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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. They got the CZ75SP01 weight at Nationals this year. Apparently NROI sent out requests to the manufacturers for gun weights. I guess not all the companies complied and CZ apparently was one. When I got to the chrono I was told I was being bounced to open becuase my gun weighed too much. Angus had to get a stock SP-01 off the table to prove to John Amidon that my gun was not overweight. He did not do the same with the Shadow or Tactical models so those are the weights Amidon originally came up with . Not sure where he got them from. BTW, the weight of the CZ will also vary quite a bit depending on what mag you have in the gun. The MecGar 16 round mags weigh more than the SP-01 19rd mags.
  2. I've got an Olympic Arms 9mm that takes Glock mags. Runs great, never had a jam.
  3. I just got my Fulcrum Trigger kit yesterday. Took about 30 minutes to install, but most of that was bending the trigger bar because the slide/frame fit was tightened. Install was very simple and intuitive. Trigger feels great. I'll have to wait a bit to test fire it since we're under several inches of snow. (Which for us Valley Oregonians is alot).
  4. Noveske does support the sport. They were a stage sponsor for the Area 1 Pistol Championshiop and a sponsor for the Area 1 Multi Gun. Not sure if they sponsor other events but I definitely wouldn't post that they don't sponsor since they do.
  5. Paperwork is fairly easy, fill in the blank form, CLEO signoff, prints, photo and a $200.00 one time tax stamp. Cans run anywhere from about $200.00 for a .22lr can to several thousand. A .308 can will run in the neigborhood of $500.00-2000.00. Price depends on thread or QD, materials and the technology in the can. You'll pay more for a QD suppressor. Send me a PM if you've got other questions.
  6. Let's see USSA sunk millions into that range and it's not good enough for USPSA. How much money would USPSA have to spend to get this range you speak of. Who would maintain it throughout the year, Who would run the classes and training? How would you do that as a non profit organization?
  7. As long as Vegas has the support personnel willing to give it a go I'd love to go back. The MG there sucked though because the club rep was checked out. Sounds like there is a new group and a new couple ranges that are willing to host. Hopefully it will work out.
  8. Having a fixed week for Nationals doesn't work without a fixed location. November in Arizona rocks, November in Oregon does not. July in Oregon rocks, July in Arizona...less so. The same can be said for any location USPSA chooses. Most of the locations a Nationals would be held have a sweet spot for weather. If you fix the weekend of Nationals without fixing a location you are going to severely limit choices.
  9. Area 6: Limited = 118 Limited 10 = 34 Production = 62 Open = 91 Single Stack = 25 Revolver = 5 ______________ 335 shooters total The Open/Lim10 Nats had 383 shooters. The Limited/Production/Revolver Nats had 395 shooters. There's only 60 shooters difference and over 3 days that would only be 20 more shooters per day. Make the match 14 stages and your other 20 shooters now have a home. Two more squads in two more stages. I have never been to Rio, but my wife has. The only problem I see with setting up 12 stages at South River and hosting the Nats there is the guys that shoot multiple Divisions would be shooting the same COF twice and might have somewhat of an advantage over those that only shoot 1 Nationals Division. Now talking Cindy/Bill and crew into hosting a Nationals event at South River might be a totally different hurdle. With the fluidity that they have been running Area 6 it might not be that big of an issue for them. That's a 12 stage match as opposed to an 18+ stage Nationals. It's easier to feed shooters through a 12 stage than an 18 stage match. Area 6 also doesn't have all shooters on the range at the same time, which typically Nationals do. Especially at the crossover periods. There is not suffiicient parking or bays at South River for a National match, at least not that I saw the last several Area 6 matches I shot there.
  10. Nope, Limited capacity is limited by the length of the magazine. Roughly 23/24 rd 9mm and 21/22 rd .40 is about as good as you're gonna get.
  11. I was actually thinking about this the other day and wanted to propose another option. 7+1 in Tac and Lim. It wouldn't really hamper the guys that have the longer tubes, well maybe a little. But the upside would be a lot more competetive SG's straight out of the box. There are way more SG's sold with an 18" bbl and flush mag tube than 22" guns. Might cut back on some of the expense getting into three gun if you could grab a 870 Express Security or a M1 Super 90 Tactical and be ready to go.
  12. Yeah, I can see how modifying a trigger could be a bad thing in court! thread drift off Sorry, I can't resist this drift. None of the examples you post had anything to do with modified guns. All the agencies you're listing here have stock or heavier triggers. None of this supports your premise in any way shape or form. The FBI is listed as saying the Glock is likely to AD. They issue Glocks to everyone but special teams. I can pull anti gun articles all day long. I also know enough to find enough expert witnesses to blow that BS argument out of the water and make the opposing counsel look dumb. That said, this is way off the original topic and I'll stop. Sorry for the hijack.
  13. I actually know of several LE agencies that allow trigger jobs. Most notably the FBI HRT and SWAT teams. The trigger jobs are done by Springfield but the guns are also worked on by agency armorers. There are many more examples. This has been propogated by many instructors. While a defense attorney may raise the issue, it can be easily defended. Also, I'm sure many of the guns that Scott works on, like many gunsmiths, won't be used for competition or shooting a person. A lot of people just like a trigger better than what comes on the gun from the factory, just like sight, grips etc.
