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1/3 of the way through ATLAS SHRUGGED

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I have been a proponent of Ayn's work for over 20 years. What I have found is that it hard to rationalize with emotionally driven people. Truths are facts and cannot be altered to serve your purpose, However if it feels right, then it must be so.

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I'm conflicted about the book. I love some of the themes, but it gets very repetitive and preachy. I think a 200 page edit would have improved it significantly.

I agree. She kind of beats you over the head with things. I felt like I could see what was happening (I don't want to post spoilers for the OP) about half way through but still had to slog through a few hundred pages to get there.

In the story I can buy the purity of the big business owners, in real life I don't buy the purity of huge corporations...

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There has long been talk about making this book into a movie. Would be a 3-parter. Last I heard Angelina Jolie wanted the part of Dagney Taggart!!
I think the book was killer.

I know, it was long. But I'll be reading it again!


Well that would ruin it IMO. Angelina is hot but she is freaking nuts. She should stick to wearing vials of blood around her neck and adopting foreign children. :)

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There has long been talk about making this book into a movie. Would be a 3-parter. Last I heard Angelina Jolie wanted the part of Dagney Taggart!!
I think the book was killer.

I know, it was long. But I'll be reading it again!


I am currently reading the book also. It's almost like a prophecy. Just halfway through,have been told things get better.

Couldn't and wouldn't watch it as a movie. If the book wasn't already written, nobody would believe it could be written. At least as prophetic as it is. I have no desire to see Hollywierd screw that up.

And yes, the book does get better. I think it started good. So for it to get better was just awesome. I know there are some parts that go on, but the total read is worth it.


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I love all of Ayn Rand's works. She was an interesting individual. Other than the obvious good story line, I actually enjoy her extreme detail. She describes everything in so much detail you cannot help but have a clear picture in your mind of every part of the story.

After you finish Atlas Shrugged, you should give The Fountainhead a shot. I liked it as much as Atlas Shrugged, even though it did not hit as close to home.

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Atlas Shrugged is vehicle for the exposition of ideas, not merely a novel containing ideas.

The story line, though somewhat entertaining in parts, is almost incidental to the main thematic elements.

Having said that, it is a great book and 2nd only to the Bible in its influence on me.

She speaks truth about the world and the unchanging nature of man and the nature of government, left unchecked.

It is more relevant now than when it was written.

It should be mandatory reading for every elected and appointed official and they should have to pass a comprehension exam, complete with an essay portion, before they could take office.

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