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Everything posted by LadyinBlue

  1. You gotta love the sport just to pay for everything! 2 pistols, 2 rifles, 2 shotguns,...ammo to feed all 6...I am so glad my husband offered to sell a kidney...lol Kangaroo, your avatar is adorable..
  2. It's been hot here too, but I see that the highs in Baghdad are running around 114 degrees. I can't imagine wearing fatigues, body armor, and a helmet in that...I wouldn't make it.
  3. Is this Clerihew style or Free Verse?
  4. Wow, this is a great compilation of advice that is applicable to any shooter...ladies, guys, or juniors. As a lady shooter, I found the double plugs to be a great solution in the beginning but now I no longer need them. My first year of shooting was revolver only and I learned a lot and built up my confidence. It was .357 and I noticed the recoil was a hard crack as compared to the softer boom of the .45 I started shooting the following year. This was back in the 1980's before compensators and high tech stuff. I shot a Colt Gold Cup the following year and never noticed the recoil of the .45 because I was having too much fun. My husband was always faster than me but I could shoot a perfect score very slowly and was happy to do that. He continued to encourage me and always joked about how if he made 1 mistake in a match my slow A's would beat him. I learned to love the sport and also to overcome any obstacles that came my way. I injured my back and quit shooting for 17 years...I overcame that too. Now I'm shooting an STI major 9mm and the felt recoil very minimal. The dry fire and the practice on the range has paid off in my ability and my confidence level. Occasionaly I beat my husband in a stage and he pretends to be bothered by it but I know he is pleased that I have come this far. If the fiancee wants to quit...let her. If she wants to shoot...help her. But I know that encouragement and understanding goes a long way to a happy relationship. JMHO
  5. I am just so jazzed to be speed loading with a 20 that I'll be patient and wait for longer tubes. Right honey?
  6. What a nice guy you are Chris...he's not in the doghouse this week...not yet.
  7. I tried to warn you....it's BAD
  8. We went to yellowstone last summer and I took some good photos...but these are great!
  9. I lost my appetite for Krispy Kreme doughnuts after viewing the 2006 Krispy Kreme Calendar.
  10. Thanks for the info Kurt but mine is a TA01...no doughnut...it has .223 BDC built into the reticle. I will have to compare the 55 to the 69 in greater detail this week. New post will follow... BTW, thanks for the ACOG honey...
  11. Being broke is something I can comment on...I resemble that statement. I'll be done with my associates degree in 3 weeks. I need a better paying job. So many guns...so little money...ahhhhh
  12. Jay...it wasn't his shooting the chrono that put him in the doghouse...it was his announcing to the world that I had originally killed the chronograph. And you know what they say about paybacks... just kidding...come on in the house dear, I've made dinner for you, it's your favorite...Purina
  13. Thanks Chris, that's the only stage where I beat him yesterday. Let's team up against him, I need all the help I can get whooping his butt.
  14. I have suffered for years with sinus infections. They move from my sinuses into my gums and teeth and back again. I am allergic to amoxicillan and the cillan family so I can't take them anymore. I do take Ceftin when I need to. But I have used Hydrogen Peroxide to fight from getting it. I have put some in a spray bottle and spray the back on my throat and my nose...not sniffed into sinus just the nostril. DO NOT SWALLOW THAT STUFF!!!!! I also don't get colds anymore either. Hope it works for ya! ~Nanci~
  15. In my own defense...it may have been luck. I felt quite confident shooting the 55 gr. load mostly because I have awesome JP rifle that gave me great results last weekend at the 3-gun match. Of course, it didn't hurt to swipe the ACOG from Jim.
  16. Ok, I figure that payback is fair play...don't you? Several months ago my husband announced my indescriminant murder of our chronograph's pickups to the Enos shooting forum. We all had a big chuckle over it and I had to buy new pickups for the chrono. They arrived last week. Today, they have two new .223 sized holes in the forward pickup and I can assure you that I did NOT shoot it. Can you guess who it was? ~Nanci~
  17. Not today...but I've heard they taste just like chicken.
  18. I knew it...I knew it! Oh, you said Brass...sorry I missed that part.
  19. That is funny stuff...bloopers... Did you ever try to make an error free video? It's not easy.
  20. The whole thing is just so sad. People have lost their lives and now families' will be devastated by their loss. The American people have lost their compassion because of the crap we are forced to swallow daily. We all have flashbacks of OJ Simpson in his white Bronco because the news helicopters followed him for hours. But, they also follow the criminal dirtbags which in turn helps law enforcement apprehend them and lock them up. Now, there will be more regulations and laws to control the air space where some people enjoy their freedom. Then we'll have more crap to swallow. It's just a tragedy.
  21. They say...if you don't like the heat, stay out of the kitchen. In Maricopa County it's simple, if you don't like the accomodations then don't break the law. Keep up the good work Sheriff Joe!
  22. I read somewhere that a person on welfare, medicaid,WIC, commodities and every government sponsored hand-out available, when added together is equivalent to a $40,000 per year job. That's a pretty good income!
  23. Nice truck Chris....I love that blue color.
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