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Kyle O

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Everything posted by Kyle O

  1. I was sending some downrange today with my lowly TR24 (thanks Jesse ) at 350 yards, and was actually thinking to myself, "I don't need a bigger scope for what we do" If I don't tell myself these things, I would have been scope shopping rather than practicing
  2. I loaded a BUNCH of H322 thru my 550 without any issues at all. I measured 20 throws in a row, and the largest deviation I had was .1 Is your shellplate and toolhead lined up? Mine runs like the dickens.
  3. I like it, good job. I expect my stuff to have some flaws, it brings out the humanity in a reptile skin covered AR reciever.
  4. I will certainly keep practicing the dismount while moving, but I wanted to learn the "mounted reload" for those times when your just standing there, and need to fire off a few more from the same position, It seems it will EVENTUALLY be faster! I was told by some better shotgunners than I to hold the shells more vertical, but the real caveat (I finally figured out after the last vid was made) is to never break contact with the lifter, and your thumb. I went back and did some more super slow loads, and everytime my thumb comes off, and the lifer falls back down, I had a fumble. So, for now I'm gonna concentrate on the new technique, until it feels right, then turn up the speed. I'll post a vid later (when I finally get it under control at speed) In the meantime feel free to post your own "loading videos" here for all to help.
  5. I'm not sure about the shots being recorded, I've only used it in dryfire. When at the range I just hit start over and over with the timer next to me on a table. I do it while reholstering, and it isn't a bother for me. I guess we should try it out!
  6. I thought I saw a picture somewhere of a bleeding appendage of yours from getting stuck in the lifter of the FN SLP before you had some mods done. Does this mean your SLP is being degraded to the role of your backup shotgun? I really hope I like my Salient because my FN has been flawless and it's built like a tank, but my entire family and my wife's family are all Italian and they've been putting pressure on me. Backup? Nah, I hear tell the salients don't need a backup. I was actually considering using it for strength training only, since it weighs twice what the benellis do. And yes, once it bites the hand that feeds it, the hand never REALLY forgets!
  7. Ok, I had to film the first few tries, I guess if for nothing else, it's good comic relief. I just gotta remind myself the first time I picked up 4 shells with my weak hand, It felt like 14, then it felt like one, cause that one was all that was left in my hand. This brought some of those feelings right back. enjoy.
  8. go to menu, then repetitive mode, set 5 sec par, then 5 sec edge, and the number of repeats you want.
  9. In my FN SLP -Rem sluggers -Federal bulk pack #8 or #7.5 -I always have a few 00 buck, and a box of #6 high brass (for those pesky stars that don't fall easy, and heavy poppers) Something I heard somewhere is "Flight control buckshot"?? supposed to really hold tight patterns, and good for spinners & such.
  10. Man, you stumped me I really don't know, I have more time on a conventional stock, but I have a pistol grip on my "hanging on the wall 870" and like it just fine. It seems you could support a pistol grip better, but again I'm not sure about 3 gunin.
  11. Ok, just tried the new "technique" I was actually much faster than I thought I would be, after a few slow-mo runs I turned the par to 7.5 sec. I only beat it a couple of times (LUCK), but I see this going somewhere, I haven't edited the vid yet, but it may be more like jaredr's version. OK, I just peeked at it. Something I noticed, when the shells are more vertical, I don't have to cant the gun at all to get a good feel for it. When I held them flat, it was a necessity to cant it over.
  12. You guys suck! Nah, just kidding around, it's only the raging jealousy inside me that makes me say these things, not anger. I'm still patiently waiting, patience, I do have it, I think. This is hard, I'm ready to play with mine.
  13. Thanks guys, I'm gonna make some changes to the way/angle I hold the shells, and go for the always consistant grab. It gets sloppy, when in go fast mode. So, better make it smooth before I "have" to go fast. Now that it's been brought up, I'm pretty sure this is the reason I'm not able to load from the mounted position.
