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Everything posted by spook

  1. Yeah, guess you're right. I already decided I need another 625, just to make sure I don't run into thes problems again. Revolvers are great. BTW, it was broken because I dry fire it so much, according to my smith. He's going to fix it today. Great guy.
  2. Yeah, but I thought revolvers were "indestructible". The perfect situation for me would be to have ONE gun, that fits ONE IPSC discipline and that one gun should be indistructible. I know, utopia.....
  3. OK, this has happened three times in a row now. This time is even "funnier". Just got the Miculek tapes. Revolver Assemby/Disassembly. I take of the side plate of my 625 and notice my trigger can move and so can the pin that holds it to the frame. It's friggin'broken! I have a match in two days! My smith is a great guy, and he has helped me out every single time, but I wonder if he can fix this. Fortunately I have a second 625 that he's working on at the moment, but I never fired a single round with that thing. I am sooo pissed right now. I think I'll buy a Glock 17 and start competing in production or something. Just buy a gun that doesn't break. Or at least is easy to fix when broken. Dammit this sucks!
  4. I have done some BillDrills two weeks ago. Best run was about 2.4 at 7y. Best split in that run was .24 I think . Shooting fast splits with a revolver is just so very hard. You have to pull the trigger as the rises in recoil and make the shot break immediately after the gun has returned to it's "natural" position. Something that needs a lot of training I think, but is probably like learning how to ride a bike. Once you know it, it'll never go away (I think). I just wish there was a cheaper way of learning how to ride this bike
  5. Haha, well I told you the BEST time. Some other run: 3.40 one A, one D rest C's. It's easy to just post your best run, but it is no way something I can do on demand
  6. George, I tried it last night. From the holster 25 y. Best time: 2.80. One C. Draw was 1.35 (which could be better) Splits averaged .30, which is slower than the .25 splits I can do when I go as fast as I can. But still I have the feeling that .25 and .30 splits for targets at very close range. I guess I have to work on that. Don't really know how though. Bought the Miculek tape...wow. That guy can shoot. I wonder how much is "talent" or natural ability and how much is gained through hard work. Probably a combination of the two, but I wonder if I can EVER shoot below .20 splits.
  7. I just got back from the range. I made major . The crimp helped. I still think I could use some more, because there were still some wide (about 7 PF) differences between individual cartridges with the same load. And I still have some unburned powder. But I'm not sure how much I can crimp with a copperplated bullet. Some say it's not good to cut the copper plating, but I wonder if that's right. It's not like a metal jacket. It's really thin and not as "loose"as a jacket. I went from 4.9 grains to 5.2 grains to make major. Made average of 175 PF. Thanks again (you too TBF) for helping me out.
  8. Oh and Patrick, what do you mean with "your powder drop belling tube o.d. should be .446-.447" Do you mean the the size of the case (inside) after belling?
  9. Silencer? That's no silencer
  10. Patrick, first of all: thanks for the fast response, i appreciate it. The insufficiant burn is evidently a problem. The ammo is very dirty and I have a lot of unburnt powder. So crimping to the specs (I tapercrimp BTW) you give is not a problem with copperplated bullets (even if I cut the plating)? I'm pretty sure my measuring is OK. I average 10 charges and use a laboratory scale thats accurate to app. 0,0001 gram (sometimes more frustrating than helpful ) The slow barrel thing sounds like something that could be a factor on my gun. I'll check it out. See if I can measure it. I'll check it out and try a load with the crimp you suggested. Thanks again.
  11. I've heard nothing but good things about them. As far as the infringement thing: that to me would be an indication that the SPS guns are pretty good They can't be sold in the US, that's right. But then again. the SPS is about as much like an S_I, as an EEA witness is like a CZ. The only reason that EEA can be sold at all, is because CZ didn't patent their design back in 1975. They didn't expect the design to be so succesful.
  12. OK, I chronoed my loads two days ago. I shoot a 625-2 Smith & Wesson 5" "Model of 1988. I use 230 grain copperplated bullets (actually 227 grains), federal LP150 primers and VV N320. According to the manual I should make major with about 4,9 grains (180 PF). So I chronoed my loads (4,9 grains) , with mixed cases. MY LORD! PF ranged from 132 to 151!!! I was shocked. First of all because of the LOW velocities. Secondly, because of the extreme differences between the different cases. I know the VV manual uses a 6" barrel, but HOW IN THE WORLD, do they get velocities like that?? Tonight I'm off to the range again , with new loads. I made my new loads a lot shorter (from 1.268" to 1.248") and made loads that range from 4.9 to 5.4 grains. I wonder if I can even make major with this powder Does anyone have any idea what can cause this? Could it be that the bullets have a diameter that is too small? I have the feeling my gun could use .452 bullets, but right now I use .451.
  13. I am Gretchen. What the hell? Now I HAVE to go and see the movie. What's Gretchen like?
  14. Yeah, that guy has really taken IPSC to a new level. Check out the new mpegs on www.ericgrauffel.com Especially the speedshoot. Amazing!
  15. If you want a good lens, buy a camera with a Carl Zeiss lens. I believe they sell their lenses to a couple of manufacturers
  16. I've noticed something. I used to 'always' shoot left to right, because it felt natural. Then one day I decided to try the other way around. It felt "unnatural". It seemed as if I was going very slow. I looked at the timer and there was no difference.
  17. I never break 90 up or down, but have noticed that it's easy (for some shooters)to break 90 when you reload when moving to the left (if you're right handed). This has (fortunately) never happened to me. Just practice this everywhere. When you dryfire at home, pretend the wall you're aiming at is the backstop and don't break 90. Safety stuff like that has to be 2nd nature. You don't want to worry about it. I've never been DQed, but it seems a lot worse than trashing your first stage, and I've done that
  18. Intel, I'll try it next trainingsession. 6 shots at 25 yards. I think I should be able to do it in about 3 seconds (but whenever I start to think, things go wrong ) Oh, an BTW, in 3secs those will not be all A's. With good hits, I mean A/C zone.
  19. Hi A33435. I'm planning on going there. It seems to be some kind of rehearsal for the Euro Championship 2004. See you there!
  20. spook

    Cnn Iraq

    http://www.nbc.com/nbc/Late_Night_with_Con...en/actualitems/ You don't have to watch the show.
  21. Definately a good idea, IMO.
  22. spook

    I Hate Liberals

    In the end, it just sucks to have someone do something to you that you don't want. It sucks even more if it's really obvious he only does it for himself. I love Mills' theory. Do anything you want, as long as it doesn't hurt others. And "hurt" should be taken with a grain of salt. Physical pain or intentional psychological abuse. Those are the limits. For the rest, do as you please. Happy shooting. Björn
  23. spook

    Cnn Iraq

    Shouldn't have checked it at work. Why do people give you strange looks if you start laughing really hard all of a sudden? Thanks man. I take it you like the "actual items" from Conan O'Brian too?
  24. spook

    I Hate Liberals

    Dowter, well said.
  25. Dave, there are scenarios where a revolver is faster than an auto. Like starting with an unloaded gun. It's faster with a revolver (given two equal shooters and a low round count). Or gun loaded but empty chamber scenarios. For the rest, revolvers are always slower. Reloads can not be made in under a second (at least, I still can't do it). And they have to be made every six rounds. I personally don't listen to that stuff though. I WILL not believe a revolver is "slower or faster" than an autoloader. Just shoot. With a revolver. Be as fast and accurate as you can. You can always improve yourself. Jerry M. could do really well with his wheelgun in standard/limited. And Eric Grauffel would probably still win the WS with a Single Stack 1911 and a bent nail as a frontsight.
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