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Canyon Creek 2010 Area 5 Championship

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The shortcomings of the match land squarely on my shoulders, as I had a great staff. If it wasn't for them it would have been a serious goat rope.

There were few to none from my perspective. Perfect is hard to come by and even if you'd had another week you would have still been tweaking things up to the end. At some point, good enough, is really good enough, and you guys went all the way to great. R,

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The shortcomings of the match land squarely on my shoulders, as I had a great staff. If it wasn't for them it would have been a serious goat rope.

There were few to none from my perspective. Perfect is hard to come by and even if you'd had another week you would have still been tweaking things up to the end. At some point, good enough, is really good enough, and you guys went all the way to great. R,

Well, you left before the awards. There were a few goats that made an appearance there. Next time the only goat at the awards will be on a plate.

The staff and I thank you for the compliment. You are all going to get a mass email and I'd like it if you all took the time to write a "few" words on how to improve it for next time. I say few because I know how ya are G. :)

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Yep, definitely a fun match. I took the Manny Bragg class with 7 other brave souls and we had a really good time. Thank God for the tent on Tues or we would have been soaked! JT went out of his way to make sure we were taken care of, and it turned out to be a great class and a great venue for a big match. :cheers:

I should have let your asses get soaked like we did. :P At least you were smart enough not to make any comments about being warm and dry under the tent... One of those would have created a desperate need for the tent on another bay. :devil:

Edited by JThompson
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I thought it was a great match, toughest one I have ever shot!! A lot more memory stages than I am used to, very easy to miss one.

Having never shot on a sandy bay stage 5 taught me a hard lesson. NEVER EVER retrieve a full mag off the ground and put in gun!!!!!!! Big zero for that stage and kinda set the stge for the rest of sat, glad I made some recovery on sunday.

Hat's off to all the staff and to Jim, thanks again for fixing the hotel problem! Helluva a guy that will secure a room for a stranger with his own credit card.


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Just walked in the door and to those who were sitting on the fence about going,,,,,,,,,you missed a good one. The staff we're all over it, the 2-3 times we got backed up, as soon as the squad ahead was done they we're calling for our sheets so we could get going without even a 1-2 minute break for them. The stages we're a mix of challenging and technical to just straight forward burn it down as fast you can. To Ray and the CRO of Stage 1 I'll have to admit I left a little uneasy over a procedural call, I thought about for 320 miles till my first stop until I popped in the video from my hat cam. As mad as I am at myself I gotta say, Good Call. If A5 is back there next year it will be a hard one to miss. Thanks again for all your hard work. And Jim I'll try to get some video up later, even though some of it I'd rather keep too my self.

Edited by WDB
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A big, big thanks to all the RO's and staff who made it all happen. It was very interesting to experience the changes the sport has gone through since my last Area 5 which was maybe 1990 or 91. No Standards was one thing, the shooting lanes is another item, something that Ike Stroud pointed out was how we used to scoot from box to box to shoot the various arrrays. Also the challenges of having the targets near to the 180 plane and the targets on the ground is a new twist. And then the movers, droppers and that big swinger on 12 which had me spraying and praying showcased my obvious limited inexperience with them. the one thing that strikes me as the biggest change is how many people are shooting while they are moving. That is a whole new paradigm for me....anyways I guess I am gabbing along but I must say one more thing, my Squad 409 was just one great bunch of people who exhibited true sportsmanship every stage. I was honored to get to know some of them and enjoy their various styles and solutions to the complex problems presented to us in this match.

shalom, earl

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A big thanks to Ray, Jim, and Dale for all they did. We can never know what it really took to do this in the time they did. Tanks to the great stats girls and to the fix-it team for being on top of everything. thanks to all the shooters for comming and shooting my stage. Thanks to Brian, Nate and Denny for putting up with me for 3 days..lol.

Here is a staff pic


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I had a great time with my squad. You couldn't ask for a greater bunch of guys in one place at one time! Great stages and great crew. Not much to see in Polo unless your really into corn. :blink:

That sounds exciting to me......

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Great Match, thanks to all the staff!! Nice to finally shoot an area match with a decent finish. Shot with a great squad, mostly friends but had a couple of guys that were sure fun to watch. Max and Blake can make tough stages look so easy !

The only down side of the match was explaining this to the wife.......post-10081-127651424776_thumb.jpg

Thanks to Carl, Ray and one other staff member, as well as my good friends for getting this patched up for the 6hr drive home....... post-10081-127651440357_thumb.jpg

BTW.......Coroplast and Duct tape are good up to 95mph !!!

Nice shooting, Nick! :cheers:

That's too bad about your window. Why did you park so close to the Little League game? :roflol: On the bright side, now we can tell our cars apart.

