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Everything posted by spook

  1. spook

    H&k P7m13

    Ahh hell, now all of a sudden I own a very expensive paperweight . Thanks for the info anyways Vince.
  2. I was reading the approved guns list on the www.ipsc.org and no longer saw my precious little P7 listed anymore. Does this mean it's no longer IPSC production legal? Please tell me they just forgot to add it to the list. It would really piss me off if I couldn't use this $1200 production gun for my favourite game anymore.
  3. Vince, the true financial impact would be pretty big. If USPSA would incorporate the 5"rule all those G34's would have to be traded in for G17's (or G17 topends and some small parts) The other way around would suck also. Imagine you're shooting IPSC and have a G17 that's production legal. Incorporating the 6" rule or box rule would mean that your buddy who just starts out and buys a G34 would have a gun that you can never have. You cannot put a 3,5lbs. connector on your G17, or an extended mag catch. You'll have to buy a complete new topend plus small parts. Both ways are expensive for shooters that have their gear set up properly aready.
  4. jhgtyre, my guess is that skywalker is talking about IPSC major, which is 170+PF, which is BTW an interesting point. IPSC lowered the Open major PF to 160 to "allow" 9x19mm shooters to make major. This seems to indicate that, at least in IPSC, there were never any plans to allow 9x19mm to score major in Standard. I agree that it is strange that you can make major in USPSA with a 9x19 in open and not in limited, since the PF is the same.
  5. Flex, you cannot win the Open Nationals with a 5 shot snubbie (it's technically possible, but you understand what I mean right?) Bear, there is no difference in the time it takes a SS gun or a fat gun to reload if the thickness of the mag and the width of the magwell are the same. You both have very good points, but are putting so much emphasis on just one side of the story (Flex on the shooter and Bear on the equipment), IMHO (and please guys, I'm not trying to flame anyone here. I think it's a great thread ) The rules will never be perfect, unfortunately. I would personally like to see a round limit in every division (except open maybe), because I think it is one factor that would make equipment more equal than all other factors put together (like BS tungsten parts and fancy "adjustable"sights ). That's also the reason I think IPSC should have a limited 10 division.
  6. I'm with Erik on this one. Labs are great dogs, though they often need lots of excercise. Generally speaking, the breeds used for hunting are pretty cool. They're reliable, non-agressive and just pretty easy to have around the house. Of course, the owner can make or break a dogs behaviour. But since you all sound like dog nuts (I too like most dogs better than most people), I don't think that will be the problem.
  7. I'm with TSCaptain, and I'll even go one step further: I wish there would be a world wide IPSC singlestack division. It would make a great division for beginners. There are no models to pick from (1911 only), like in production. Everyone has "equal" gear...
  8. spook


    Sorry to hear that Mike. Sounds like overall crappy organization. Like T said...cold beer and you'll laugh about it in a few years. Take care.
  9. spook

    Large Frame Glock

    Thanks for the replies guys. I did some more searching and found out that Pearce Inc. makes +2 extentions for the G20/21. Can anyone here tell me if these fit the box?
  10. Fritz Bessemer??? Sounds more like an ex-nazi than a cool pornstar. I'll stick to Dick Nasty
  11. spook

    Large Frame Glock

    I have been searching around, but I couldn't find any aftermarket mag extentions for G21/G20 mags, that increase capacity, yet still fit the IPSC standard Box.... I cannot imagine that they're not out there somewhere... Anyone? I know Swede20 shoots a Glock 20, but I haven't seen him around here for a while. Bjorn
  12. Watching T2 on DVD right now makes me wonder even more how the hell T3 ever got a go from the (executive) producers. I wish they would destroy every copy of that movie, reshoot it with a competent script, with a competent director and with some good actors (very true remark about Claire Danes BTW, Duane). Next, erase the part of my memory that has stored the T3 stuff. BTW, the most idiotic part to me was the scene where the Terminatrix "inflated" her boobs, to distract the police officer. I had the feeling I had just walked into an Ernest movie ("Ernest goes somewhere cheap").
  13. I think it is a horrible rip off, with a couple of very good action scenes. They should have casted Edward Furlong (the original John Connor), and let James Cameron direct it. The problem I had with the movie is that Arnold (and that stupid appearance of Dr. Silberman), was the only connection with previous movies. Basically, I didn't like the unlogical human-ness of the robots (for instance, the scene where John talks the terminator out of killing him. That's too friggin' lame). The movie also had some other irritating stuff in it. Arnold does the whole "big-machine-gun-car-wrecking-no-human-casualties-thing", while there was no reason not to kill anyone. Just copying T2, in a very unlogical way. I really liked the crane chase scene, the first gen terminators, the fight between Arnie and the TX. Move this to the Hate-forum if you want, LOL
  14. Breathing is exremely important. The first thing that deteriorates when out of oxygen is your eyesight. Since it is's damn near impossible to breath during the high speed shooting, it is essential that you get your oxygen before (when waiting for the beep) and during the couse of fire when not shooting (on the move or changing position). My 2 cnt.
  15. spook


    TL, I agree. I've found that the anonymous nature of Forumboards like these reveal in a way the true nature of people. Some people can be downright rude or agressive on the internet, because they "can get away with it". Nobody is going to find out who they are, so they don't see it as "neccesary" to be polite. I think that is a shame. I must add that I am glad that Brian's Forum has seen very few of these incidents. I think that there are too many people on the net that don't get this. They see the net as a place where they can just do as they please. Like I said...unfortunately that reveals the way they truly are.
  16. Guns don't kill people, death kills people. Ask a doctor...people die of bloodloss or cardiac arrest. A lil'piece of lead ain't the problem. (couresy of Rockstar games.Grand Theft AutoIII)
  17. spook


    SG, that sound pretty lame. I paid for 3 years extra warranty, just in case, because it's an electronic device that is carried around and used a lot. You never know with electronics.....Sorry to hear about it though..
  18. Congrats man. The only way I'll probably ever win one is when there's a shitty little Level III match with exactly 5 revo shooters
  19. spook


    I just love Sony-stuff in general. Love my Playstation2, my stereo stuff, but this new PDA...wow! Can't wait to get my hands on PSS for palmtops. Sony rocks!!! BTW, I am in no way affiliated with the company
  20. www.clarkcustomguns.com www.moonclips.com www.dillonprecision.com They're about $1 everywhere. At Clark (they don't have em listed on the site anymore) you get a discount if you buy a lot.
  21. That is a weird thing. I believe you guys when you say you've seen people get hurt using that method, but reigning 2-time world champion, Eric Grauffel uses that method all the time...He shoots approx. 100,000 rounds of ammo a year and I don't think he ever got hurt using it (or he would be one dumb SOB to keep using it ). Anyways, I would stay away from unloading a gun like that, because it's just flashy and has no value whatsoever.
  22. I agree with L2S. Just go to the nearest skateboard shop and get 6 ft. of Jessup tape. It's the best, you'll have enough to last a lifetime and you can pick up skateboarding again
  23. His English is a bit like Jacques Cousteau's...you can hear he's French, but it's not really a problem.
  24. I love that rear sight just sitting there.
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