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Sherlock Holmes


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Loved it! I thought it was really well done. I was glad that it focused more on the relationship between Holmes and Watson rather than trying to wow me with action. Good story, good characters, good villain, and the end of the movie set up the next one nicely.

Thumbs up from me.

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this film was done under the direction of Guy Ritchie, is it like his first films? edgy and in your face

Yes, but it's just enough. Not vertigo inducing like some others of his, but the fight scenes are well paced and shot. Also the English accents are upper-crust, not the usual unintelligible small-mouthed Cockney of Ritchie's other movies.

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Just saw it. Well made! Not really the type flick I spend the bucks at the theater for, but it was Xmas so...

I guess I'm a bit slow, but I had trouble with the accents for the first third or so of the movie. If I had it on DVD I'd probably repeat several scenes to get the words right. That and I was kinda tired so my attention wasn't as good. My daughters really enjoyed it. The interaction between Downey Jr. and Law was good. Downey Jr seems to have found his on camera timing much like Depp. Looking forward to watching it again when it comes out on DVD...


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Looking forward to it. And if you have never seen Jeremy Brett as Sherlock, you have really missed the definitive version. People who know him say he was born to play that role.

Jeremy Brett IS Mr. Holmes. I have the entire series!


He was Sherlock... I've read the complete works and he was the best to ever play the role. Basil Rathbone wasn't to bad, but Brett takes it.

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From what I can tell from the previews, this movie is a real departure from the books. IOW, like Bond, it is Holmes in name only. Having said that, I still expect to enjoy it.

I can also imagine that Downey could do a really credible job with the character in a serious drama. One of the things that you get from the books is that the character of Holmes was, shall we say, a bit odd. Manic/depressive, obsessive/compulsive is more like it. One of the reasons that Brett was so good in this role is that he was manic/depressive in life and obsessive/compulsive about the role of Holmes. And Downey has many of those same characteristics.

As an aside, one of the best things about the Granada TV production of Holmes was that Dr. Watson was not written as a buffoon, as was the case in the Basil Rathbone movies. The writing also did a good job of bringing a sense of the era to the screen.

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Saw it yesterday with the wife, we both really enjoyed it. I thought Downey and Law were perfect and played off each other really well. I lived in Scotland for 3 years, so the whole accent thing never bothers me. Definitely a THUMBS UP!! Downey now has two blockbusters he can bounce back and forth doing. I've liked most Law films and this will definitely boost him to another level.

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From what I can tell from the previews, this movie is a real departure from the books. IOW, like Bond, it is Holmes in name only. Having said that, I still expect to enjoy it.

I can also imagine that Downey could do a really credible job with the character in a serious drama. One of the things that you get from the books is that the character of Holmes was, shall we say, a bit odd. Manic/depressive, obsessive/compulsive is more like it. One of the reasons that Brett was so good in this role is that he was manic/depressive in life and obsessive/compulsive about the role of Holmes. And Downey has many of those same characteristics.

As an aside, one of the best things about the Granada TV production of Holmes was that Dr. Watson was not written as a buffoon, as was the case in the Basil Rathbone movies. The writing also did a good job of bringing a sense of the era to the screen.

Actually, Downey plays it in very much the same way, (I imagine it's not that difficult for him to play a brilliant guy who's a little nutty), and Watson's characterization is much more as his partner rather than his bumbling sidekick. Don't let the previews fool you, it's not the super action packed explosion-fest that you'd think it is from seeing the previews. Much more about the story and the characters. I think you'll like it.

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I thought it was an ok movie. My wife and I had the same experiance, first it was very hard to hear/understand what was bieng said. Second was the story, though good at the end was so fragmented my wife kept asking who/why/what???? (partly due to not catching the dialog all the time). I would have been happy with about the last 3 minutes.

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