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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Sorry for the confusion. We will be running a side match but it will not be with the "computer driven plate/target thingy". Right now we've got a couple plans for a side match that will include at least one firearm and a prize from a major steel target company.
  2. The speed bump trigger is a different issue. It changes the external dimensions of the trigger. The Vanek modification does not. In any way. The speed bump had a piece of metal poking out of the back of the trigger (Yes I know it was part of the trigger) The Vanek doesn't not modify the external dimensions of the trigger.
  3. Sorry if I'm covering something that has already been covered. I only got to page 6 before becoming too furious to continue. The assumption that Amidon and NROI did not know about the issue is complete BS. I emailed John asking for the answer before I sent my gun to Vanek. I waited a couple months without response and sent it in. It's now been a couple months since I got it back. The statement that a $300 (a totally BS amount as well) trigger job is somehow incongrous with Production values is also BS. First off, if memory serves Production started as a IPSC division. I can't get a straight answer out of IPSC as to what the intent of the division was. I shoot production because it is a division where I'm happy shooting my 9mm that I love. Let's assume a fancy Glock production gun, Glock pistol $450.00, Bar-Sto Bbl $200.00, Sights, $50.00, Vanek Trigger $185.00, and of course, Tru-Grip, $25.00 (for three). $910.00 if my math is correct. Anybody price out one of the fancy Tanfoglio custom production guns? How bout the fancy Stainless Sig. Or for arguments sake a hypothetical USPSA shooter that uses a 5" S&W 5906. Don't give me a line about a couple hundred dollars of work on one of the cheapest USPSA guns making it somehow evil. The remark about shooters knowing better. I've been an Armorer for 7-8 years, I've worked on about 1000 guns. I took a look at my Vanek trigger and without the pictures I couldn't tell what was done to the trigger. I would not expect someone new to the sport to be able to tell the difference. Vanek triggers did not come out of nowhere. The fact that USPSA is only now making this ruling is an extremely poor choice. I'd ask my Area Director for assistance but I already know his opinion on this and it certainly appears that he's hanging shooters out to dry. I'd say more but I need to go try and figure a way to make my gun legal before leaving for the Florida Open in two days. Glad I checked this forum after spending the last 4 days as SHOT working my ass off for a match.
  4. Alway nice to know the hotel isn't going to ship it back because you're not there yet. Normally seems to happen to at least one buddy a year. Then begins the scramble. It's also nice for people like me who have to drive 90 minutes to ship ammo from the nearest UPS Center. A couple extra bucks is worth skipping the hassle.
  5. That might be a bit on the fast side. Looks like about 430 miles. That's 80 + the whole way in 5 hours. Better figure on 6-7 hours. We'll look forward to seeing you. I'm hoping that we get some more folks who shoot both matches. The timiing is perfect.
  6. Would there be any conflicts if the Area 8 match was held on the weekend of 5 August. I think that weekend is pretty open. The only conflict I'm aware of is the Columbia Cascade Section match in Oregon. I doubt that's going to be much of a draw for Area 8 shooters.
  7. How does this affect the match ammo chrono procedure. I thought the idea was to use the same ammo throughout the match. Otherwise someone can just declare Precision Delta and use their wuss loads for the rest of the match.
  8. They're still working on a couple ideas but there will be plenty of parking.
  9. The bays are very close together. However, there are a couple that are going to be on the back side. Those I think we'll be able to drive to. Shouldn't be too difficult to park in the middle of your bays for the day and go back and forth to the vehicle.
  10. Last year there were an awful lot of 6" (3"?) plates at 20 yds so bring lots of ammo. They also had a shootoff on Sunday, pay to play. Don't know if they're doing it again though.
  11. On one of my limited guns the top of the slide has a black polymer coating that Virgil put on. It did not wear well, but Virgil also told me ahead of time that it wouldn't. Polymer coatings will not last as long as HC.
  12. The most recent was an open gun by Virgil that required a bit to break in. Totally changed the look of the gun though. I've had a couple done by him and a couple by AP&W. Both did great work.
  13. Several of the guns I've had chromed didn't work for the first 100-200 rounds, then they worked great. Just takes a little bit to wear back in.
  14. Everyone of the Glock KB's that I have seen or worked on has been the result of improperly loaded ammo. Either double charges, or in one case the guy was using longloaded ammo from a buddy's Para. It didn't fit so he just tapped the bullet a bit farther in with a mallet. You're going to see more KB's with Glocks than probably any other gun. Not because they are more fallible, there are more of them out there and they get more ammo through them than just about anything else. I would be surprised if less than a billion rounds of ammo go through Glock factory barrels each year. I know my departement goes trough a million of them. For those folks that think factory ammo is infallible, guess again. I've seen everything from no primers, no flash hole, upside down primers, insensitive primers, no powder, double charges, upside down bullets, sideways bullets and bullets shoved halfway down into the case. I've also seen 9mm in 40 boxes, straight out of the factory case. We recently had a large agency in the area go away from the Glock 21 because it had a dangerous barrel desing. 15 years they never had a problem and then two KB's out of the same lot of ammo. I have a feeling I know why. The ammunition, according to the pictures that I saw was all loaded to different length, substantially different. And this was quality factory ammo from a reputable source. Nothing is perfect. It's always a good idea to inspect any ammo that goes into your gun. Don't worry about the Glock barrel. If it was actually an issue I would imagine that Glock would have changed the design, as they have dozens, if not more, times. What purpose would be served by using a known faulty barrel?
  15. Looks like you've got enough metal there to mill it for a Novak, Heine or Bomar. My preference would be for the Heine. A good gunsmith with a milling machine should be able to take care of you without a problem.
  16. That wasn't lack of fear, that was lack of brains.
  17. Yeah, but I know my nerves get frazzelled a bit when someone screams stop when I'm shooting. I had a similar experience at the 2003 Nats. I had a light (dang near squib) load and a shooter yelled stop. I couldn't tell his voice from the RO through the electronic ears. Turned out there was no squib and I got a reshoot. Course I broke a link on the second round of the reshoot and lets just say my time was not impressive.
  18. I use a combination, CR Speed for the first two, JR Speed (Philipino) for the next two and Blade Tech for the last two. The first four allow me to adjust the cant for easy removal.
  19. The original Glock magazine (NFML) was designed for a military contract that specified that the magazine not drop free. The current (FML) mags, that have been manufactured for many years, will drop free normally.
  20. Great idea but I don't think they have figured out how they're picking the 08 team. Or at least that what several AD's have told me. Maybe they'll get it figured out before Nationals.
  21. The serrations do enough to reduce glare. I've never had any issues with sun, including shooting in Mesa. The rear undercut without serrations tends to ghost out a bit and allow a much sharper focus on the front sight.
  22. Are they selling the frame only? It's just not worth it to buy a complete gun and toss the top end when there are other cheaper choices that are as good or better.
  23. And the amount that COSSA wanted wasn't a little more money either, they wanted a ridiculous amount more. Like, at least double.
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