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lynn jones

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Everything posted by lynn jones

  1. yes, the austrailian new gun laws su*ks. they have no 2nd admin. rights. so, now the government is having a buy back program, were at least our oz brothers can recoup some of their money. you can check out some of the views here: http://www.ipsc.org.au/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/Ulti...gi?action=intro
  2. i only shoot jacketed. i shoot in practice what i shoot in matches. K.I.S.S.
  3. yes, the 2003 Tenn. Section Champ. was a success. the weather cooperated, and there were no major problems. i think everyone had a good time. the army team rolled in and over everyone. i was impressed with their shooting ability. my stage ran well, only one reshoot because someone didn't set the pepper poppers correctly. i was nice to meet chris patty. he was nice enough to let me beat him on my own stage lynn
  4. Special High Intensity Training (S.H.I.T.) In order to assure the highest levels of skill and ability of volunteers, it will be our policy to keep all volunteers well trained through our program of SPECIAL HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING (S.H.I.T.). We are trying to give volunteers more S.H.I.T. than anyone else. If you feel that you do not receive your share of S.H.I.T. on the job please see your Officer. You will be immediately placed at the top of the S.H.I.T. list, and our managers are especially skilled at seeing that you get all the S.H.I.T. you can handle. Volunteers who don’t take S.H.I.T. will be placed in DEPARTMENTAL EMERGENCY EVALUATION PROGRAMS (D.E.E.P.S.H.I.T.). Those who fail to take D.E.E.P.S.H.I.T. seriously will have to go to EMERGENCY ATTITUDE TRAINING (E.A.T.S.H.I.T.) Since our Officers took S.H.I.T. before they were promoted, they are full of S.H.I.T. already. If you are full of S.H.I.T., you may be interested in a job training others. We can add your name to our BASIC UNDERSTANDING LECTURE LIST (B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T.) Those who are full of B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T. will get the S.H.I.T. jobs, and can apply for promotion to: DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL HIGH INTENSITY PROGRAMMING (D.I.P.S.H.I.T.) If you have further questions, please direct them to our HEAD OF TRAINING, SPECIAL HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING (H.O.T.S.H.I.T.). Thankyou, On behalf of: BOSS IN GENERAL SPECIAL HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING (B.I.G.S.H.I.T.)
  5. the micorwave death seen! can i say more?
  6. Venezuela, the first thing i would check is your crimp. overcrimping will cause bullets to tumble. lynn
  7. reno911 is the new monty python. this stuff is so funny. check it out. lynn
  8. TDean, if give you the LAMR command and you see your sight is about to fall off, i will give the ULASC command. you will go fix your sight, then come back and start all over. now, if the same thing happens after i give you the "AYR? SB.."BEEP" you are out of luck. i think this is why the put the 'ARE YOU READY?' in the commands. Are You Read? no! i think my gun is broken. no! i'm not feeling well. no! i'm nervous. the "beep" is the key. once the time is started you're on your own. i hope this clears it up. lynn (i'm ready) jones
  9. TDean, sorry, that's what vince wrote. lynn
  10. TDean, you get to fix your problem and come back!
  11. i use pro-grip all the time. shooting in memphis, tn in the summer time is hell. hands sweating all the time. if you don't like pro-grip, you can use a alcohol swap, it cleans the oil of your hands as well as the sweat. this keeps your hands dry enough to finish a stage. one note on sun block. i put sun block on at the house before leaving for the range. the stuff lasts all day and i can clean my hands at the house. lynn
  12. box boy...how nice..hmmm maybe you should change your tag name.. Team Shroom left samples of their sponsor's product at every stage. now tha's just gross.
  13. well...let just see. say are you ready? gun breaks...gee sir, i'm not ready. may i please be excused? no dnf! lynn jones
  14. flex, a fun match is not uspsa appoved. ipsc rules, but no sanction. lynn
  15. Detlef here is the description via the uspsa website: Cat Scan Jim Kauzlarich - CRO Stage Designer: Jim Kosicki Scoring Method: Comstock Targets: 15 IPSC Points/Rounds: 150 points / 30 rounds Start/Stop: Audible/Last Shot Penalties: As per latest edition USPSA Rule Book. Starting Position: Facing down range with both palms flat on respective X's on Wall Stage Procedure: At audible start engage all targets as they become visible from behind the fault and charge lines. Shooter must travel through the Cooper Tunnel. from reading this again, i would have to say howard is correct and should have been allowed to run the stage he described. very creative howard. however, the cro's job is to be consistant. his intent was to have you run the stage the way everyone else ran it. this all could have been a moot point if the cro was to correctly write out the course description and walk through. he gets an "f". the range master should've found this error and corrected it before the match started. sorry howard. lynn
  16. howard, i sorry you had a bad experince with the cro on that stage. gaming is not unsportsmanlike, it's what ipsc is all about, find the best way to shoot a stage. two points: 1. the last shot fired, means you are finished. not when you say your finished. 2. i'm not taking up for the cro, but these guys get tired as we all do and his judgement may have been do to fatigue. just my 2 cents worth. lynn jones
  17. here's what john a. said: The only problem with stage 3, is that the match is listed as a point series match, these are treated as a level lll match (tournament in the US), therefore, 1.1.5 states that mandatory reloads may only be specified in standards and shootoffs, the latitude given to level l and ll will not apply to your match. The reload has to go. Stage 4 becomes interpretive in what is a typical cardboard solid color, I have seen stages using white as shoot targets, and have approved them for Area Championships, though I have express to them that it is more of a mind game stage due to everyone having been imbedded with don't shoot the white, but it does not violate 4.1.3. Regards, John Amidon
  18. erik, the best way to solve your problem would be to put a barricade on both side of the windmill, texas star. that way, if and when the star stops, the plate will be at the bottom exposed. /*/ lynn
  19. flex, agreed, there isn't a new book in effect now. anyway, the require reload is a problem, also. your correct about the colors. i was thinking the next stage (#4 was going to be the next array). i need those reading glasses. thanks for pointing that out. i'll see if i can get these stages changed. lynn
  20. flex, this will be a Sanctioned match. the section coordinator approved the stages. the designer of the stage is also the section coordinator. the color of the targets is not a problem. i guess the new rule book "medium course" rule is what the designer is using. the required reload is the problem, the new and old rules are violated (rule 1.1.5). lynn
  21. hi vince, this years' 2003 Tenn. IPSC Champ. has this course of fire: http://www.ntps.org/tnstate/stage3.htm i talked to the course designer and he said it was legal under the new rules, it being a medium course. i don't think so. what do you think? lynn
  22. philterry, i think it's an error. todd is on squad 18 and they're not scheduled to shoot that stage until today at 11:45am. the stats person may have enter the wrong shooter number, then tried to correct but couldn't. lynn
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