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Also really diggin my new Cheely gun. I need to work on my draws and reloads with it (have done a total of about 30 minutes of dryfire since I got it), but I've noticed it returns RIGHT back to where it left when it recoils and I am having a ton of targets with 2 shots within 2"-3" of each other. The ammo I bought from Manny is gone now, so its time to get my own worked up for it!

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Good job!! I whacked the "no shoot heaven" stage by hitting 2 no shoots. I knew that was going to bust my hump for the match. I made one up and the other was a no shoot alpha. Good thing too, I didn't even see that one, duh.

Your new Cheely gun looked awesome!! Glad you ran it well!!!!

Edited to add: you bastard C class sandbagger!!

Edited again: I don't know what's up, but I had two no shoots on stage 3 and I don't see them. I made one up with an A, and the other was already an A/no shoot. If I'm going to TANK a stage and cost myself HOA, I want full credit for it! Hahaha

Edited by Chris iliff
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Good job!! I whacked the "no shoot heaven" stage by hitting 2 no shoots. I knew that was going to bust my hump for the match. I made one up and the other was a no shoot alpha. Good thing too, I didn't even see that one, duh.

Your new Cheely gun looked awesome!! Glad you ran it well!!!!

Edited to add: you bastard C class sandbagger!!

Edited again: I don't know what's up, but I had two no shoots on stage 3 and I don't see them. I made one up with an A, and the other was already an A/no shoot. If I'm going to TANK a stage and cost myself HOA, I want full credit for it! Hahaha

I should be out of C on the next classifier update, dont worry. :blush: At least Im not shooting Single Stack :sight:B)

Scores adjusted on USPSA.com website.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't updated in awhile. classifier match scores came in. Got the expected bump to B in limited... SO GET OFF MY BACK EVERYONE !!!! :roflol: Also got classed in revo. It ain't pretty but its there. Still need to find some time to get my loads worked out for that thing so I can get some normal scores in the system and start shooting it in matches.

With hunting season rolling in tomorrow, my shooting season is about over. Got the FW match coming up this month and hopefully the SS/Prod match at the end of the month. That will likely be it until the first of the year and a couple of indoor matches before next season.

I found a thread about goal setting from earlier this year and I thought I'd post mine here along with the results:

In no particular order:

-get my A-class card in Single Stack NO

-win my class(whatever it is at that time) at the state match in whatever division I chose (probably SS)YES

-get my limited gun and at least a B classification by the end of the season. YES

-win my entire division in a semi-large match (more than just a local with only 3 or 4 shooters in a division)KINDA(havent won a division at a major but won HOA last month at FW)

-finish in the top 10 in my class at the SS Nationals YES

-become an RO YES

-take a class from a GM who can help me with my game YES

That should keep me busy enough :cheers:

I'd call that a pretty decent year! I'll be doing plenty of dryfire this winter with my new guns and Ill have some new goals shortly after the first of the year. :cheers:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shot the final FW match of the year this past weekend. Coulda/shoulda shot better. I have been so busy lately and have not touched my gun at ALL in a couple weeks and it showed. Had a couple Ms and a NS along with a tanked classifier stage that killed my match. No video as I was too busy RO'ing and dodging rain drops to bother. Not sure if this will be my last match of the year or not. It very well could be.

Things will soon be changing in my work schedule and routine that will allow me tons more time to dryfire on a daily basis. I'm also going to pick up Mike Seeklander's book in the near future as a guide for some offseason training. I had some spurts of greatness this year and I want to really dig in this offseason to see if I can keep that around more often next year. I have a few goals set in my mind for next year already and will come up with some more before the year is out I'm sure. :sight:

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Haha, I just got outta C in limited :P . I def need some SHO/WHO practice with my new gun, thats for sure!! Not all of us can skyrocket to M class as fast as you did this year! nice work! :cheers:

Thanks, it was quite the whirlwind of a year. Uhh...and after your performance at the Indiana Section with a borrowed Limited gun, I think we all know you're at least A class right now. :cheers:

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  • 2 months later...

