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High Lord Gomer

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Everything posted by High Lord Gomer

  1. Took this the other day of my 12 year old practicing with an A2 with .22 conversion... RunLeft.wmv
  2. I did figure out how to set the time on them. If you create a text file in the root directory of the memory card and name it Time.txt it should have one line with the date and time in a format similar to the following: 2010.04.28 14.25.00 When the sunglasses are powered on, they will read that file, set the time, and delete the file.
  3. Very cool! You won't be able to claim D much longer! I did notice you skipped the same target on Zombieland that I did.
  4. The test signup page: http://themxtrack.com/FB3G/Test3.html has been updated with a link to the real signup page, http://themxtrack.com/FB3G/SignUp.html If you so desire, you can continue to test your timing by clicking on the submit button of the test page, but you must do so when the clock reads between 0 and 5 seconds after the change of the minute. The test page will be deactivated 15 minutes before the actual signup time of 9:30 pm Eastern on May 12th.
  5. I tried removing the primer cup (held in with an allen screw if I remember) and rotating it, but it seemed to be at the same angle. My problem seemed to be the housing itself not being perfectly perpendicular to the mounting surface. A different housing and I have not had a problem with primers since. ETA: Not sure if it caused it, but I used to tighten then two bolts that hold the housing down too tight. Now I just tighten then just enough to not allow the housing to move.
  6. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showforum=72
  7. I picked up a couple pairs of those $29 sunglasses from BensOutlet. They donot have the resolution that the i-Kam ones do, but it is still more than enough for posting to youtube or any other site that is going to significantly decrease the quality of your video. The instructions are so bad they are almost comical. I still haven't figured out how to change the date/time. The instructions mention creating a TXT file in the root dir of the memory card and placing the date/time in there. I tried creating SetTime and SetTime.txt, a placed many different variations of date/time formats but it never seemed to work. It only has two buttons and 2 lights and they don't seem to work consistently. The best that I can figure out from the instructions is to press the rear one to turn it on and then press the front one to take a picture. If you hold down the front one, it will start recording audio and video. Sometimes the power light seems to go off and on without any apparent consistency. Last weekend I tried to use it to video a few of the stages I shot as well as a few other people that I "watched" as they shot. Out of about 20 or 30 clips that I tried to record, I only actually got about 5 because I was never sure if I was turing it off or back on, if I was starting or stopping recording, etc. For $30 and another $20 for an 8GB card, if and once I figure out how to reliably operate it, I think it will be worth the money.
  8. It is an historical object that, much like GentlemanJim, is unsafe at any speed.
  9. Very cool! Get the tikki torches out, fire up the grill, and lets do donuts in the yard! Wait...did you already drop that? Oh...and check the oil.
  10. I did read the "Hello from Ohio" thread so I have to ask...... Is "gf" short for goat-friend or girl-friend?
  11. I know! We could bump up everyone who helped with the test 5 spots in the real signup! Lemme see, since I entered 4 times....carry the 1....ahh....I'm still way behind Tisch.
  12. You won!!! You were the absolute first one in! I had 4 screens up and intentionally hit Submit on the first one just before it flipped to :00 and it gave me the desired "Submitted too soon". The other three all went in. I'm hoping noone had trouble because it seemed to work smoothly from my viewpoint, though we only had a few over 200 entries. Thank you, everyone, for helping with this!
  13. Warning! WAG! Warning! My guess is that it does that so that the gun can technically be called double action, something I've heard (on the interweb, no less, so it *must* be true) that is required by some departments. The Apex part does not seem to do this and it feels SO much better.
  14. For the stress-test tomorrow evening... At 9:15 EDT we will be changing the server size code to not accept any submissions before 2010-04-28-21:30:00. From then until 9:30 it will give you the error, "Submitted too soon". We do want to see how it will react to 1000 or more near-simultaneous submissions, but please do not script any pumping of submissions. In addition to seeing how the server handles it, we are also interested in what is presented to you and if/what errors may be returned. It would not hurt if each participant could have 2 or 3 browser windows open and filled out, waiting for the clock to change to 9:30. When the real time for signup comes, you don't want to do multiple windows, as multiple entries from the same IP will get you moved down the list, but for the purpose of this test it would be appreciated. If you do have multiple browser windows up, I am also interested to know if the clocks keep up. In years past we have heard from some that the clocks as presented on different computers may have been different. A good way to check this would be to synchronize your watch to the on-screen clock at about 9:20 and see if the on-screen clock stays accurate as the magic time approaches. If anyone gets any errors, odd results, strange behaviors, or unexplained rashes I would appreciate the details emailed to HighLordGomer@TheMXTrack.com (no pictures necessary in the event of rashes). Depending on how it goes at 9:30, we may make some adjustments and try again at 9:45 or 10:00. Thank you!
  15. I was asked why I had a target on my back! Haven't you always had that?!?
  16. If anyone has *any* errors or trouble with the sign-in process, please send them to me with as much detail as possible at HighLordGomer@TheMXTrack.com Screenshots would be helpful, but as much description as possible related to what you did and how it responded would be helpful. (Dave...yours are there)
  17. I installed the Apex seer and plunger with lighter spring on a couple of M&Ps...LOVE THEM! I had a few light primer strikes in a couple of M&Ps (after 10K and 35K rounds, respectively) so I run the extra power striker springs in all of them, now. With the way the Apex seer is cut, it doesn't seem to push the striker back much, if at all, so the weight of the striker spring doesn't seem to affect the trigger pull when using the Apex seer. All but my carry M&P will be getting those parts (I prefer the stiffer trigger on the carry gun).
  18. I don't load CMJs and JHPs at the same OAL. For my M&Ps, I run 115gr CMJs at 1.125 and 115gr JHPs at 1.087. If the JHP is shorter by .014 and I load it to an OAL that is .038 less, I have seated it .024 deeper than the CMJ. I get significantly higher speeds out of the JHPs.
  19. I rode a friend's KLR650 through the streets of San Jose, up into the hills, and on 2 different MX tracks. I was very pleasantly surprised at how well it handled both the street and the dirt.
  20. Stage 11 didn't have any DQs Saturday or Sunday. 1 or 2 people broke the 180 with their fingers during the walk-throughs but none while holding a gun.
  21. Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure Nick Neel got high junior. His dad was on fire, though! When he shot our stage their were a lot of mouths hanging open.
  22. I got to meet Sarge, the rest of the crew from OH, and Glockspeed31! I shot ok but moved real slow. I did beat my 12 year old so I didn't have to listen to *that* all the way home. Great stages and a great group of people. We RO'd stage 11 Saturday and Sunday. After a few hiccups we got it down to 2.5 - 3 minutes per shooter on a 32 round stage with ^&%$% turtle targets and 4 steel. I was really proud of Tommy. He worked 12 hours Saturday and most of 10 hours Sunday without a word of complaint or dragging a$$. Did I mention I *HATE* swingers?!? Well not the kind like Boz, but the kind that disappear when you want to shoot them.
  23. For our local matches that only have 20-25 people... I enter the stages a day or two before and print scoresheets and make copies. I register on paper when people show up. In between shooting stages I go back to my laptop and enter the people and whatever scores are ready. No palms, no other machines used, no verification. I use the mouse very little. I only DQ people who are beating me (and I do it as soon as possible). I try to get the results ready as people are tearing down the stages. I occasionally post the results to our website from the range using my Droid as a modem (using PDANet).
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