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Friday Flame War


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It's almost noon Pacific time and nobody has started the traditional Friday thread.

I've been waiting all week to bitch about the putrid green text in SIGlady's posts.

I'm fed up with HR bozos who say in their job ads, "Resumes without salary requirements will not be considered." Hey, dumbass, I need to know your company's non-salary compensation and benefits before I can give you a figure. If you want to match 100% of my 401k contributions 3-for-1, have non-deductible 100% health/dental/eye coverage, give me eight weeks of paid vacation and every Friday off, with free massages every Monday and as needed, I'll work for peanuts. Anything less and I'll have to carefully consider salary as a portion of a total compensation package.

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I hate cleaning the cats' litter box.

I hate that this quarter in school is almost over.

I hate that it's not raining right now... I feel like a good, long walk.

I hate... ummm... dammit, I hate that I'm in a relatively good mood.

Erik, I feel for you, man. I never did understand that one.

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Oh, ERIK!!!!! <_<

Erik: I'm not a fan of green AT ALL, but Duane sez he can't read the teal on his monitor so I (reluctantly and under duress) caved in. Then Brian changed the color of the text in most of the forum to the navy blue I was using... so...

Meanwhile: I hate it when my best photo client of nine years starts showing his age and treating me rudely, unprofessionally and downright nastily... demanding this, demanding that and whatever, like he's the only client I have and I'm his personal lackey or something??!! What the f**k??!! Cripes, he never did this before!! Never mind that I now have three jobs and still barely making ends meet and work 12/7/365!! I can't afford to "drop everything" for ANYONE any more!!

God, getting old must be really a drag. God save me from such a crotchety fate!!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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I've so hated--no, make that "loathed"--looking for work for the past 15 years that I frankly quit doing so. Just about all my 'business' is entrepreneurial now. And it seems to be the only comfortable thing left. So much the better. Many so-called, alleged "HR people" don't even know how to conduct an interview let alone properly evaluate and select a candidate for a position! I mean it! It's a national-level embarrassment. Not to mention the added layer of various types of discrimination that take place. GAHHHH!!!!!!! ...and DOUBLE-GAH!! :angry::angry::wacko:

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I am royally pissed. It was in the paper this morning that the (Liberal) Schumer and Clinton duo has gotten passed and it will go into effect Jan 1 a comprehensive registration plan and severe tax on (beer) kegs. I had to install a tap in my kitchen when they put in the $.05 a can deposit or buy a dumptruck to take them back.

This is supposed to keep college kids from slopping it up.

Now it's more money for the liberals. I am more than pissed. :angry:

AHHHH! I'm just thinking......what if a two day waiting period is next......nah....they wouldn't think of that?????? :blink:


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Hey SL

Let Duane get a monitor that allows him to see teal. The rest of us look forward to it.

Sorry about your client, sometimes they just forget that it is a client,vendor relationship cause you have served his photo needs for so long. Gently remind him of how pleased he has been for the last 9 yrs and how unpleasant it might be for him to break in a new person, if you were to suddenly get the ass and drop his account.

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Well, I'm in a pretty foul mood, basically thanks to one person, and its not my wife, family or friends. I could go on myself, but I found that Kerry King and Slayer say it better here: Exile

Despite the lyrics, there's no danger of harming myself, its just a song. Although I'd like to take the individual in question, strap him to a chair and play this song at 150 db in his face until I was tired. B)

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:..."and how unpleasant it might be for him to break in a new person, if you were to suddenly get the ass and drop his account." (tightloop)
...And pay the damn' HIGH PRICES that everyone-but-me charges, too!!! Sorry, emotional battering is not my game!!! <_<:angry::angry:

Thanks for mentioning that because I left out one MORE really super-legit' gripe in the earlier post: Virtually the biggest PR firm in Eugene has the gall to call me yesterday asking for free photos!!!!! WHAT????!!!. I'm REEEEEAAALLLLY glad I was sitting down when they called. Importantly, I turned them down and, on no uncertain terms, informed them that this was how I made my living. Welcome to Eugene, Oregon. It's like this here all the time!!!!! :angry::wacko::angry::wacko::angry:


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I hate that I’ve been sick for 15 days now. I hate that I’ve already missed one match and I’m going to miss another tomorrow! However, on the advice of many (including Rhino) I went to the Doctor today and got a bottle of pills, now maybe I’ll get better.

