'll keep looking. Bill (Edited by Bill Schwab at 12:28 pm on Mar. 28, 2002)
  20. Hey guys, this is golden info...I had never even noticed the automatic primer filler!! Are there any other tricks/tips you have to speeding things up...I run a 550B. Bill
  21. Has anyone read those two books published by Trigger Press, B-Zone and Mandatory Reload? http://www.triggerpress.com/ Are they any good? Feel free to e-mail me with comments if you'd rather not post it. Thanks. Bill
  22. Are the Briley's really worth the extra $? Bill
  23. I shot sporting clays for the first time last week with a borrowed gun and I had sooo much fun, I'm hooked. So I bought a SC appropiate barrel this week for the 3-gun 1100, and am trying to figure out which brand choke to get (any recommendations?, been looking at the Briley X-2?). Hawkster, what is your SC shotgun set-up? Bill
  24. Dowter, What kind of lubricant are you using? I've had problems when using oil and now use Chip McCormick's trigger lube. Just for giggles why don't you disassemble the frame, degrease everything, reassemble and see if the hammer follows, but don't shoot it much without lubricant. Bill
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