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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. If you get their good stuff they all are quality it my experience. I'm partial to Dewalt yellow
  2. How could using a 12lbs shear a bbl? That doesn't even make sense. You might get frame battering, but shear a barrel. How could that happen from a light recoil spring? I don't see how it is physically possible, please educate me.
  3. Dillon, So you wouldn't recommend brake cleaner? I use it to clean a lot of things and it works well on the crud in the tumbler too
  4. Watch a fan spin Don't do this standing up though Try to pick a spot and stick with it (or put a paster on one of the blades.) Most ceiling fans rotate both ways.
  5. dave: you bent the leg forward (looking from the back of the pistol)? or you bent it back more towards the grip safety? You make it flat, no curve, so more toward the frame.
  6. Grind the stinking leg off on the grip safety. The grip safety is useless anyways Besides, then you can clean your trigger/fire controls without having to rip the gun apart very much.
  7. What's that? It's a weird dilemma. I can shoot accurately and know what I'm supposed to see, but fail to execute it at the speed that I'm going at. Definitely a case of not seeing fast enough (thanks Cullen). Pat - I'll definitely have to shoot more Bill Drills. I was talking with Max Michel once and he was telling me that he nails Bill Drills at 25 yards (I wanna say the time is under 4 seconds, but can't remember and don't quote me on it) and is working on them at 50. Another good drill might be to use say 2-3 targets starting at 7 yards and stepping back in the same manner (so I can incorporate transitions too). Too, I think I might have to start doing the TGO plate rack challenge thing. That'll be fun. I've added shooting the Steel Challenge stages with a local club that does it every month to the "training regimen in hopes of improving accuracy (Pendulum SUCKS!). Thanks all. Keep 'em coming. Rich A drill you can try, I got to M within 2 months of figuring out I was going fast in the wrong places. Try shooting 3 targets 1 meter apart at 7 yards. 1 second for the draw .2 for all the splits/transitions = 2 seconds for the whole drill everytime (limited gun - .18 splits/transitions open gun.) The goal isn't to do it faster than 2 seconds, but to hit the splits/transitions at .2 seconds and put the bullets in the center of the A zone. You can mix-up left to right, right to left, center-right-left, and center-left-right. A world class shooter had me do this and it helped a ton, especially on partials. You don't need to go as fast as you think you do to go even faster than you are going. For me it was very simple, very hard, and VERY enlightening.
  8. World's Fastest Mother F**cking Trigger? JoJo perhaps?
  9. Use your front sight as a speedoometer and get "going fast" out of your vocabulary. When I even think about going fast I am slower than if I just read the sights. My hits are a ton better, I am smoother, and my will to get to the next target makes me faster than when I "try" to go fast. Time means squat if you are dropping too many points, because the time it takes to shoot a good shot and a marginal shot is about .02-.04. Plus you are more consistant (what being master versus A is about) and you hesistate less so you spend less time getting through a course. Sure you can get away with hopers and point shooting, but when you figure it out, there is no reason to go faster than your sights tell you. If you focus on experienceing what you see more and less on how you are doing it you might just have a breakthrough. Then again, I might just be full of cr@p.
  10. I've backed off my draw times for that exact reason. The .2-.3 saved with the super speedy draw has been replaced by a consistant good draw.
  11. How sure are you? Last I heard Saturday everyone at one range Sunday everyone at the other range, I'm just not sure which is on what day.
  12. Mine hasn't failed yet, but I only have 50 thousand rounds + on mine.
  13. On small targets I feel the trigger prep and it helps a ton.
  14. LOL, way to go Flex. you need a poll for gawdy shirts, and painted guns too, dang them showboats.
  15. I second the bill drill on live targets. Do like the cops do, fire untill the gun goes "click" he had a shotgun for gosh sake. Those are very dangerous
  16. My point exactly You can't be afraid, you have to know you can make every shot and then do it so you might as well go for the bigger (easier) scoring area.
  17. If they ate a NS they would have miked the upper a/b. Where they were shooting at wasn't their problem, seeing a big target and not aiming small was.
  18. So why would anyone go for the small one with any gun?
  19. Thanks guys!!! I went with a Lincoln 3300 (I think, I'm bad with stuff like that) setup, 110 w-gas and it rocks!!! It work great on the thick stuff even, and I figured I'de go with the 110 so I could take it to the range in case we need to repair stuff there. It is so much cleaner and easier and for 1k I got totally set up with MIG/gas/torches and tanks. Now I'll have something to do this winter when it is dark and cold Funky new targets here I come!!!
  20. Well, you have me there, I have no idea (nor care to know) about the politics behind the history of the deal I talked to Robert and he said he saw saw some improving that he thought could be done and did it to the star. The holding mechanism is better and simpler to use than the original stars I've seen, but they could be a million years old as far as I know. I know they just don't fall off and threaten to break you toes, which after setting 3 stars in one stage for a squad of 13 people is a big plus in my book. If I were to build one I would try to figure a way to set it the same without the help of gravity. I am not promoting any particular product, mearly the design of the attaching mechanism, as this thread was about building your own, not buying one. BTW - Nothing like competition to make product better and more affordable Especially with the cost of shipping steel. That's why I'll weld my own since I live in the sticks and I can now thanks to my new MIG welder and torch set
  21. Why give away the points of hitting b's going for the upper a/b? Your scorable target is much bigger (4x vertically) shooting for the lower A zone even if you don't realize it and the no shoots scare you. That is by far the easiest/highest scoring shot, so in my book it's a no brainer viginia count, comstock you might be better off if you aren't acurate, but it is easier to see a hit on a no-shoot than a miss on upper a/b.
  22. It doesn't matter if you go all the way below the belt, your right hand is doing that, just as long as you can get it to the gun when it needs to be there. Sort of like the flick in the reload, it may be extra movement, but it takes no time because you are multitasking already and you have dead time there. You could slap your thigh with wour weakhand and it wouldn't take any more time, it might actually make your draw smoother since that is the way you draw normally.
  23. Yep. I'll grap the bill of my hat, just because it is a good repeatable reference point and I know my wrists will be above my shoulders. I'll also look at my gun to get a visual refernce point. Once the buzzer goes my eyes will snap to the first target. Seems to work ok and I don't snag my sights with the web of my hand that way
  24. Dang, more than half the time the RO catches my bullet for me I always jerked the slide back real hard and it comes flying out per my CCW instructor's advise a decade ago. I didn't know I've been putting people in such danger for so long. It isn't a big deal or showboating, heck it isn't hard enough to do to make it either, in my opinion, it just saves you from having to try to figure out which live round lying on the ground is actually yours. At big matches I don't care, but at my range we have to pick up the live rounds so it just saves time. I've seen 4 people hurt from .40 Glocks blowing up and not one from ejecting a bullet in this manner, which is more dangerous? I'll bet statistically the Glock kabooms would win by a mile. Should we ban them too? hmmmm.
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