When I went to the Doctor he sent me over to the lab to see Vlad the Impaler for the customary blood sacrifice. Vlad was having an off day and it took MUCH rooting in BOTH arms until he was happy... at least HE was happy.



From now on you should be known as “Resident Evil”! :o

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Guest Larry Cazes

Erik, I feel your pain man! I have been out of work and interviewing now coming on 7 months. I really hate the condescending hiring manager/interviewer who says "you will definitely be hearing from me by the end of the week" and doesn't even bother to drop a quick email! All I ask out of this process is respect........ :angry:

Oh Well, are you sure you don't want to sell that blaster? :)


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"All I ask out of this process is respect........" (Icazes)
GOOD LUCK!!! <_< Respect--that's likely the LAST thing you'll get from any employer any more!! :angry:

Signed, The Terminally Un-Employed One

TXAG: I took one (just one!) day off last Friday at the office and came back Monday to a totally trashed office area. One day!! What SLOBS!!! It looked like no one had cleaned up in there for a week!!!!! One day!! (If they ever fire me--if I don't quit first--they'll be SO crudded-out in about a week's time, I swear. <_<

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I hate the snot-nosed punks I have to go to school with. When I was their age, it never freakin' occurred to me to ride a skateboard to class. When I was 20/21 years old, it had literally been decade since I rode a skateboard. WTF? I'm supposed to trust one of these punks with something important someday?

If you haven't grown up by 21, you probably never will.

I hate Spokane's government, both city and county. It snowed a goddamned foot yesterday. If anything got plowed, it got plowed too late to matter and not one ounce of sand has been put anywhere and all the roads are turning to black ice. ....somebody ought to have thier kneecaps broken for this.

SUVs and morons don't mix. Just because it *accelerates* faster on snow doesn't mean it stops that fast. Dumbasses...

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I've had a wicked cold this week and I HATE IT! :angry: I feel CRAPTACULAR.

I hate it when my breathing gear is impaired in any way. especially the ol' lungs. :(

I hate that I'm missing the first local steel challenge match in years tomorrow because of this cold. :angry:

I hate that I've felt like a sack o' hammered dog crap all week. :angry:

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Run n' Gun, that's what I call "vein fishing." I've been sent home from the blood bank with all my blood in me because they couldn't tap a vein.

Speaking of blood red, SIGlady, pick a color and stick with it. I know you can do it. The dark blue was great.

I just got a statement for a credit card I don't use. The lone charge is $101 to Hallmark.com. Uh-huh, sure, I bought a hundred bucks worth of Xmas cards. Oh yeah, and the customer service response is to offer me a free trial in their identity-theft prevention program ($$$). Hey asswipes, I'm doing my part! I bought a shredder to take care of the credit offers I get from you and your peers on a daily basis.

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Everyone has "The Cold." Everyone at the range, everyone in the office (all at once, no less), everyone I talk to. I haven't had it and don't intend to. I have enough other problems. :unsure:

I hate it that it's costing a fortune to upgrade my home office system. I'm just far behind enough in everthing that it's costing more than expected. :(

CRAPTACULAR... that's a good one. ;)

"...SIGlady, pick a color and stick with it. I know you can do it."
I just can't help myself!!
"SUVs and morons don't mix."
Boy, that's an understatement! <_<
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Okay, alright....I hate that I have been sick for almost 1.5 weeks now and was too damn tired to remember to start the flame fest today. Sorry Eric!

Since we are ranting about employment....ohhh...the spleen vent is opening!!!

I hate people that apply for positions that give me unintelligible resumes. I really "love" the ones where the stuff on page 2 contradicts the stuff on page 1. Those head straight to the trash can. I really love the resumes that are full of typos. You can't be trusted to find someone to read your stuff to make sure it makes sense, has all the words spelled right, etc and you want me to offer you a job? Here, go visit my trash can.

