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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. I get a good amount of bounce too....use and timer and figure out what your shot to shot splits are while prone. I'll bet they aren't as bad as you think they are.
  2. Exactly what James said. Frankly, points win matches at all skill levels. Obviously you can't take all day to shoot them though. But if you compare an average B class shooter to another average B class shooter....their times will be similar and the stage will most likely be won on points. What you are doing is comparing an average B class shooter (you) to an average A class shooter (John). How can you expect the results of that comparison to be accurate?
  3. Ummm I fail to see the point? It looks to me like he shot better points faster than you? How does that make me wrong if he just flat outshot you on a stage? Points are what wins matches....I know because I have both won matches and lost matches solely because of points. Look at the Georgia match results by stage. I was posting some pretty impressive scores...on several stages I had the fastest time, but lost because I shot sloppy points. And the biggest example of this....Stage 7 at that match. a 14 hit factor stage that Max won because of points. I don't think that can be argued with.
  4. Buy and read With Winning in Mind, and The Inner Game of Tennis.
  5. I would really appreciate it if you curbed your tone a bit...it's getting dangerously close to the line.
  6. Don't practice making shots up...you shouldn't have to anyway .... There really is no way to practice it....just read the dot...if the shot looked bad pull the trigger again. It is absolutely no more complex than that.
  7. You aren't calling your shot. Swinging through is a definite possibility...but that shouldn't matter at all if you are truly calling your shots.
  8. My first thing... Ignore the negative until after the match. After the match look at everything you did right and wrong and make plans for practice / improvement. Everything else I am kind of interested in that as well...
  9. My honest opinion is that they are a bit of a gimmick...I used them for awhile, but now use arredondos exclusively (except grams on the big stick) as I feel they are a much better (and cheaper) product.
  10. Dude I can't wait to meet you...we have quite similar interests. hahahaha
  11. I never said .11 at 25 yards...I said at any range I shoot as quickly as I can while keeping them in the center.
  12. At any range and any difficulty, I shoot as quickly as I can while keeping them in the center...
  13. Double tap and survive? I can shoot .11 splits in matches and see what I need to see....no double tapping allowed.
  14. He told me....I believe him only because I know him. Let's just say it is quite a bit faster than mine.....and my fastest is 1.26.
  15. That's awesome bro! I know how you feel...especially since one of my good friends runs collegiate cross country so I get to see first hand everything that goes into it. He is a fast...fast...kid.
  16. I have not done much bullseye shooting...however I believe that it is easier to get in the zone with practical shooting. The main reason for that is in practical shooting you have so much going on that (for me) my mind is less apt to focus on one thing and is more readily available to absorb everything that is happening around me.
  17. Wow awesome that you are here! Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
  18. I'll be shooting Friday but am probably sticking around for Saturday.
  19. I like the idea.... It seems that there would have to be some provisions also... Would teams be able to shoot all in the same division or have 4 team members...one for each division (sorry Revo guys )?
  20. Since when do stages have to mean anything? I shoot because I love it...I don't shoot USPSA for training, realism, or any of that other stuff. I have never once looked at a stage and thought "hmm if this were real and there were 15 guys wanting to kill me what would I do." Anyone who looks at stages and thinks realism simply doesn't get it IMHO. The way it sounds is that you are thinking leaving the metric target would be a big blow to USPSA or a victory for people that don't like our sport. Sorry but I really don't buy it. I think we are making a mountain out of a mole hill here... If it gets to the point Rob is suggesting...no amount of effort or work from anyone will make a difference
  21. If your goal is to improve as quickly as possible...shoot Open. Shooting Open lets you not worry about aligning the sights and focus on all the other aspects of your game...which is where the game is won.
  22. Yeah...T and I had this discussion before... When you get to that level....a gun is a gun. It doesn't matter if it is Open, Limited, Production, whatever. You will still have the same proficiency.
  23. I really couldn't care less about PC anymore. If using the "classic" targets promotes our sport....fantastic go for it. Lose the pride as it does absolutely nothing good for us. How in the name of God would using our targets make the WS a better match?
  24. I really can't imagine Travis saying you don't have to practice with an open gun to be good at it.
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