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Everything posted by Ironman

  1. Flexmoney, Agreed, Tai Chi would be passive and not aggravate the existing problem as much as other martial arts. Bill, If books and videos are all you have time for it would be better than not doing it at all. Give it a try. I am sorry but I do not know any good sources for either but I will ask some friends and see what they come up with. Jim
  2. Hi Bill, In my opinion, you can read all the books or watch all the movies that you want but it will never compare with training under the direction of a person that knows how to teach the art that you want to train for. Tae Kwon Do has many aerial kicks so if you have bad knees I do not recommend this art. I had good knees until I started and now they both are wasted. I did have a great time for several years though. The leg and back stretches are great for the large muscles and gave me a lot more flexibility. Kempo does not have the aerial kicks other wise it is similar to Tae Kwon Do in that it is a punching and kicking art. There are other aspects of the art that I did not train in. I went there to train on the long stick, short sticks and some knife work, which I found to be a lot of fun. Aki-jujitsu is a grappling art where you tend to spend half of the time hitting the ground. This is a place that the boken may be taught. It is fascinating how you can use your center of gravity to control someone much larger than you can. Hapkido has the art of joint manipulation dialed in. You can learn how to lock up a finger, wrist, elbow, shoulder and thus control your opponent. They also have some weapon training in the higher ranks. This was a lot of fun and the stretches were great for the joints. I have had personal experience with the styles listed above. Tai Chi sounds pretty good to me after being beat up with the other arts for several years. I have not tried it but my 78-year-old mother does it once a week. Hope this helped. Jim
  3. Since I have taken the advice of this forum and started using One Shot (in limited quantities) I have not cleaned the lube off. No problems so far. Thanks to Dillon for their response. Jim
  4. I have a Pact and I am very happy with its preformance. I also own dillon products and must believe that their scales are of high quality just as the rest of their products are. Jim
  5. Ironman

    My New Svi

    Thanks everyone, BerKim, I had SVI do the work for me. It is SVI's Calif. legal Stainless Steel model. The barrel has a Titanium Nitride finish. Here is a link that describes the barrel a little better. http://www.sviguns.com/aet/aet.html The serial number came from a nickname I had when I was in High School. eerw, SVI calls it the Infinity Competition Target and it is shipped in only 45 cal. here in California. I have had a 40 cal barrel fit for it and it will be here next week sometime. More waiting... J
  6. Ironman

    My New Svi

    I thought that I would share a picture of my new SVI with all of you. Here she is.
  7. My prayers are with you and Ruth. These times are what help all of us appreciate how good we have it. I hope that all goes well with Ruth's visit at the Mayo Clinic. Jim
  8. Hi Brian, I think it is always nice to have options. I for one would buy both. Jim
  9. The tracking that I have experienced in California has been accurate. I have seen packages sitting 20 miles from my house and still not get there until the due date. By the way I called SVI to verify that my new gun is being shipped next day and they told me that was the only way that they shipped handguns. Go figure... Mine gets shipped on Monday. Jim
  10. I got a call from John's mom last night and John is home and doing well. The Butlers send their thanks to those that said a prayer for him. Jim
  11. Great post Jim, Native Kalifornian
  12. I had a call from Marci, Taran’s mom tonight. She asked me to post this. I have a request from my friend Taran Butler to say a prayer for his brother. John has been in the hospital during the fires which burned on both sides of Taran’s house, which was spared, during the Simi Valley fire. The doctors say that John has a benign (sp) tumor on his brain that has been giving him problems with his sight. He is on his third surgery to remove the tumor and seal back the membrane in his nose that they operated through. So please say a prayer for John. Thank you, Jim
  13. Ironman

    Fire Sucks!

    this is a picture of a house 300 yards away. Boy is it smoky. 5:40 pm 10/28/03 The map has been updated. Jim
  14. Ironman

    Fire Sucks!

    THANKS! I updated my previous post with details on the fire. I will also update the map as time allows. Jim
  15. Ironman

    Fire Sucks!

    This link will take you to a map that I have been compiling from the TV reports and my scanner. fire map Here is a 3D view 3D map Latest update is 200,000 acres burnt. By tommrrow we will have twice as many fire trucks as we do today per the Governer. Jim 7:06pm Thanks 300lbGorilla, I agree with your comments. I also hope that you and yours remain safe. Our close fire is controlled. Now we wait... 9;10 am 10/28/03 881 homes lost, Camp Pendleton fire is 100% contained, Otay fire has burnt 45,000 acres and is 90% contained, Cedar fire has burnt 206,664 acres and is still out of control, Paradise fire has burnt 30,000 acres and is still out of control. Humidity is up and the Santa Anna has died down. More help is on the way. At this time we are not at risk. J
  16. Ironman

    Fire Sucks!

    1:27pm 10-27-03 2:35pm I just got home. The latest one broke out at the intersection of Hwy 76 and Interstate 15 and has burned 10 acres. This one is 5 miles from my home. No where near the other fires. Damn Pyro's. The other fires have burned over 150,000 acres, 14 deaths and 580 homes lost. It is 1.5 miles north of the Wild Animal Park. The good news is that the winds have not come up like they said they would yesterday. Jim
  17. Ironman

    Fire Sucks!

    Thanks Ron. Erik, sorry to hear about your family. I hope they will be spared. 6:51 pm The winds have died down for now but tommrrow they will head Southwest in the morning and West up to 50 mph by noon. Otay is getting hit hard as is Poway and Romona. No Chargers football game tommorrow. Jim
  18. Ironman

    Fire Sucks!

    3 More fires started here. One started in Ramona and is down to Mira Mar and over to Lakeside the other is in Valley Center. 100 structures burned and 11 deaths, over 80,000 acres have burned. The area has been declared a state of emergency. The news said that a lost hunter started a signal fire to draw attention to his position. This is the worst fire we have seen since 1984. How about a little prayer for the fireman. It's coming my way... Jim Updated 1:00 pm 10/26/03 Updated 3:15 pm
  19. Ironman

    Fire Sucks!

    300lbgorilla, Best of luck with saving you home. I will say a prayer for you. I am next to the fire south of you in Fallbrook. At night I can go in my back yard and see the flames. I am about 10 miles from the hot spot now and it is moving away from our home. Thank God! Jim
  20. Taran Butler told me about it and said that I should join and compete. I took his advise and have not regretted it. Jim
  21. Nolan, Glad you are OK. My new SVI should be here shortly and I guess I should order a box of breach face screws along with it. Jim
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