The job description has minimum quals on it. Read them. If you don't clearly meet minimums don't waste my time. Do not include a picture, especially a picture taken at the beach with you in your skimpy bathing suit.

My favorite resume, that I used to keep a copy of on my wall, was the one that was FULL of chatroom/text messaging spellings. It took me 20 minutes to actually read the first page (this lad had failed to qualify for round 2 at 10 seconds but it was a challenge to read it). My sister is an english teacher so I sent her my copy to use to teach her students how NOT to write a resume.

And when I call you for an interview I am not your "bro" or "dude" or "sweetie" or "honey". I am the guy that just might offer you a job in a week or so. "Sir" is going a bit far for me, but it works if you must use it. I am not your best friend and never will be. I am a fair boss and none of my current employees hate me. Those that do hate me are past employees who did stupid stuff to get canned like selling drugs on the job.

Don't try to impress me with the "Your's in Christ" stuff. I can't legally use that as a criteria, you know that, screw you for trying. No I am not a heathen. You lose points for that, a-hole.

And ladies, yes, I am a heterosexual male and appreciate a fine female form. I am also married. Don't insult me with see through shirts, bright red thongs under thin white pants/skirts, etc. I am not hiring you for your physical assets I don't care how totally awesome they are. And the invite out for a drink later? You are kidding...right?

And yes folks...ALL this, and more, has happened to me in the years that I have been on the hiring end of things. I hate playing HR person. It sucks.

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Here's how bogus it can get:

I was the front office admin person for a certain local company in 1994 (and it was NOT a fluff gig, but a very difficult one) and secretary to the engineering department as well. We needed an add'l engineer in the dept so we advertised. We received the usual deluge of diverse resumes from skilled folks (and a few illiterate ones) and then... The Chief Engineer decides he doesn't have time to plow thru the resumes so asks ME to select the best candidates...!.... Moi?? On one hand I was flattered, and on the other hand I saw EXACTLY what was wrong with business today (especially in Eugene). TOTALLY UNPROFESSIONAL! The admin assistant making decisions about mechanical engineers with doctoral degrees...??!!! Ridiculous!! :wacko:

Well, being a somewhat intelligent, opportunistic, free-lance humanoid, I did go ahead and review just about all the resumes we had. I selected about 15 or so appropriate to our business and after some eventual screening of both that batch and the remainder of leftovers, the engineering dept said I'd made all the right selections for all the right reasons. But then I also shoot guns, take photos out of airplanes and like ferrets and lizards... and try to use both sides of my brain (as opposed to just one) (which is why I'm back working for engineers). So, perhaps they DID ask the right person to do the job, but it WASN'T my job! If the job candidates knew who selected them they'd choke. The frickin' chief engineer was too young and inexperienced to screen candidates!!!! Jeez. :angry:

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Lynn, I'm really sorry. At the time, I really did care enough to send the very best, but that was before we met at A2DC where I realized you were a guy. Please shred or burn the cards and return the flowers if they aren't dead yet.

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And ladies, yes, I am a heterosexual male and appreciate a fine female form. I am also married. Don't insult me with see through shirts, bright red thongs under thin white pants/skirts, etc. I am not hiring you for your physical assets I don't care how totally awesome they are. And the invite out for a drink later? You are kidding...right?

I hate that I'm not in a position to abuse my power. :lol:

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I see a career in HR for you Rhino! I am sure that you can become an HR professional in one of those Study At Home courses and then you are off and running.

Set yourself up as a headhunter and start interviewing. You don't have to actually have jobs to send people to. At least that was my experience with headhunters a number of years ago. Lots of talk, no jobs.

I am sure there are lots of really good HR people out there. I just haven't met many and it doesn't sound like many others here have either.

One more bit of rant/advice:

It used to be the custom way back when that after you interviewed you sent a hand written, personal thank you note to the folks that conducted the interview. While this was a quaint custom it was very classy. Think about it next time you interview and if you don't do it, start.

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