  14. South River and Rio Salado are a bit small for a National event. It would probably also be an issue to shut them down for 7-10 days to build the stages, shoot the match and teardown. If it was simply a matter of fitting stages in and parking a lot of ranges could do it. Unfortuately the biggest issue is the people on the ground willing to do it. Finding a qualified MD and RM, plus set up and teardown crews is going to be an issue. A lot of times the MD or RM aren't local and that can cause issues as well. There needs to be a point person nearby that can coordinate setup, porta potties, food etc. If you put Nationals in a fixed location you're going to be taxing one group heavily. The National office does not do much in the way of support and seem to be more of a hindrance than anything else.
  15. If all you do is take a soldering iron and texture aka "stiple a polymer grip" you aren't really removing any material. I think this is what they meant by stippling. Though how do we know for sure unless the BoD specifically names this as "acceptable stippling"? I understood Amidons email to mean you could texture the grip to be equivocal to adding grip tape, but you could not recontour the grip area since applying grip tape did not do this either. Stippling I understand, that is why I asked specifically about checkering.
  16. Fortunately I didn't eat Cheerios this morning so even if someone did take a dump I wouldn't have noticed. You don't know the history of Production. I read Post #10 and you indicate there was a desire for Production to be a Box-Stock division when it was created. I have yet to find anyone in the know that points that out as the real reason Produciton was created. Part of that is the problem with Production. It didn't have a Mission Statement when it was made and everyone wants it to be something different. Box Stock, Entry Level for new shooters, Low cost, 9mm with cheap ammo, Easy to fly to matches with enough ammo to shoot, Duty/Carry gun friendly. Some of these things work together, others don't. I haven't talked to two BOD members that agree 100% on all of them. Until there is a "reasoning behind Production" the rules will continue to look silly. You can replace a $300.00 part but not a $10.00 part. BTW, you missed a couple of things on the 2008 Rule changes. Aftermarket slide, stippling the grip and checkering the frontstrap were the biggies. I think Amidon even missed the boat on these. I believe he sent out an email saying you could modify the grip but you couldn't add or remove material. Who has developed the technology to checker wtihout adding or removing material??? Anyone?
  17. Dave, I know you don't shoot Production, so I'll assume you just didn't read the rules all that closely and actually aren't smoking crack. To say the current rule book made any attempt to keep Production more stock is ridiculous. With the 2008 rule book a Production shooter can now buy a Glock frame, install a lightened connector, reduced power springs, checker the frontstrap, stipple the grip, buy an aftermarket slide, mill in a set of Bo-Mars, add a tungsten guide rod, polish and nickel plate the slide and Duracoat the frame with the message "This is my Production Gun...no seriously". You can seriously argue that the intent was to make guns more "stock"? What I heard, and the only thing that makes any sense to me was that they were trying to come up with a set of rules that would allow the gun to be inspected at Chrono without dissasembly, and by someone with only a reasonable understanding of the gun. If it looks legal from the outside, it makes power factor and it makes weight, that's good enough.
  18. Minor .40 is not bad at all. I think the best minor 9mm loads are better than the best minor .40 but other people think differently. Minor .40 can run just fine in the same gun as Major .40 with a spring change, if the gun is built properly to begin with. I think you would be okay dropping down to a 9mm, but that would require bringing along extra ammo in a different caliber. If it's a fly to match that gets to be a real hassle. As far as switching it over to 9mm Open gun. If you're going to build a complete new top end it really doesn't matter the new caliber. The only thing you would save would be the ejector. If you wanted to convert the existing top end you could save some money by just threading the bbl and adding a comp.
  19. That was a suggestion for the 2008 rule book and it was shot down in flames. Very few Production shooters want a minimum trigger pull. The new rules are, if Amidon's opinion is the final decision, retarded. You can swap slides, mill in Bo-Mars, checker the front strap, stipple the grip and nickel plate it for that extra pimp look, but you can't do a proper trigger job?
  20. I actually stayed in Ontario, OR the last time I went down. Good hotels with retaraunts close by. If memory serves, Parma is a bit limited on Hotels near the range.
  21. +1. Why doesn't someone from Glockworks contact John Amadon and get official rulings on each of their triggers and post it here on the forums, as opposed to using a "don't ask don't tell" cheating policy. I emailed John yesterday. He has already written up and opinion and forwarded it to the BOD for review. Should have an answer sometime in the future. I think the BOD has to meet to decide, or at least hold an email vote. Both will take a bit of time.
  22. John Amidon's Opinion is not rule. Until his opinion is written up and approved by the BOD it is just that, his opinion. From conversations with multiple BOD members, I don't think that was the intent and I don't think that opinion will be ratified by the BOD. This has been brought up before and needs to be dealt with. Edited to add, I just emailed Amidon and asked him to make an official BOD ratified decision on this.
  23. Is it just me or do the EGW, Dawson, STI and Champion sights look exactly the same. Is anyone actually claiming they are different?
  24. So I take it these are not SureFire the flashlight company but someone else?
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