Well, I'm still here. Been a busy hunting season for me as expected. Had quite a bit of good luck with my Savage muzzle loader. I told myself I wasn't going to update this much or do much dry firing for awhile (month or more) after the last monthly match at FW. Success. I feel very refreshed and ready to hit things hard for 2012.

I bought Mike Seeklander's dry fire books and have read them twice. I think I'm really going to like this program. I usually respond to a new training regime pretty well. This one seems very structured and I think that will make it much easier to follow. The only problem I can forsee is a serious lack of range time for the live fire portions. I'm hoping I can at least get once a week in, but I just don't see 3 times a week. I got started this afternoon with session A. As expected, establishing a baseline did take some time, but I did have some general ideas from using Steve Anderson's books. My plan is to get sessions B & C baselines done this week/weekend and then formally hit the daily program next week until further notice.

I've also been working out quite a bit at a local CrossFit gym and love it. I started in July and I can really see a development in both muscle gain and weight loss, along with conditioning and recovery. I weighed about 215lbs when I started and am now hovering around 185 and dropping weekly. I can really see it improving agility for field courses as well as recovery after long 3-gun stages. Considering I have at least 3 more months til shooting starts, my physical conditioning should be even better. :sight:

This weekend also starts my winter sporting clays league. Ill be shooting 13 weeks of skeet (and maybe 5-stand). I'm planning on using my 3-gun Benelli for some extra shooting practice with it. I feel like the shotgun is my weak point for 3gun and while I won't be able to get any loading practice during the league but some trigger time and swinging/target following practice can't hurt. Other than my pistol practice with Mike's books, I'll be working in some shotgun and rifle dry fire and reload practice.

Now that hunting season is over and the dry fire season is upon us, I'll be updating quite a bit more. B):cheers:

Also had some change-ups at work and a new office with built it dry fire capability. :blush: This is the wall behind my desk: 2012-01-04_14-33-40_819.jpg

No excuses for not getting enough practice in now :P

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Session B baselines set. Session C will be tomorrow then the real work can begin. For anyone who cares and doesn't have Seeklander's book the dry fire is 3 sessions. A is draws, B is reloads, and C is specialty skills (table loads, reload and gun transfer, draw to alternate positions, etc)/

Actually worked up a little sweat tonight doing my dry fire. :mellow: And my hands and forearms are also sore from gripping my gun so tight. That is something I took from Manny's class last year and I want to keep it going this year. He made a comment about gripping at full strength each time you touch the gun, which is something I know I wasn't doing before. Was definitely doing so tonight!

Finally ordered my casefeeder conversion kit for .40 so i can begin loading. I wanted to load a ton of ammo this winter and I am most certainly behind. :ph34r:

Also starting my winter Skeet shooting league tomorrow. Hopefully I can finally find that elusive 25 straight I've been looking for... :sight:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a good first week with the dryfire plan and put in 6 straight days that felt good. Took last Sunday off then was in Vegas all week til late last night so a week off probably killed any progress I had been making. :mellow: Time to get back on it. Also going to be throwing in some shotgun loading a few days a week as well. First match of the INMG series is in about 2 months.

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I really need to get to the range. Wanting to do a few of the Seeklander live fire drills to set some times and see where I need to focus. I don't think I'm going to get a ton of range time before the season starts, so I need to make the most of the sessions I get. Planning on doing a couple of the sessions in the book each time I hit the range. Also trying load a couple hundred rounds a day to work on stocking up some ammo for the season. Id like to not have to load ammo the week before a match like i did most of the year last year.

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I recently finished the Seeklander book. Doing that training program for a year...it would be difficult to not improve significantly!

Thats the plan!

