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High Lord Gomer

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Everything posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. This year we will be having our 3-Gun matches on the third Saturday of even-numbered months. Our first one will be this Saturday starting at 8:30. Rules: http://csrapistol.com/MultiGun/3GunRules.html Stages: http://csrapistol.com/MultiGun/Pinetucky_3Gun_022115.pdf
  2. Dayam! I would have had the RM run that guy from then on. does not apply to when you drop the gun but rather is one of the allowable conditions when intentionally and safely grounding a gun. Dropping a gun (during a COF) is always a DQ.
  3. Two things, ok...three things: 1. Thanks for posting the differences in trigger pull. that is good info. 2. Do you have the Apex sear? When using the apex sear I run extra power striker springs. With the Apex sear I don't notice the extra power spring and I never get light strikes. 3. Don't listen to Sarge. The M&P was too pretty for him. He had to return to something more his (lack of) style.
  4. http://www.uspsa.org/document_library/rules/2014/Feb%202014%20Handgun%20Rules.pdf#page=99 Based on that I have always taken it to mean that all of the gun, holster, and mag pouches must be behind the forward-most portion of the pelvis.
  5. Many older shooters , especially those with arthritis, do not / cannot straighten their fingers and it is difficult for an RO/SO to tell from the side if the finger is truly outside the trigger guard when it is still curved rather than being held straight. In those instances I will suggest to them after the COF that they try to get their finger more obviously out of and away from the trigger guard. One of the drafts / proposed IDPA rule changes year before last was: What actually made it into the revised rules in 2013 was: Until I searched today for the exact wording, I have heard (and propagated) the misunderstanding that the "straight along the frame" made it into the revised rules. While it is highly unlikely that you could wrap your support hand index finger around the front of the trigger guard and activate the trigger with it, I could see a support hand index finger curling under and into the trigger guard and possibly activating the trigger. Many people do place their support hand index finger on the front of the trigger guard and I have no problem with that. If it worked its way under the trigger guard and closer to the trigger then I would warn about that. USPSA uses similar wording:
  6. I have gotten a PE for putting two mags on the table and only taking one with me. I was told that I could put (and take) just one, but if I put two there, I had to take both. Doesn't answer your questions about being required to put two on the table but is related.
  7. But I paid extra for the ZMM! (Zero-Maintenance Model)
  8. Great post! Thanks for taking the time to write that.
  9. I have had some shooters ask if I would do 2 classifiers per match. I need to let all of them know what the impact would be as far as match fees. If we shoot 2 different classifiers as separate stages in a match, do I send in $3 per shooter or $6 per shooter?
  10. I ended up putting extra power striker springs in all of my M&Ps after having light strikes in several of them. With an Apex sear I don't notice the stronger spring. If your trigger job included flattening out the back of the sear, you might not notice any, either. I have never had a light strike after putting in the extra power striker springs (many, many thousands of rounds).
  11. What is the difference? I found a crack in my stock 9 Pro barrel and am considering picking one of these up. The 40-to-9 conversion barrel is available but the plain 9 barrel is not. I have swapped almost all parts between my 40 Pro and 9 Pro before so I don't understand what difference there may be in the barrels.
  12. I think 10.2.8 would apply allowing the use of the non shooting hand That only comes into play if strong or weak hand only is required. My stage was intentionally vague so as NOT to require the use of only one hand. Put another way, if the WSB said, "Start with a penny balanced on the end of your left pointer finger. Penny must be carried for the entire stage" Would you shoot the stage one handed while balancing the penny on the other or would you drop it in your pocket and run? When the WSB says "Start with hands on marks" that doesn't mean they have to stay on the marks for the entire stage.
  13. I only joined IDPA because one GADPA match I hit required it. I'm from out of state but work in Atlanta and the GADPA matches I can hit every night of the week are as good or better than the ones I run at our club. My take...IDPA is a sanctioning body, GADPA is a community. Going to go renew my GADPA membership now....
  14. No, the strap wasn't on the can, people had their own that they could take off and on, just like a jacket that could be used to carry a "baby" (in other stages).
  15. Since the WSB intended you to shoot one-handed for the entire course, I'd assess a procedural per shot in that instance. Two-handed shooting is a big advantage over single hand. Even I know "intent" has nothing to do with WSBs. But giving a single procedural when the WSB says the box has to be carried the entire COF is bullshit. LOL....you are falling into the same trap many people did thinking I "intended" that they had to shoot one handed. I agree that it is a PE per shot if a significant advantage is gained. If the WSB had described the requirement such that it forced you to shoot one handed then not carrying the empty ammo can would have been a significant advantage since you could instead shoot with both hands. BUT...I did not say how they had to carry the can. Carried behind you with a strap slung over your shoulder/neck is perfectly legal and allows you to still shoot with both hands. Since you are already shooting with both hands, avoiding the very minor inconvenience of carrying the empty ammo can that way is NOT a significant advantage and therefore only resulted in one PE.
  16. You mean you didn't give penalties per shot fired without the can? I still did not consider it a significant enough advantage to assess a shot per.
  17. LOL...I should know better than to post any WSBs! Our ground is sometimes uneven and that can leave an inch or two gap between barrels. For level 1 matches I make that distinction because it is easier to stack barrels that put up walls. "Most" of our shooters do not leave their strap on for the entire match, but that isn't a requirement.
  18. This stage had a long distance to travel, a reload or two, and some distant shots that would be much easier with both hands. I mainly did it to show some of our new people that sometimes it is worth it to take the penalty. I figured most people would have a hit factor around 5 so a 10 point PE would roughly equal 2 seconds. I definitely saved more than 2 seconds and got better hits by dropping the ammo can as soon as I started. I intentionally left it vague to see how people would game it, though. One clipped it to his belt loop using his key ring. Several others strapped it to themselves. BTW the targets were better arranged and I had another no shoot or two to try to ensure people would shoot from all 3 forward positions.
  19. The stage designer can be as specific or vague as they want in specifying such things. My opinion is that such requirement is covered by the "conditions may be created" within 1.1.5: It is further encouraged (and restricted) by 1.1.8:
  20. Just be careful to only insert full size mags when the slide is forward so you don't bend your ejector. Oddly, I am pretty sure I did that many times with my 9c but never bent the ejector. Did it first time on the Shield.
  21. I frequently shoot my .40 Shield in IDPA. The only malfunction I have had (in approx 1500 rounds) was when I tried using the extended mags without the spacer/sleeve. That allowed me to insert the mag too far and bend the ejector badly. The resulted in a failure to eject. I bent if back just far enough to get the slide on and off and it has continued to work without a hitch since. I decided I would rather have 7 rounds of .40 than 8 rounds of 9. I carry it with the short mag but use the 7 rounders for IDPA.
  22. I've been an M&P fan so I got a compact 9 when they first came out. It had some problems with mags dropping so I sent it back and it was fine after that. I have larger than average hands but not huge. With the base pad that has a longer front my pinky would hang on the edge of it for the first shot or two and then end up under it. I found it more consistent to use the flat base pads and accept that I couldn't get all three fingers on it. Never was really crazy about it and was more accurate with the Taurus Millenium Pro that replaced it. I've since moved on to the Shield in .40 and LOVE IT. I am more accurate with the .40 Shield than I was the 9 Compact. To me, the 9C was not significantly more concealable than a full size 9 or 40. One of the positives is that there are a ton of holsters for it. For a carry gun I prefer the Shield. For something by the bed, a full size or Pro with an extended mag, light, and laser grip.
  23. I've always cut 1x2s into 5' and 3' but I like the idea of ripping up a 2x10. Thanks!
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