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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Might be a huge gap for the individual USA shooters to over come but it looks like Teamwise they are definitely still in the hunt. CZE's third shooter is a ways down the list. Adam looks like he had an awesome day yesterday. He looked to have had a rather unimpressive day on Day 1. Looking at the individual stage scores for all of them shows an awful lot of misses and even some procedurals. After shooting with the guys from the US contingent at least, they've shot more misses in 12 stages of this match than I've seen them shoot in all the matches I've shot with them combined. The stage percentages are kind of wild as well. Some are really high and some are really low. Not sure what's going on over there. Has anyone heard how the match ammo is working out? I got an email from a shooter today saying that the stuff is just horrible. He said it normally shoots 12-14 inches low, except when it shoots in the middle or high, (rarely but every handful of shots, one goes goofy). He said the ammo doesn't feel the same either, some hot, some soft, no way to tell. Anyone else having the same results?
  2. Typically at the end of the year (prior) MV sends out a request for those that want a slot to email him. There may be other requirements, this season we had the qualifier matches for the WS so expect that to continue next time as well. Just have to wait and see what the criteria will be. The qualifiers were just for the US Gold Team. They didn't have any effect on whether you got a slot or not to the shoot. Around 2010 just start bugging MV if you want a spot. I don't think anyone has not gotten in if they really want. With it being in Greece, I'm sure there will be spots available. Now if it was in Tulsa, I would imagine there would be some additional issues.
  3. Shadow actually has no FPB Chuck..are you still shooting a CZ...which one are you going with these days.? Not sure which Chuck you were going for so I'll answer as well. I'm still running the same SP-01 from Angus that I have for the last couple years. I was going to start using my converted 75SA at the NW Regional Steel shoot but I was getting nast malfunctions that took a really long time to clear. It's been sitting in the safe since then waiting on parts from Angus. I'm gonna play with a couple different platforms and divisions over the winter. I might re-evaluate come spring. always like talking with both Chucks.. what kind of malfs??? interested in what you come up with come springtime.. With the SA I'm getting stovepipes. The brass won't quite eject all the way. When I clear it there is already a round in the chamber and of course the CZ extractor design won't go over an alreay chambered round, or at least mine won't. At that point I have to break out the knife to clear the gun. I was getting one or two per mag.
  4. I was talking a BOD member the other day and asked his opinion of this. He said the plan with the new rules was to make them easier to enforce, not harder. As in the guns should be checked externally but should not require an internal examination by a gunsmith or at the Chrono to be determined legal. His take was Amidon's opinion is not what was intended by the rule. We'll see what happens next.
  5. They are still working on the location. I talked to Bruce this week and I know they are diligently attempting to get everything squared away before announcing venue and dates.
  6. It really isn't an arms race. People can put however much they want into the guns. But the bottom line is the winner of Nationals in Production for the last several years has had less than $1000.00 in their whole setup. Glock 34's and a Springfield XD are the only guns that have won the Nationals in Production, at least in recent history. None of the guns used by those Division Champions has had more than about $200.00 in mods, most of that in the sights. And $200.00 is probably way overestimated. People can spend as much on the gun as they want. The bottom line is it is not needed to win. The same can not really be said about the other Divisions, except Revo.
  7. I would skip trying to load without an EZ loader. I like Remington, got 2 in the safe I started with, but the Remington semi-auto carrier design is just horrible.
  8. Could be a regional thing but I doubt that is the total difference. That you had contact with 350 potential sponsors is a feather in your cap and is way more sponsor contact than the USPSA nationals and the SC match put together. Yep, you might want to think about that as a possible reason why the prize table at the Nationals matches has sucked so bad for the last several years and from the sound of it the Steel Challenge dropped this year as well. Why does USPSA not have the ability to contact 350 potential sponsors when they have full time employees working? How is it that a simple Area match with a pretty low entry fee, $95.00, can manage trophies and $125,000.00 in prizes and yet USPSA doesn't seem to bother with some of the really good potential sponsors out there? I also doubt it is regional since I contacted sponsors nationwide. My guess is it probably is based on how the question is phrased. The huge majority of sponsors I spoke to really didn't care what order we gave the prizes/rewards out in, they just wanted the advertising value. When we went random in 2006 I actually lost several sponsors that didn't want their products given away randomly. As far as the RO's, you brought up that the RO table was done randomly. Basically, I was agreeing with you. Since the RO's don't get graded or evaluated on the work and effort they put in, there is no other way to award the RO table except by random order. However, I seem to remember there being a way to evaluate the performance of competitors at a match. A way of evaluating the points they shot divided by some other number, say the time they took to acquire those points. And all those shooters could be listed by those numbers in an order of finish. Oh wait we already have that. I guess if we just give stuff away it really doesn't matter then does it. I do like Jeff's idea...to a degree. Give the prizes away before the end of the match if you're going to just give them away. Why make everyone stand around to get their random bag of stuff. The downside of this is if you do it at registration, not all the shooters get to see how generous the sponsors were, since the prize table will disappear as registration goes on.
  9. Charles was referring to the Area 6 Pistol Match, not the Area 6 3-Gun match. I know it's hard to keep track since this the 3 Gun forum and he keeps bringing up pistol matches. Is there a basis for doing it one way for 3 gun and another way for multigun and yet another for pistol? Nope, but this is the 3 Gun forum, you're clearly confusing that KirkM guy and we need to help him out. He's the greatest iron sight rifle shooter in the world...ever.
  10. It would probably hold up pretty well but the price of Titanium is really high right now. I don't think anyone, even Caspian, is making frames out of Ti at the moment.
