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Everything posted by entropic

  1. Stop encouraging him! I'm tired of getting schooled by Mike
  2. I really don't want to do 1RM sets all the time, but I'm too impatient to wait for the end of 12 weeks of training to see the progress on a 1RM. I'm not doing big big weight, so I don't feel like I'm on the cusp of getting injured doing a 1RM... yet. Training buddy: 63 years old, competes at 165lbs, deadlifts just shy of 600 competing. I've never seen him go much over 500 at the gym. He's built like a tank, a 5'2" tank. As far as Robb's book goes, it was really entertaining for the subject matter. Now if only I could figure out why my blood pressure is so damn high....Compliance Issues? Yeah, probably.
  3. He made a good point about the importance of total calories, but that's about as far as it goes. I'd like to see any sort of athlete go on a "convenient store diet" and see how long before he or she has a knee or hip fail from having no nutrition to support connective tissue. Also, since he cut out meat, his metabolism probably took a nose dive over the course of his diet due to muscle loss, and he'll end up even more overweight than he was to begin with. It's interesting still that someone would subject themselves to that just to make a point.
  4. Nice Question for a Sunday morning. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is supposed to be pretty good. I couldn't tell you as I've never had it. It was out of the question when I saw it cost about $50/lb... Maybe someday.
  5. Jake, Thanks for the info. I just don't want to be the guy that does 1RMs every workout and gets injured. I'm not new to strength training, but I've only taken squats and deadlifts seriously for about 6 months (a bit of an oxymoron now that I think about it). So would you say that doing a 1RM workout every other week can be done responsibly? My training buddy, a guy who holds a world record deadlift (for his age and weight), says that he never goes above 95% maximum outside of competition. Eating is certainly the hardest part for me. For the past few months, I've mostly stuck to a paleo like diet, so needless to say, I've spent some time munching on veggies recently. For a month I threw in a gallon of whole milk every day. I wasn't happy with the results: Didn't seem to increase my rate of strength gain and it made me feel a bit groggy and tired, as well as fat. That's just my brief experience with it. I'm sure some nutritionally denser foods were cut out in favor of the milk though. Just got Robb Wolf's book yesterday, I'm about 100 pages deep. Good stuff.
  6. My mailwoman HAD long manicured fingernails and wouldn't pick up or deliver anything heavy... After asking the postmaster why my scheduled pickups weren't made despite the boxes being only half the maximum weight (brass), things started to run a little more smoothly with the heavy stuff...and suddenly her fingernails were gone
  7. Hey folks, I know some of you are into fitness and I would like your opinion on Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 programming. In case you haven't heard of it, the programming is for building powerlifting strength. I'm not a powerlifter, nor do I want to be, but adding weight to my squat, deadlift, pushpress, and benchpress sounds like a nice little project for the winter when I don't have the energy to do metric-tons of conditioning. I'm sure a few of you have tried it, and I would just like to know what you thought of it. Thanks, Dave
  8. But you already had a slide cut for adjustable sights, right?
  9. I'm looking to replace the night sights on my SS gun and found the Dawson's of course. I emailed them asking about the bomar type rear sight and was told they require no machinining of the slide. Does anyone have a picture of these. My kimber didn't come with factory target/adjustable sights, so I'm wondering how this rear sight could fit without machining and what it looks like. Dawson part #024-023. Thanks, Dave I did do quite a bit of searching, but directing me toward a good link would be greatly appreciated.
  10. My 10 year old one says made in the USA and I'm sure it's chock full of BPA...I seem to be doing ok though. The plastic in bottles like gatorade is made to degrade faster and does so, especially in sunlight...I'm sure you'll be ok though too
  11. One more person here to confirm this way of eating. <<<That's water in those mugs I've cut out grain, legumes, yeast, sugar and processed stuff for the past couple months and have seen the benefits. I have seen benefits in body composition, strength, and how well I feel and think. I've managed to add about 50lbs to my deadlift and 50 to my squat while on it, so I'm certainly not starving. I still eat dairy because, despite eating as much as I wanted(including seemingly ludicrous amounts of fats from meat, eggs, olive oil and nuts), I kept loosing weight without it (which is scary when trying to gain strength). A couple gallons of whole milk every week has been keeping me where I want to be. I still need to read a book by Cordain, but for now Robb Wolf's blog will have to do....and the fact that he's a powerlifter only makes him more convincing to me.
  12. I think the concern with plastic bottles is Bisphenol A (BPA). It's effects have been studied and some say the results are inconclusive. I think Nalgene stopped using BPA a couple years ago. Aluminum would work too.
  13. For the non-certified staff, when can we come out and help, or is stage construction done already? I can make it tomorrow late morning to contribute, but need notice tonight. Dave
  14. I agree with the flat sole theory too. Although I haven't done any much running besides sprints with cleats lately, I have started training in an old pair of wrestling shoes that have very flat soles. The theory is that there is no cushioning to absorb power that I'm trying to put to the ground... it seems to be the norm in power/olympic lifting. Is not having a supported arch supposed to prevent one from developing flat feet?
  15. I thought the conversation was really good. I've dabbled in CF, powerlifting, and many oter types of training between the two, so I didn't mind the bickering at all IMO, CF is really good for getting good at CF. You can also do CF and run a marathon without training specifically for it, if done correctly, so I've seen (not heard). The military is beginning to adopt CF, my brother in the Air Force trains at the free CF gym in Dayton, and, according to him, there is no doubt that it is better than the old military fitness methodology....I hope that doesn't start any new arguments. Dave
  16. ROFL. Wow, flex, wow. Jake's method works pretty well, but for those of you without the equipment to do axle cleans and other random strongman workouts, the grippers should work well, but I'd want some more strength in the whole series of muscles involved in controlling recoil, so some other upper body stuff will help too. Even just pushups, or pushups with someone else who is light on top of you should work. Dave
  17. Insulin is an anabolic hormone, it will help you recover and help with muscle growth...so an insulin spike after training may help. I personally try to keep insulin spiking foods to a minimum except for after training....this is the time to consume some simple carbs: In my case, a bit of ice cream. Outside of that, just try to eat healthy and eliminate the junk. I don't take supplements of any kind and still make quick gains, mostly from being young....but lots of fruit/veggies and lean meat/seafood is better than any supplement. Dave
  18. With limited range or motion and/or flexibility, I see how that could be so. But having a fear loading joints isn't logical....welcome to exercise/being confined by gravity. If you're injured or have an abnormality, that's different. I drank the Crossfit kool-aid for a while and it did many things for me: It basically improved every aspect of fitness for me except strength, but since I was training so many new things, I was still improving the strength of many new untrained movements. The other big thing it did was introduce me to a whole new world of movements/exercises, as well as intensity. Crossfit is a great program, but I'd still recommend not doing Olympic lifts while winded, or tired at all....I've had a couple close calls with a barbell that I don't wish to repeat. I've given up on a full CF program to pursue more strength lately (Orlando and Lipson are basically what I train to be, and they didn't get that strong doing CF!). As for pull-ups, this isn't in the hate thread anymore, so I'm free to say that I love pull-ups. They're an easy thing to throw between the stuff I hate (Clean&Jerk and snatches)...Keep at it at you'll love Pull-ups too!
  19. I have a para and an STI both set up for limited. I use the para and prefer it, but that may just be because I like the weight (12oz heavier)
  20. BulletSuperStore.com has moly for pretty cheap. The prices include shipping for each box, so you have to email the guy and ask for the real, lower price.
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