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Everything posted by LadyinBlue

  1. Just rescued mine from the mailbox and now devouring the photos, ads and articles at the speed of sight.
  2. Thanks for the vote of confidence but I'm just hoping to build a gun before then. I have been known to beat the old man occasionally but this is the Jay vs. Jim duel and I'm staying out of it. I just don't think Scooby Doo undies on my head would be fashionable...unless they're blue.
  3. This is my SS pistol...it is somewhat of a hybrid with a Caspian frame and a Kimber slide. I would rather use a different slide (Armscor,etc.) but this is all I have and it fits like a glove. It will require a fiber optic front sight and an adjustable rear sight for my old eyes.
  4. I posted a link to the King's version in post #5 Neal in AZ Thanks for the link Neal...looks like they have a built-in plunger tube and thumb guard. I wonder if they would fit over a Smith & Alexander mag well...maybe can make it fit. I know a good gunsmith.
  5. Funny because it looks exactly like my Safari Arms frames. Here is one of them with a Colt Ace kit fitted to it. The triggerguard has the same look to it, that is why I thought it was a SA frame. Neal in AZ Wow, they are identical! They both had to have come from the same foundry. We actually have 2 of them also...they are a nice frame. I'll post a photo later.
  6. Thanks Neal...I thought it was Safariland but a few too many years have past since I last shot this firearm. Safariland says they no longer sell grips and this one was supplied by another vendor. (they would not say who) Anyone know the name of the vendor? Better hurry before I swipe the ones off of Jim's gun. (they're probably mine anyway...lol) BTW...this one is a Caspian frame that was discontinued many years ago.
  7. Don't forget Merlin and David the Sunshine dude...we should request BE to be our squad leader
  8. I'm trying to build a single stack for the WSSC in January and I need new grips on my old gun. These grips have the wrap-around palm swell for the front strap which my hand is quite familiar with but somehow mine got broken... At least, that's what my husband said when I saw this set on his gun. Can anyone identify the manufacturer of these or tell me where I can find some that are similar?
  9. I just discovered that Jim used MY old Bomar rear sight and the grips to build the SS .45 he intends to shoot. I think I can claim ownership and just shoot that. Of course, it will have to be painted blue! And absolutely no chickens allowed..where's the Beef? For squadding purposes...Nanci Lambert
  10. Sounds great honey but you'll have to leave the Ernie Hill leather at home and use that Kydex holster...ah, the good ol' days! "Holster rules are very much the same as USPSA Production and IDPA."
  11. Marriage is a peculiar thing...women marry men and expect them to change and they don't. Men marry women and expect that they will not change and they do. Memberships are no longer available for the "Jim's ex-wife club".
  12. The money changers were making a profit from the exchange rate they were charging for the cost of sacrificial animals that were required at the temple. The Temple was supposed to be a house of worship and not a marketplace which is why Jesus demonstrated His righteous indignation and flipped over the tables and weilded a whip. Can you imagine His response to a modern day church where they sell tapes and CD's?
  13. I had an interesting experience at the 2007 multi-gun nationals earlier this month. It was on stage 3, I Like Floppers (shotgun only), comstock scoring...9 rounds (slugs)...45 points...8 IPSC targets and 1 PP activating 2 clamshells with no shoots. You had to shoot from behind a vehicle at about 20 yards. When the scoring was underway, the RO calls a Mike one 1 of my targets, luckily the guy tapeing says "what about this?". There is a D hit high on the right shoulder of the target just barely breaking the perforation of the target area. The RO says, "oh that was there from before and it didn't get taped". As pleasant as I can possible speak I said, "RO, the targets should have been checked and taped before I shot...you have to give me hit". After a discussion with the CRO on the stage I did get credit for the D hit. (which is much better than a miss on a stage like this) Now my question to myself is, should I have requested a reshoot instead of taking the D hit? My experience and time with shooting shotgun is very minimal (probably because I have to shoot lefty) and I was shooting 20 gauge until 3 weeks before the nationals when I switched to 12 gauge. I do think that if you get to shoot a stage twice you will have the advantage of experience on the second run. But I was not fully confident that I could shoot it better considering the aforementioned. Sometimes a re-shoot can be a crap-shoot.
