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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Yes I live in Oregon. And yes I'll be in your neck of the woods in May for the Area 6 match. I'll also be at the Florida Open in February. There is not a single place in the country that works for everyone. If you want a match, ask to host one. I don't know all the clubs that were interested in hosting Nationals for 2006. I guarantee that I could count the ones who didn't get a match on one hand.
  2. Just talked to DPMS today. The 25 round magazines are almost out. They said they'll have them in a week or two.
  3. I spoke to Tom last week. He said that they were on track to open in June 2006 and was hoping to have a couple big matches under his belt before the Nationals.
  4. Let's take a look at the last few years of the three gun nationals. 2005 Vegas 227 Shooters 2004 Reno 211 Shooters 2003 PASA 164 Shooters 2002 Vegas 207 Shooters 2001 Vegas 183 Shooters 2000 Vegas Unk Shooters (info is gone from USPSA site) 1999 ? 118 Shooters Yep, it looks like we're due for a 3-Gun back east. And as soon as some ranges start showing some more interest I'm sure they'll get them. Bend gets more than it's share of Nationals events because there is a great match production crew in the area that want to host National events. They work their butts off to make them work. If you want a Nationals in your backyard, go ask Mike to hold one there next year. I don't seem to recall that there was an overwhelming crush of clubs willing to take on a Nationals. And for those folks that are unwilling to fly to a match or ship guns or whatever, I'm sorry but, tough. I have to fly to Phoenix to shoot the Superstition Match but you'll never hear me whine that they should move it closer to me. Yes it would be great to have the Nationals in a location that everyone can drive to, but unless they figure out a way to make cars a whole lot faster or the country gets a whole lot smaller somebodies SOL regardless of where the match is.
  5. Any ideas what front sights we can use with this? Is it too high to use standard fronts?
  6. I have had the worst luck with Aimpoints All my Aimpoints except one have been back to Sweden to have the switches replaced. Including the brand new one I loaned a friend for Ecuador. Had less than 1000 rounds before the switch went bad in the middle of the World Shoot. The ones that I have are all Comp XD's but not the Comp 2(?) version that is current now.
  7. I like my Oly Arms GL model. Uses the now easy to find Glock 33 rd mags. Plus all my pistol mags work as well. I had a minor problem with the factory trigger job they did. Namely that the gun had a nasty habit of shooting several round for each pull of the trigger. Fun but not what I was looking for. Dropped a JP in and it worked great. The bolt hold open also broke but they sent a new one and I've had no problems with it. No malfunctions in about 1000 rounds.
  8. Yep, Bo-Mars are okay in USPSA, not in IPSC. At least not in IPSC for the set you have to machine the slide for.
  9. Yep, you just have to keep the same tube/barrel configuration for the whole match.
  10. Pretty close to the way that he does now. If I remember right Dave uses about a 4 lb trigger in his production gun, even though he could go much lighter. I don't see any reason that he would use a lighter one in his limited gun.
  11. I think that rule was put there for D Class shooters. Why beat up a guy with 15 or 20 no shoot hits on one target. And if you don't think that could happen, guess again. And ChuckW, I would give up on arguing with Jim. He strongly believes in his position, and there is no way that you're changing that.
  12. It's a combination of what Nik said and another factor. 125 PF is easily made by almost all 9mm ammo. There are a few exceptions but there always will be. The other problem is that we use knockdown steel at our matches. If we start allowing PF under 125 we either need to lower the power needed to drop the steel, which would also make it a lot easier to blow over in the wind. Or we could just use ring and paint for minor guns. Either way gets IPSC away form one of the triad of principles, Accuracy POWER, speed.
  13. The manual says they won't warrant reloads. In the Armorers class they tell you not to shoot lead, then FMJ. If you shooting one or the other it's okay, just not both.
  14. I've been testing the Red LED setup that Phil's talking about. It works just as he says. The problem with the Amber illumination of the CQ/T is that it ghosts the reticle out in the day. With the red, even though you can't tell that it's on for the most part during the day, if you pass it over a black target you can really see the red. Best of both worlds. And there are sometimes needs for an illuminated reticle on the scope. SMM3G has had some dark house shooting with the rifle. I was really glad that I had my illumination.
  15. Since you asked and it's your thread. I turn my gun horizontal almost immediately after clearing the holster. Then drive it to the target. I prep the trigger as I present (heavy triggered Glock) and I've had a few go off a bit early. One was a D hit, two were A's and one hit a 6" plate at 15 yds. All before they came up to eye level. This way has always worked best for me.
  16. Lead builds up faster in the polygonyl rifling of the Glock. That said you can shoot tons of lead through the barrel. As long as that is all you're firing. If you try to follow it up with a FMJ or other jacketed bullets the reduced diameter of the barell from lead buildup can cause overpressure and blow the barell
  17. The funny thing is xenophobe is exactly the word that I was thinking before I came across Jim's last post. Whethet I shoot internatioally or not, I like the idea of being a part of an international organization. I've met Vince, and while I don't agree with all of his opinions, I didn't see tiny little horns sprouting from his head. If USPSA wants to split from IPSC and have it's own rules, fine, have a vote and see if that's the case. My bet is very few people would vote that way, or even care. I think the issue is blown greatly out of proportion by a few, extremely, vocal people on the internet. As far as international shooters, we probably get a couple hundred different ones in the US a year. Is that a huge number, nope. But it's probably more than the number of US shooters that travel outside the country. I think this is a good thing because it lets everyone know how we do things, and we get to see how they do things. Split from IPSC and we just become a big stagnant, inbred organization that will just keep flogging the same 32 round field courses till we get bored and go home.
  18. How about the 2006 qualifying tournament matches so we know what to shoot next year?
  19. I would say that the 17 mags are not allowed in the 19 since they, in effect, would be an extended base pad. The grip tape, I'm also not sure on. I know under IPSC rules they were very strict about where the tape was and was not. They were also picky that it not change the shape of the grip. If you're planning to change the shape of the grip with the tape, like it sounds you're planning you're probably not legal.
  20. Looks like the dates are up on the USPSA Match Calender. Also listed are the dates for the 2007 match. This is a great idea. If it's a match that is held on the same dates and same location each year, get the listing up early. Maybe then we can avoid some of these match conflicts. Now if only we could do that with the National Match dates.
  21. Jake, I've used the Leupold for a few years now, since they first came out. I like the scope and have had no problems with them. For all the IPSC matches that I've shot the reticle has not been a problem and it is easy to get hits out to 350 yds. Haven't had much experience and no need to shoot past this. I have the CQ/T's on both my match rifles and on my duty rifle. I like the scope. The 3x has not been any hindrance at all. The 1.5x probably would be on the other scope. The CQ/T is almost as fast as a red dot up close. The low, but magnified scopes that I have tried don't seem as quick to me.
  22. I may have misspoke. I'm not sure if it was originally Bruce's idea. I know that he has talked about it in another thread and that he likes the idea. I certainly don't want to get into an AD fight, although mine AD can kick your AD's butt at stats.
  23. Come out and shoot, there really isn't this much drama at matches. It only happens on the internet. Nobody says this stuff in person.
  24. I prefer Bruce Gary's idea, I think, of using the three categories, Open, Limited and Production and running the rest of the guns as categories. The categories would be similar to Senior, Lady, Junior, etc. You're still shooting against everyone but you have the ability to win the category. And Jeff, If you do make it out to Oregon we run at least two pistol caliber carbine matches a month at Sherwood. We'll know what you're talking about.
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