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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by spook

  1. Even so, when you do a google search on Paris Hilton, this is what you get. Certainly a classy lady. http://www.befuddle.co.uk/celebs/celebs_pa...ris_hilton.html I mean, if this is the first thing that pops up on a google search, you might ask yourself,....where did things go wrong?
  2. Nik Habicht wrote: Benos wrote: Maybe this helps a little Nik.
  3. I'm witcha on this. BTW, I never quite got the IPSC rules: 1) DA gun AND 5 lbs. first trigger pull. One would think that if you were to use a single action gun with a 5 lbs. trigger on every pull, you wouldn't be better off than a DA gun with 5 lbs. on the first pull. In other words, I thought the whole 5lbs. trigger pull would take care of the whole thing (to enable people to shoot production with standard gear that is).
  4. LOL, I thought the same thing as Erik was thinking. BTW, a lot of hotels worldwide blow chunks. Unfortunately it's not just the frech ones Worst hotels I've ever seen were in Paris, New York and Madrid. Best places I've ever seen were in Paris and New York.
  5. Maybe we should make one thread in which people can make their 25 posts . Now I personally think Brian is being way too nice with only 25 posts I would never cut anyone off at the knees, but I think it is pretty fair to have something like a "seriousness-check" before people can sell their stuff on these boards (I have seen what can happen if you let people use places like this just to sell stuff ) .
  6. LOL, if ou would have beaten yourself with another revolver that holds less rounds it's definately practice and getting accustomed to the new gun that will put you on the right track. Love the initiative though. Shooting a revo in open class...that's too cool.
  7. spook

    Shred 3

    Shred, that baby makes me wanna shoot open. Seriously cool gun.
  8. Wow Paul! That looks like one serious blaster. The specs are pretty impressive too. Keep us informed on the groups it produces. Is that an Aristocrat rear sight?
  9. I don't live in the US, but I bought it in The Netherlands for 7 euros. $21 seems a little steep.
  10. Ditto on what most guys said. Federals are softer and ignite easier. I shoot a tuned revolver and it doesn't work with Winchester primers. I am forced to use Federals, or live with a heavier trigger pull.
  11. Flex, thanks for the input. The primer seating was the one thing I was worried about. Sounds like the 650 will do a fine job.
  12. Wow! Great input guys. L2S & Chriss: Unfortunately, I'm living in Europe, so the whole hassle P2P sale with someone that far away seems a little tricky to me, but thanks for the tips And L2S, that loading a year's supply in two days sounds like heaven So, lots of votes for the 1050. It's what I expected. But when I see Brians prices, the 650 seems like a darned good deal, especially when I read Brian's roundcount/press recommendations. Erik, 1000 rnds. might be SDB territory, but I am positive I could save about half the time on a 650 or a 1050. I load pretty fast on the SDB. I put through about 500 rnds. an hour (smooth run), but my arm is dead after that. I figured the 650 could do about 1000 an hour and is probably a ot smoother to operate. Brian: The whole idea is that I buy a faster press so I can load more ammo. I notice I hate reloading so much, it kind of decides how much I shoot . I was hoping to shoot about 2000 rnds. a month with my new press, so I guess after reading your story a 650 will be enough . I would really like to order my stuff from you (in a couple of weeks I'll order), to support the Benosverse, but I read in your shop section that you don't ship overseas anymore Do you recommend ordering straight from Dillon?
  13. OK, I've done the whole search thing. I've re-read the wonderful "what Dillon is for me" thingy over a hundred times. I've visited Dillons website to check all the specs, but I cannot decide. So I thought I'd let the masters at BE.com decide I am shooting revolver in IPSC. Caliber is .45ACP. I shoot approx. 1000 rounds a month. I currently load all my ammo on a Square Deal B. It's a nice press. Much faster than loading single stage, but reloading is still a major pain in the a** (to me at least). I don't like to reload. I want a press that is setup and just crank out a boatload in a very short time. I'm not switching caliber. It'll be a .45 only press. (I have 2 SDB's for other stuff). I can't decide: 1050 or 650. To me the big differences seem: -Priming up or downstroke (I reload revolver and want my primers seated as deep as possible. I run my loaded match ammo through a Lee autoprimer) -Swaging on the 1050 (I never shoot military brass, so I don't need it) -Price. The 1050 is about $400 more, than a fully equipped 650. -Warranty. The 650 comes with a better warranty. What to buy, what to buy.... Any input is appreciated.
  14. Fleximus Maximus...that sounds like something from Monty Python's "The life of Brian (Enos)". Flex: LOL, those damned squirrels. Your "gang of squirrels" story reminds me of one of those Farside cartoons (great cartoons). Those animals can just feel how helpless you are when you're three years old. Smarter than they look.
  15. spook


    LOL, I did some "research" on the net and found out the men are outnumbered, but there also seems to be a shortage in normal cities, because most men are lumberjacks and live in little villages up north to chop wood. So it's not because the women over there are complete man-hating-psychos (whew).
  16. Nice choice. I would start out by chronoing your Limited gun's ammo in your 610. Chances are the velocity are a little low (depending on what bullet size you use, the diameter of the barrel, etc.). But it might as well work out fine immediately. If velocity is low, I doubt that another 2,5"of barrel is going to fix it, unless velocity is just a tad too low (You might want to ask Patrick Sweeney, he's the loadmaster on these board, or anywhere else for that matter). And you do realize that screwing in a 6,5" barrel will get you tossed out of IDPA SSR, right? 610's are nice guns. Leave it as it is and it's a fine shooter. For full customization, I put in some Jerry Miculek springs, picked some grips that fit my hands and chamfered the chargeholes, that's it.
  17. spook


    I know that in Finland men are outnumbered by women. Moving there next year
  18. So many candles, so little cake! Happy Birthday dude. And thanks for the great job you're doing on the boards.
  19. Ahh, to hell with major/minor. Everyone can put a max of 18 rounds in their standard mags and PF is 140 for all calibers LOL
  20. Just switch to the IPSC classic type targets. They're more fun 'cause they're smaller They don't have a B-zone.
  21. I dunno. I think it's interesting to put minor back on the track like that. It leaves you the choice again. Capacity and quick follow up shots vs. guaranteed scoring. This has always been the philosophy behind the whole major minor thing to my knowledge, but shooting minor in everything but production has been suicide with the recent scoring methods. Interesting idea.
  22. I'm in Europe (Amsterdam, The Netherlands to be exact). I've done some searching, and it appears that the alternate ending was the original ending, and was replaced with something more "upbeat". Appearantly the die-hard horror fans thought the happy ending was crappy, so the company that produced the film put the dark ending in theatres from july 25th. I would think that the DVD contained both endings.
  23. Dang, I rented the thing two times and now I have to rent it again to see the alternate ending Forgot to check the extras. Thank for reminding Rhino.
  24. Yeah they knew how to make zombie movies back in the eighties. Of course the remake of John Romero's Night of the Living Dead is also very cool. I don't know what it is about zombie stuff, but I like the movies, the games (Resident Evil etc.)... I saw 28 days later for the second time a couple of days ago. It is a pretty cool movie, but it just lacks something essential that the older zombie movies still have. I must admit that (despite the fact that I was born in 1978) I think the movies they made "back in the days" without the fancy special effects, are often better than all the hi tech stuff they put out now. Jeez, I'm rambling like an old fart Better stop now
  25. spook

    H&k P7m13

    Yeah it is a great carry gun. Unfortunately, carrying a gun over here is a big no-no. I guess I'll just trade it in for a glock (shudder )
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