  14. Obsessed...Who's obsessed? Do you think I'm obsessed? Well, ok, maybe...just a bit. Welcome Vera!
  15. Wow Sam...that's beautiful. I don't like pink either...mine are all blue. Hope it shoots as good as it looks.
  16. You should not be getting anything back in your face. Something is wrong, and its not that you are standing on the wrong side of the rifle... The ONLY problem I seem to have is when using the short range sight on the LEFT side of the rifle (at 10 o-clock) I sometimes get hot brass on the inside of my right elbow that may sit there and sizzle. When shooting a short hoser stage I just keep reminding myself that pain is weakness leaving the body...and the faster I go, the quicker I can get that hot little bast#!d off my arm! jj Hi JJ...I resemble that statement. I normally wear a long sleeved shirt to avoid that burning on the right arm but at the Nats in Tulsa it was sooo humid I couldn't put that extra shirt on all the time. I now have a lovely set of circles and half-moon marks on the inside of my right arm. How fashionable!
  17. +1 You should have your right to vote temporarily revoked if you fail to exercise that right in a certain number of elections. When I think about the trials that women in this country went through to fight for our right to vote I feel obligated to vote at any and every election put before me. The issue that peeves me the most is that the majority of voters (men and women alike...) will blindly vote for any contender without first studying the issues and the moral character of the candidate. So many people believe the talking heads on TV who want to tell them how to think. Come on people...use the brain that God gave you! With great freedom and liberty comes great reponsibility.
  18. Sorry for your loss Michelle...honoring your Grampa comes first.
  19. You've chosen a sore subject here...well it is with me anyway (and you too obviously). I guess there are some who are apathetic about apathy. They just don't give a hoot about anything except their favorite sport or the perfect home they live in or their new car or their high paying job or maybe their country club membership. Our affluent society, our spoiled undisciplined children, our unfair justice system that fails to provide real punishment for crime and foolishly tries to rehabilitate criminals; these are just a few conditions in our country today that tear apart the fabric of that country you and I once knew. We no longer have to work hard to eat or are allowed to train our children correctly to know right from wrong. We feel powerless to be able to change anything in the country for even if you vote for someone who you think will represent your values, they go to Washington and get poisoned by political power to change their views. But one thing for sure is we cannot give up. We must maintain our integrity and teach our children how to do the same. Fighting apathy starts at home with your own family...it then extends to inspiring your circle of friends to also stand up and have their voices heard. Then they will in turn inspire others to speak out with one clear voice. Our forefathers gave up fortunes and position and some even their lives to create a legacy of freedom in this country which we will not give up willingly. ~Nanci~
  20. I 2nd that! This was only my third 3-gun match so my expectations were not fully developed. I think that if it is not an advantage to the left-handed shooter to shoot the stage right-to-left then why not set it up that way. For example, stage 2...Swinging Birds, the published stage description is somewhat different from the actual stage that was setup to shoot. The written drawing shows the start X far to the right so most shooters (including lefties) would start shooting the targets on the right then go left. The wall was actually straight across and the start X was on the left. This was perfect for right-handed shooters to move across the stage running and reloading while facing forward. Lefties, on the other hand, were forced to run and reload backwards from left-to-right across the stage when a simple change of placing an additional X on the right hand side of the stage would have allowed us to run forward from right-to-left. This stage was biased for right-handed shooters and forced left-handed shooters to concentrate more on the safety of not falling than on on shooting.
  21. Yep, that's what it says on the shirt. Thanks for the video...brings back great memories.
  22. I've been a Hunter Education Instructor for 15 years and have seen several kids come through the class with the same problem. Once we have determined which eye is dominant then we encourage them to try to shoot left-handed if they are left eyed. I understand that this is a right-handed world and doing anything left-handed in that "realm" can be difficult. However, being a righty and shooting lefty does take some time to get used to so why not train early and get the fundamentals behind you. Shooting the handgun right-handed and using the left eye is more common than you know. I shoot pistol right-handed but left-eyed...long guns I shoot left-handed because I cannot see the sights at all with my right eye. I have become quite adept with my hands in the "wrong" place but I've done it for years now and it feels normal. One problem I've encountered recently while shooting 3-gun is in a shotgun/pistol stage where I use a glove on my right hand to keep from get burned on the shotgun (left-handed) keeps me from getting a positve grip on my pistol (right-handed). I have to take the glove off...something to consider with switching between the two. Also having 2 trigger fingers. Not sure if that helps but my 2 cents anyway.
  23. Sweetheart, you spelled integrity wrong. (...he hates it when I do that...hehehe)
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