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I had a great time with my squad. You couldn't ask for a greater bunch of guys in one place at one time! Great stages and great crew. Not much to see in Polo unless your really into corn. :blink:

That sounds exciting to me......

Look like they got it in early. It seemed to have a good start. Didn't seem to be bogged by the water we have been getting in Ohio.

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Thanks to all the staff and the guys I shot with. This was my second match and my first was a classifier last month. I'm glad I asked you guys about shooting this match. I had a blast and got to meet a lot of good people. I had a few friends come and watch, looks like we may have a few more new shooters.

Patrick Linder

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I would like to give a big Thanks to all of the shooters who came to shoot this match and a really big Thanks to the entire staff who made this match possible. I'm very proud to have my Company name on this match.

Thanks again

Richard Dettelhouser

Canyon Creek

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I would like to give a big Thanks to all of the shooters who came to shoot this match and a really big Thanks to the entire staff who made this match possible. I'm very proud to have my Company name on this match.

Thanks again

Richard Dettelhouser

Canyon Creek

Thank you for stepping up with some very nice guns for the shooters Rich. :sight:


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Jim and Dale (and everybody else on the staff): Great job on the match! We really had only one wait and that was due to "controversy" in the squad ahead of us. They got caught up and the match really flowed. It worked as well as Area 2 and they have been tuning the system for more than 20 years. The stages were challenging and fun. Also, delaying the Sunday cloudburst until after the match was a nice touch! Good Job!

Congratulations to John S. Great Class win!

Also, thanks for the tips, Kyle. I just realized that I did not say "do a search" the entire match! :rolleyes: Next time. :devil: Good luck with the election!



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I want to personally thank ALL the staff that put on A5. The amount of work involved to run a match of this size (both physical and number of shooters) has to be a logistical nightmare. The stages were very challenging and fun. I especially enjoyed Stage 10 with the USPSA version of the Mozembique (spelling?). Thanks again, I enjoyed the match.

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Thanks to everyone who had a hand in this match. I thought it was a very good and well run match as well. Loved having the lengthy registration window on Friday. Shooting started promplty on Saturday morning. Lunch was excellent. The water wagon was never far away. I can only think of one REF for our squad all day long, and with so many activators/movers that is pretty darn good. I had good dealings with all the RO's who were keeping a quick pace and obviously being mindful of their reset times and squad schedules. I did hear a few "slide forward" and "Do you understand the course of fire?" but have yet to attend or work a match where I haven't... just a pet peave.

The only hiccup our squad experienced was getting backed up for over an hour early on Saturday. We shot stages 3 & 4 which were both quickies, and got backed up at Stage 5 which was significantly larger with a more complex stage procedure. It actually didn't work out too bad because it meant our squad sat out a good portion of the first rain storm under tents or tree cover. We had another smaller backup after lunch but otherwise had pretty brief waits if we had to wait at all. Not bad considering the squad sizes and all the long course of fire.

If I had to provide any constructive criticism it would be to have a few more porta-johns... if you were on stages 7 or 8 in that back corner it was a pretty good hike to the nearest unit.

Oh... I forget the stage number but those bank swallows were crazy!

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Wow....what a great match! Although I turned in one of my worst performances in recent memory I throughly enjoyed the entire experience. After shooting Thursday I was contemplating changing sports, totaly humilating performance with more penalities than I normallly aquire in a year (I soon came back to my senses). The stages were, if I dare say, Nationals quality. The top shooters I talked with about them all said the stages were difficult, although they made them look like a walk in the park.

ROing the rest of the match was rewarding. Larry got us through with only 3 re-shoots, that's about .08%. Not too shabby. The Vestals came to the rescue on Saturday and it was fun at the games for the rest of the match. To top it all off I even won a pistol!

Thanks to the ROs, MDs, RM, Mr. Fixits, Waterman, Stats gurus, cooperative and gracious competitors, and everyone else that helped pull the match off. No small effort. Stay well all...I hope to see you next year. TP

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A big thanks to Ray, Jim, and Dale for all they did. We can never know what it really took to do this in the time they did. Tanks to the great stats girls and to the fix-it team for being on top of everything. thanks to all the shooters for comming and shooting my stage. Thanks to Brian, Nate and Denny for putting up with me for 3 days..lol.

Here is a staff pic

I need a full file on this one and anyone else who has it please do the same. I want to print off a copy of you guys.

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Well here is my video. The performance was dismal, but the match was a blast. I have a lot to work on, that is for sure. The first is not to use Wolf primers at major matches, federal only. The rest is pretty obvious too.

Finally, to quote the great Mel Brooks in spaceballs "why didn't someone tell me my ass was so big!"

Edited by Codycoyote
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