  11. Shadow actually has no FPB Chuck..are you still shooting a CZ...which one are you going with these days.? Not sure which Chuck you were going for so I'll answer as well. I'm still running the same SP-01 from Angus that I have for the last couple years. I was going to start using my converted 75SA at the NW Regional Steel shoot but I was getting nast malfunctions that took a really long time to clear. It's been sitting in the safe since then waiting on parts from Angus. I'm gonna play with a couple different platforms and divisions over the winter. I might re-evaluate come spring.
  12. FPB removed but standard hammer on the Shadow.
  13. Charles was referring to the Area 6 Pistol Match, not the Area 6 3-Gun match. I know it's hard to keep track since this the 3 Gun forum and he keeps bringing up pistol matches.
  14. First off, my experience talking to sponsors has been the opposite of yours. I contacted about 350 potential sponsors for the Area 1 matches this year. How many did you speak to that said they wanted their product randomlly given away to shooters? I had about 2. As far as the RO table going randomly. How else would you do it? Best RO gets the best prize? The table is there to reward their hard work, not to reward their performance in the match. I don't agree with your discounting of rewards as trophies only. Rewards have traditionally been considered something more than a block of wood. Hey, if you arrest Billy the Kid we'll give you a trophy. I don't think so. Prize tables should reward something other than random luck of the draw.
  15. Yep, I believe Angus is gone. I think Eric is still working though. You can probably call the shop and get ahold of him. How much firing have you done with it. The last Shadow that I had the trigger really slicked up after about 1000 rounds. It was very close to the trigger on my custom gun from Angus. As far as the sights, Angus has replacement rear sights for the gun, but it sounds like you need to sight it in a bit. Shove the rear sight over in the notch at least. That should get the windage taken care of. If it is shooting high or low, just figure out how much and let me know, we can get the appropriate height front sight if yours is off. You can get black, or 1.0mm fiber as well. The one that comes with the gun is 1.5mm I believe, although it looks to be about 2 inches.
  16. I seem to remember this being addressed as a sighting aid. A few years ago there were suggestions of mounting lights on guns or usnig other lights during the Nationals low light stages. I'm pretty sure they said that the light counted as an electronic sight and would cause you to be in Open Division. But I might be remembering wrong as well.
  17. The scoring that I have seen says Rimfire Optics or Rimfire Iron. Doesn't say anything about Open or Limited. Seems like the comp wouldn't matter.
  18. I think what Chris was going for with the poll is whether or not USPSA should stick with the current multigun rules that allow multiple guns on a similar stage, and that there are no separate Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun Matches contained within the National match. A current multigun match under USPSA format may use any number of guns on any number of stages. You could have 9 3-Gun stages, or 3 3-gun and a bunch of 2-Gun, or really whatever format the MD wants. Under the old rules it was one gun, one stage. For example, the same 9 stage match would be 3 pistol, 3 shotgun and 3 rifle stages. Seems like an awful lot of gear to schlepp for 3 stages. I also seem to remember a transition year in Vegas where they had a couple of stages with two guns, for example pistol/rifle. The stage would be scored as either a pistol or a rifle stage. Sorry this was boring as crap for the few matches that I shot. I think part of the problem comes when stage designers decide they have to use every gun on every stage. Have a high round count rifle stage by itself. Or a long shotgun stage. Don't make every stage 8 rounds of this, then 8 rounds of that, then 8 rounds of the other. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  19. As someone at least a little involved with the 06 in Albany I can honestly say, you are totally wrong. USPSA was very involved in that match. To the point the MD has refused to do another Nationals since until the staff at USPSA is changed. USPSA involvement was not a good thing. Kurt you know how much I enjoy needling you but you are 100% correct. (ouch). I do have to say though this thread is the first time I've heard anything postitive about the Reno Nationals, anything at all. That match was so messed up. I think some of the issues may have come from last year when the event was at USSA. That facility does pretty much everything on there own. And while there were issues at last years MG, mainly due to overcommitment, I think USPSA had the opportunity to step back and let them handle it. That clearly was not the case this year. Someone suggested that USPSA should just scrap our MG rules and adopt IMGA rules. OK, which set. I'm betting that of the big IMGA matches DPMS, RM3G, SMM3G, and Ft. Benning all of them use rules with slightly different variations. As far as Mike Voigt's article...it was poorly timed, based on the information received from someone who didn't bother to read the rules (or the article either by the way), and way off base. I think there is a serious lack of credibility from a shooter who doesn't read the rules for Benning and gets bumped to open, then within 8 months goes to another MG match without having read the rules and still complains about it. Dude, the first time okay, the second time...well.
  20. Chuck.. what was the issue?? just curious.. Do you know of an SP-01 that weighs 38 ozs? With the magazine? Mine came in at 41 oz, it's actually a bit lighter than factory spec because of the aluminum grips. The chrono guy said I was being bumped to Open. We actually had to get a Factory SP-01 from the CZ table to weigh to find out I was legal. And we shot the afternoon squad. I'm sure there must have been at least one CZ shooter in the AM. I'm not sure what they did with him/them.
  21. They used the box and scale at the Production Nationals this year. The weight issue with the CZ got sorted out. Although it was fun trying to explain to Amidon that 2.6 pounds was not 38 ounces.
  22. So it sounds like the grips are probably OK. The sequence thing is resolved. I do still have issues with the reloading. There's an awful lot of mentions of proper stage design "shouldn't" happen. I've shot long enough that I know bad things can happen. If there are 3 pieces of steel that need to be engaged on the move, I've had a bad day where that may take all 10 or 11 rounds. A stage designer should not be faulted because I'm retarded on the trigger. So the question I'd like a firm answer on is, if I go to slide lock in the open, and I grab a new mag or dump the old one before I get to cover is this a penalty. My guess is yes, I just hate games where I have to guess.
  23. I've seen EGW do an awesome job filling holes in the frame from scope mounts. They would be my pick.
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