  14. Made another movie today, I did 8 shell reloads, and I included everything in all it's glory, the good, bad, and the ugly. (put most of the bad ones at the end) I wanted to push myself, so I set the timer for my "old" personal best of 7.4 seconds, just to see if I could consistantly beat it. While I'm thinking about it...... How do you all practice with par times? Do you constantly push yourself, or do you give some cushion? For the last several sessions I set it on 8.5 sec, and can beat it without any fumbles. It's clear that I'm getting faster than that now, so what is the right par time to practice with? It seems to mimic "match stress" to try to beat that second beep, but it feels more like "exercising" when I give myself plenty of time. Shells flow smoother if I'm not rushed, but I'm not sure if that's the best way to practice??? What say you? jaredr, those are manmountain 4 shell caddies, got'em from Chris at CPWSA.com here in the vendor tent section of the forums. I really like them. Patrick, I'm in on that 3gun match, just need to send you guys an email. And, thanks for the compliments guys, I just wish I had videoed the first 10 sessions I ever did, it would have been posted in the humor forum instead Not on film = I tried some reloads with gun mounted, and it was BAAAAAD! I will continue to dismount/remount at least until my salient gets here I did focus on pinning the buttstock to my side with my forearm, and trying to be more "relaxed" Thanks for the feedback. Here's another for your entertainment
  15. Same thing happens for me. I just care about having fun now, and all seems to be going well. But, if I ever start to care about winning, I don't shoot well either. Last weekend, I shot a local match, and my ONLY goal was to go AS FAST AS I COULD! I ended up with 2 mikes per stage, and not so great hits, but I needed to change gears (flushing out old IDPA habits), and figured this was a good way to do it. I cared, just not about winning, I am working on going fast for now, and thats it. Next month, who knows!
  16. been using 3.9 with a magnum primer & the same bullets for 130PF, in a G17. I like it.
  17. Yea, I opened up the port some dremel/sanding, and had the lifter welded. Do a search on SLP lifter weld, and you should find a couple of post about it. Also, a nordic +2, but the spring is actually stiffer than the stock one, but I figuered I would be better off if I could load with a stiffer spring. When it get's closer to match season, I might trim a couple of coils off, then the shells would flow like water, right?
  18. A high level shooter once told me that production/single stack was fun, but it was like relaod, reload, reload, reload, done. If you try limited, the you can actually concentrate more on other aspects of shooting, such as foot work/movement. Made sense to me, I am gonna shoot limited only for 2011 with my new 2011.
  19. Don't neglect cardio, even with strength training, it is important. Otherwise it looks good. Let us know how your progress goes. Seen "Zombieland"? Rule #1 - Cardio
  20. The feet shifting is coming from other practice sessions, I walk to a different position while loading (can't do that and film), but in a match there will be feet movement while loading. I didn't even notice that, or my shoulders jumping up, so thanks! I do think the reason I am doing it is the length of my arms. If I leave my shoulder down I have to really break my wrist over a lot more to grab the shells, and don't get as good of a grip on them, but I will play with that to confirm Thanks Jesse! Back when I started doing this, I did keep the shotty basically mounted, and it was some UGLY loading . So, I started the dropping it down, and twisting the bottom of the gun inward, and it improved TONS, so I just kept doing it that way, now that I'm comfortable doing it though, I guess I'll go back, and give that a try. Yessir, that is my motto for 2011! Thanks for the help everyone! keep it comin!
  21. I've only been at this for a few months, I set my par time for 4 seconds on these video clips. I have beat 3.5 a few times, but no consistancy at that speed. I can do 8 in 8.5sec consistantly, best for 8 is 7.4sec. Any nuggets of info? seems the 3rd one in the tube is giving me the most trouble overall. I really can't tell what I'm doing at speed. BTW, this is also my first attempt at "editing" with my flip cam I got for christmas. I "edited" out the dropsies
  22. The barrel is polygonal, so I hear there are leading issues (rumor only, never seen with my own eyes), so I say shoot'em up!
  23. Shoot Limited only (USPSA), and get classified. Never been classified (chronic division hopper ). Shoot 3gun better. Work on SPEED!!!
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