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Bill Schwab

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Everything posted by Bill Schwab

  1. How about SSC, the Single Stack Classic: http://www.1911society.org/ and STC, Sportsman's Team Challenge: http://www.nssa-nsca.com/stc/stc_program.htm and IHMSA, International Handgun Metallic Silhouette: http://www.ihmsa.org/
  2. mcoliver, I compete exclusively with a SS 45 so I'll add my take on this...I always choose option 2, I avoid standing reloads like the plague and always try to combine movement with mag changes, but I know how to engage targets pretty good while I'm moving. I find it takes me awhile longer to effectively plan a stage compared to those who who use high caps primarily because I am so darn picky about where I do the reload. It's pretty rare to find a stage, at least around VA & MD, that requires a SS shooter to do a standing reload when the Limited shooters won't be doing one. So just examine the stage, planning every shot, and every reload. And I would shoot the far targets first (even if it's a popper) if it enabled me to not do a standing reload, but accuracy is also one of my strengths. Bill
  3. Can someone lay out the course description for the Masters? Or maybe link me to a site that has the description. The Masters site http://www.themasters.org doesn't seem to have the info. Thanks Bill
  4. Brian, Maybe you could hook-up with Chip McCormick's supplier of syringe's; the syringe he uses for his Chippy lube is great.
  5. Oh, I see, you were saying that it's going in the right direction now, that it was worse....sorry to add to the confusion.
  6. Quote: from Vince Pinto on 8:28 pm on Oct. 23, 2002 When I made my first post, it was 90% "Yes" so I think we're doing OK, with thanks to all who participated. So you want tougher gun control laws in Australia???
  7. Yeah, that poll needs some serious help from us.....
  8. n2299, It's been so long since I've had stock grips on my gun that I no longer know what they feel like, nor do I have a stock set laying around to measure and compare to the Burner & SA grips. But I will say this, the Burner grips are ever so slightly thicker (almost imperceptible) compared to the fancy set of Wilson grips I had on the gun prior to the Burners. Let me add that I have small hands, but you couldn't part me from these Burner grips. Bill
  9. Wow, those are powerful words. It sounds unfortunate for us that he didn't stick with ipsic and gunsmithng, but it's a tough living. Bill
  10. do you shoot your 45 a lot? i managed to wear a set out on my beretta elite 2 Steve, How long did it take you to wear them out? I've only had them on for about two months, so they're still decent (1 hr of dry firing per day and 300-500 rounds a week).
  11. I just bought a Matt McLearn built single stack open gun which I hope to shoot steel with. Does anyone have any experience with Matt's guns, good, bad, or otherwise?? And where is he now? I read a bit on the web about him and it seemed he was a very talented shooter. Thanks, Bill
  12. Erik, I shot in the squad behind Jamie Craig at this years Single Stack Classic. He's great to watch, and a nice guy to boot....towards the end of the match we talked a lot, he giving me tips and pointers, he finished 6th in the match. I was rereading this thread because I just bought a Matt McLearn built single stack open gun which I hope to shoot steel with. Does anyone have any experience with Matt's guns? Bill
  13. Excellent Dave!!! Hopefully you guys can find somewhere to settle down now.
  14. No more King of the Hill for you Steve.
  15. Great post Steve, it's all about committment.
  16. I heard that TGO is pretty into archery, and has done some work with PSE. Is this true?
  17. There's many, many resources out there, you just gotta dig a little for them. For a decent dry fire routine go to Matt Burkett's web site and click on Shooting Tips and then Dryfire Drills: http://www.mattburkett.com/ For live fire drills you can go to: http://www.kuci.uci.edu/~dany/firearms/all_drills.html But before you do anything else buy Brian's booka nd read it so that you learn the right way to do things...easier to do it right now, then do it wrong for years and then try to fix it. There's lotsa good threads under the Misc Beginner's Forum (at the bottom of the main forum page). Such as: http://www.brianenos.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard...16&topic=59 Plus you can look under the Training Drills forum. Hope this helps. Bill
  18. Quote: from Storm on 2:08 pm on Oct. 8, 2002 Jon, Why would TGO shoot Open? Just because TJ is shooting Limited? TGO just eclipsed TJ's "Triple Crown" with a "Quadruple Crown". (Factory Nats win, Race Nats win, World Champion and IDPA Nationals all in one year.) Iron sights seem to be working well for him this year. Don't you think he'd stick with a winning combination? Add to TGO's 2002 accomplishments the Steel Challenge in both Open & Limited, and, of course, the Single Stack Classic. (Edited by Bill Schwab at 2:28 pm on Oct. 8, 2002)
  19. I believe everyone swears by just throwing in a Volq. hammer as a poor man's trigger job, but your best bet may be to hang out here for awhile: http://rimfirecentral.com/forums/ Specifically, they have a "10/22 Action" forum. Hope this helps. Bill
  20. Quote: from miyamoto i watched rob leatham shoot several stages. just doing the time saving things he did i could have saved about two seconds per stage on several stages Can you give us an example?
  21. Quote: from Flexmoney Again...lets not mention this forum "over there". Those guys seem to just finght and fight. Let's leave them there. The true seekers of knowledge will find this forum. Amen
  22. Quote: from Mickster Not to sound like a dummy, but the Lee Carbide Factory Crimp Die just replaces the regular crimp die at that station on the progressive, right? Yes.
  23. I use the LFCD and love it! Also make sure your sizing die is screwed in to almost touching your shellplate, that should help with the rounds that don't make the gage. You can also purchase the Lee U (for undersize) resizing die, or better yet the EGW undersize sizing die. There's a few more threads on the forums concerning this. Hope this helps. Bill
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