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Bill Schwab

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Everything posted by Bill Schwab

  1. I ALWAYS try to go with either Redding or Dillon products. I have an old Redding No. 2 balance beam scale, and an old Lyman. The Redding is much nicer to work with, it's built much tougher, but the thing I like the best is that the beam steadies out sooner and much more authoritatively than the Lyman....I always question the Lyman, the Redding appears as though it's sure of the weight. FWIW a buddy of mine picked up a NIB Redding No. 2 on e-bay for $30 just a week or two ago. Hope this helps Dave!
  2. I'm going. Shooting Saturday in Limited-10. If you'd like to have some fun while you're in the area go to Hershey Park in Harrisburg.
  3. I've been considering sending Springfield Custom my old Springfield 45 to be finished off (checkering, light tuning, square trigger guard, etc.), but I haven't heard of anyone's experiences with their custom shop. I think the Arnt Myre (sp?) square trigger guard they do on singlestack is the bomb, and their turn-around time on a complete gun is 8-12 weeks, but I don't want to rush into a job I will not be satisfied with. Have any of you had any work done by them, or maybe seen any of their work? I understand that Dave Williams is running the custom shop; his name sounds vaguely familar...
  4. "I can take a nap during your draw!" That was the third or fourth thing he said to me during a class I took from him just before the Singlestack Classic. The very first thing he said to me was "Can you get any more tense?" It was a good class, he really got to the bottom of some of my problems, I just wish he could have seen and diagnosed my reload If he could have taken a nap during my draw I can't imagine what he would have said about my reload
  5. Looks like you're a good drive from Fredericksburg too, that's too bad because they have a lot of ipsic activity there. I would say you should go to http://www.vamdsection.org/ and see if anything is close. If not, try calling Phil Strader at Shooter's Paradise: Good luck!
  6. Duane, EXCELLENT point!! In fact stretching is probably just as, if not more, important to shooting that weight lifting; I think all serious shooters should stretch at least twice a day. There's a decent bunch of stretches here: http://www.targetshooting.ca/ Bill
  7. S&A, Heinie or SVI depending on what you like, it all comes down to a stylistic/feel thing.
  8. Make sure you post pics once you get the gun back, sounds like its gonna be a doozey.
  9. GRW, Some of us are more naturally ambidextrous than others. I find that I have to practice weak hand every range session or I get sloppy. Practice slow fire groups at 25 yards; sounds like you have a little bit of a flinch in your technique. Maybe these threads will help you get back on track:
  10. I can vouch for Bill Phillips' workout, it's what I use. It'll change your body quickly. I heard another good book would be Explosive Power Plyometrics, in fact any book on plyometrics would be helpful...plus there's lotsa great stuff on the web. One other thing that I've found helpful. I have, genetically, scawny legs which are great for distance running, but lacking for sprinting (like we experience), so I've focused a lot of leg exercises, specifically I like this version of the lunge: http://www.cbathletics.com/issues/41.htm Hope this helps!
  11. Weelllll, it's compulsory UNLESS you send them a request (and other necessary paperwork) to be a "collector". Needless to say I am a "collector". I don't recall what paperwork they required of me but it was a joke, like a copy of my drivers license... Wakal, Give me a call when you're settled in. I'm a ways from you, but we can still meet at a match. I'll PM you my phone numbers.
  12. Tom, Friday afternoon? I'll try to get squadded with you. I'll drag out my good buddy Jason Quick (Yes, that's really his name ) who will help me light up Limited-10!!!!
  13. Yes, the GNX was. I owned a hyped up GN for years, sold it last year, it was a good car to me.
  14. Glad to hear that she's doing better Jon.
  15. I got prizes over lunch too, just for having a pulse. Really!!
  16. I wish I were going. I went last year and brought my 12 year old son, we had tons of fun. It's one of those things everyone should go to at least once in their life. Have fun!
  17. Can't we just shoot to shoot? BTW I walked away with lotsa prizes last year, they had door prizes over lunch.
  18. Stage 1 string 1 1.85/0 string 2 1.93/0 string 3 2.03/0 string 4 4.21/0 string 5 3.08/0 string 6 6.57/0 string 7 5.69/0 Stage Total: 25.36 Stage 2 string 1 3.72/0 string 2 3.73/0 string 3 8.59/0 string 4 6.13/0 Stage Total 22.16 Stage 3 string 1 15.29/3 string 2 16.50/1 string 3 6.39/0 Stage Total: 38.18 + 2 points=40.19 Grand Total: 87.70 Shot with a Glock 17 on 1/2/03.
  19. Anyone going to this match? May 2nd & 3rd in PASA I'm shooting Friday, and will be in Leatham's afternoon class.
  20. CDP: Master SSP: Master ESP: Unclassififed, but Master once EGW finishes my gun SSR: Unclassified
  21. Bill Schwab


    WOW! That pic is a keeper!!! Is this the life GM's lead?
  22. I shot this one this past weekend with my beat up 45 SS. First time was Limited, I needed a reload between boxes. 6.75 sec, 56 points, my reload was squirrely, I was still finishing it as I entered the 2nd box. Looks like it's good for 87% I started in the left box, engaged targets L to R, reloaded on the way to the right box, engaged targets R to L because it just seemed faster to me (this technique was okay'd by Phil Strader who was on my squad, he's one hell of a nice guy). Second time through was for a Lim-10 score. Used the same technique, but this time my reload was good and the string felt better than the first time. Reality bites: 6.74 seconds but 53 points because I dropped a D (I think I started leaving the left box slightly too fast). Should be good for around 82%. I was in good spirits leaving the match because it was the first ipsic match of the year and the weather was beautiful, THEN I went home and did the match to figure out my %'s, seeing those high %'s put me on cloud 10! This classifier should push me over the top to A class in Lim-10, and simultaneously I fired my first ever Master score. Of my three goals for this season I accomplished two in the first match of the year, life is good.
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