I havent been on it every day like Ive wanted to, but Im trying to get at least 3-4 days a week. Im also crossiftting 3-4 days a week which takes a couple hours out of my evening. Worked out last night then decided I wanted to so some shotgun loading practice. Worked with the shotugn for about 45 min. Started the timer with a par time of 8 seconds and was able to get 8 shells loaded fairly easy. Worked it down to 7.5 and then to 7.0s. I missed a bunch of times then finally got it and decided to call it a night. 7.5 will be my starting point the next go around and I want to be able to get 7.0 a few times in a row before moving it down a little more. I thnk shotgun loading is the weakest point in my 3gun skill set (I doubt I'm alone there, haha). Planning on it being a strength by the time this season is in full swing.

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Another good work out tonight and an hour with the shotgun afterward. I like working my dry fire in post-workout. It really makes me focus on the movements more as my muscles are sore and tired. I started out tonight at 7.5 and was having some trouble. I could feel myself TRYING to go fast and get the gun loaded, like I don't know better by now that TRYING to do anything in these sports isn't going to get you very far. I decided to put the timer away for awhile and just work on form.

I did a little experimenting with shell caddy order and gun angle as well. I found that if I hold the gun more vertical it seemed my hand and shells lined up better and things went a little smoother. I have been canting the gun at a bit of an angle to see the loading port. Holding things more vertical seemed to help. I also think I load a little faster from the left side of my belt first, which was surprising. I have been working from the right as those shells are closer to the gun and I would think I could get them in quicker. I noticed tonight that I have to turn my body a bit to get my weak hand to those shells though and I think its costing me. When I load from the left side first, i seem to be able to drop my hand to them faster and get them out smoother with less overall body movement.

I also adapted the Burkett pistol reload drill to my shotgun loading as well tonight. I wanted to see what I can do time-wise to get the shells out of the caddy and into the loading port. The end of the drill is depressing the lifter with the first shell and just starting it into the mag tube. After each rep, I loaded the 4 shells without a timer just to work on form more. I got my par time down to 1.2s with good consistency for this drill which I think is pretty good. After working on some form stuff, I put the timer back to 7.0s and got 2 out 3 in under the buzzer. I think I need to just work on form and smoothness for awhile to get things with my hand/wrist down the way they need to be. I'd like to get out to the range and do some actual shot-to-shot reload times.

Tomorrow is going to be a heavy pistol dry fire night.

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Did a combo night of dryfire last night. Did a lot of Sessions A&B from Mike's book, with a small twist. I left the timer in the other room. I didnt want to push for speed, but rather form. I also tried out some new hand drying stuff as my hands get terribly sweaty any time of the year. Holy crap!! That gun isnt going to move when I shoot this year. No way can it slide around in my hands anymore. It feels like my hands are glued to the gun. So much so that it was a little tricky to shift the gun to hit the mag release. Im trying to get to the point where I wont have to shift the gun around to dorp a mag with my Limited gun, but I just dont think its possible with my short thumbs and the double stack grip. Its no problem with my SS rigs, but the Lim is a tricky beast. At least I only should be reloading once per stage instead of 3 or 4.

As for the drills, I was happy. I gradually picked up speed with the various draws and reloads but mainly worked on form. I did a ton of Burket reloads as well with the Lim gun. Everything felt pretty darn good and I was quite happy when I put my gear away. The timer will come back out tomorrow. I think Im going to get my SS guns out and ready in early March to give me two solid months of dryfire with them before Nats. Would like to get to an indoor match in Niles in a couple weeks if my schedule allows it. I know there is some serious rust that needs shaken loose...

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  • 2 weeks later...

More shotgun dryfire last night. Spent about an hour and half with it. I need to stop trying to be fast and just worry about being smooth. I can go through the motions at what i feel is a extremely slow pace and be done well before the par time beeps, but when I'm doing it for real my arm and hands tighten up and don't want to work. Its just something I need to keep working on. Possibly some range time this weekend. I hope. :mellow:

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