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Paul B

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I hate that this 5th weekend is just a preview of the many weekends without a match over the next few months. Every year it's the same story. Shoot all summer building up your skills only to lose them when you can't shoot for at least 2 months in my part of the country.

I'm as stupid as the next shooter and will practice in the sub freezing weather, but it just isn't the same. Indoor matches are around sporadically, but they aren't the same either. Plus you have the opportunity to fill your lungs with all that good stuff!

If I weren't tied to the area, south Texas would be Valhalla.

Well I guess I'll go back to dry firing now and take more anti-depressants.

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I can relate to you Paul. I live in Wyoming and shooting closes down in the winter. We had a great break in the weather and made up our Novemeber match (cancelled for snow) today, but I think we are about done for the next 3 months. In fact, we really don't crank it on until April.

On the flip side, I have a decal on the windshield of my snowmachine that reads, "Summer Sucks". :lol:

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Until it's just too darn hot to practice. I hate that.

You know you're in Texas when you bring a sweat towel to wipe yourself off after each string in practice... In October

I can deal with the heat when I know I can practice all year round.



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Think warm thoughts, Paul. It was 70 degrees yesterday and promises to be in the upper 60's today. If it's any consolation, day before match day, temperature was 80. Match day? Mid to low 40's for a high (not for too darned long either) with 25mph gusts. Uggh! I factored the classifier because at 5:30 p.m. it was so cold I could only see the dot and think, "Just 24 more trigger pulls and I can go get warm."

Weird stuff. Weather.


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I used to be adamant about shooting in all kinds of weather, I have shot ankle deep in water and mud, in 17 degree cold with ice falling from the sky...

I got past that. If you do enough of that kind of shooting, where you fight the elements, it gets detrimental to your shooting. Better to dry fire than try to become the World Champ of Cold Weather Shooting, IMO.

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I looked at your club's web page. The range looks very nice! Why not bid for the Area 3 match? :P


the Nebraska at ENGC ipsc side is too small. they don't have enough bays for an area match. but, it is a nice range.


as lynn said it is to small for a area 3 match. in Sep 04 we are going to have a Nebraska State Practical Pistol Championships. we are planning on running at least 6-7 stages for a one day match. all of the details havent been worked out yet. ill post it here when i find out more

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Perfect conditions for a snowboard. ;) Put the skis away until it gets icey. It's been raining for days now, which means a bunch snow in the mountains. As soon as it stops, I can head up for a powder day. Ah, the life of leisure... a lift ticket only costs about a week's worth of food, anyway.

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Have you ever actually *tried* to even find out about biathlon, much less even participate? It makes Freemasonry and the Skull and Bones Society seem open and transparent in comparison.

Block off a 5 mile XC course, fill it with plate racks, and I'm there babies...

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Eric's right. Biathlon is absolutely inscrutable.

Due to a local shortage of snow, we considered doing a summer-biathlon type match, but given the shape of most local shooters (round), the idea never got too far. Might be cool on mountain bikes.. probably a good idea to leave the rifles at the firing line for that..

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You'd probably be the only one who'd finish. :P It would be tough for me. I went skiing once. Once. It wore me out. My body told me that if God intended for me to go sliding down the mountain at breakneck speed, he wouldn't have given me the two little stumpy things called feet to walk on. Of course, if the Japanese didn't believe a 90-degree drop was a "bunny hill," life would have been easier, too. <_< Overall, though, I think it was the little kids looping and laughing at me that did me in. Maybe again some day.


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