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Friday Flame Fest 10-31-2003


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Finally, at long last, it is Fried-day and time to purify our souls in the Fried-day Flamer. Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, douse it in gas and strike a match.

It's Halloween...big fat hairy deal. But no, my office full of 40-somethings and older is insisting that we all come in costume. So, I am going as an underpaid IT lackey. They didn't say it had to be different than reality. ;)

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I am dressed as a 3 gunner. Got my SMM3Gun 2003 shirt on, a pair of old jeans, and some hiking shoes. Stupid company policy prevents me from accesorizing with my 1100, AR, and Kimber! :angry: I do have my tactical folder though so at least I can be equiped in stealth mode. Unfortunately no one has noticed that I am dressed up. B)


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I really,,,really hate bad times.

If the economy is looking better why aren't employers answering applications???

I've missed so much shooting this summer its embarrassing. What's even more embarrassing is that I don't even want to shoot because I haven't been able to practice enough to shoot my class!!!

If the things are getting better then I'm ready!!!

A single mother in southern IN just won 50 mil in the lottery. When I heard that all I thought was,,,

' Gee with that much money and free time I could make A class!!! '

I hate bad times!!!


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I hear ya 3QT. Here, have some cook-ays and coff-ay. Remember, it's a recession when you're out of work, but it's a depression when I am out of work.

I always wanted to go to work on Halloween dressed in Birkenstock sandals, a Che T-shirt, a PRC red-star army hat over unwashed hair, and carrying a few books such as The Diary of Rigoberta Menchu and The Noam Chomsky Reader. Of course, they probably wouldn't have even blinked.

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I hate knowing what it was like to be really, really strong and having it be part of my "self," then being injured permanently and getting progressively weaker.

We just had a cool trick or treat duo at my house . . . one of the younger city cops came by with his little son . . . and they were both dressed like cops!

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Getting old beats the alternative.... :(

Hope you had a doughnut and a mini-dougnut on hand for the trick-r-treatin' cops!

I hate trick-r-treatin' teenagers who slouch up to the door (leaving their pickup truck idling in the middle of the street) and hold out their Wal-Mart bag with a grunt...news flash, hot shot...if you have a driver's licence then the only way you should be out begging for candy is if you have your little brother or sister along.

Or one of your friend's little brother or sister ;)

And on the subject of hate...I hate people who lie for no apparent reason other than ego-gratification. Although I hate liars in general, the ninth circle of hate is reserved for that particular brand of evil...


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I managed to hold off on growing up...but I seem to be doing a good job of growing out...

I hate having to exercise every day just to maintain my current flabitude. I like Mexican food, damn it, and shouldn't have to ride an hour a day on the GerbilCycle just for refried beans...darn slow metabolism and big mouth...


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It is kind of like being old like me and looking back on what you used to be able to do. Getting old sux, avoid it if you can.

I'm trying, but the clock keeps ticking. You'd think my GM-level immaturity would help in that regard . . .

The sad thing is, I went from being a "young punk" directly to "creepy old guy" with nothing in between!

I'll hit the 4-0 in less than 1.5 years! :D

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Getting old beats the alternative....  :(

Amen to that!

Hope you had a doughnut and a mini-dougnut on hand for the trick-r-treatin' cops!

You'd think I'd have thought of that myself . . . I must be slipping. I'm carcking up thinking of the image, though. I could have given the dad a regular and the little guy one of those Hostess "donettes."

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At least you had some cute kids come to your house.

Seems like all I get are the ones who are 6 feet tall, getting out of their car telling me they are getting candy for their little sick sibling at home. BS....

They even come to the door when all the lights are out...answered that knock with my .45 in my hand.

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Thank goodness. I get so fed up with the pat rudeness of the kids at Halloween that I don't even want to open the door. We purposely got home late and left the lights off so we wouldn't have to deal with it, but one group came anyway. If you're driving, you'd better have some cute little polite kids with you. <_< Driving from my door to the next is NOT what is supposed to happen. They didn't even make an attempt at dressing up. ARRGHHH!!! Another one that got my goat was when I lived in the barracks and the base decided it was visit the barracks for candy on one Halloween. I don't believe the military barracks is a place for children at any time, much less on Halloween, when many adult celebrations are happening. :angry:

Wow! Didn't realize I had so much pent up resentment. :ph34r:


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Sounds like a command decision gone wrong.

When I was in the military, we had kids in the barracks all the time. They were 17, 18, 19 years old...but that is another thread.

If you live in an urban area, it is IMO, foolish to answer the door late at night w/o your gun in your hand, no matter if it is a holiday or not. You just never know...

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Maybe this will make some of you who are out of work feel a little better. I know it depresses the HELL out of me. I own my own business. I work usually 5 to 6 days a week, call it 45 hours per week. Retail hours SUCK! So far this year we have gone through 44 weeks. That equals about 1980 hours I have worked this year, give or take. My TOTAL GROSS before taxes for the year is right at $5500.00 for the year. (Thank GOD my wife has a good job!) That means that for the year my GROSS hourly wage has been $2.77 per hour!

The only thing worse than not working, is working your butt off, and not seeing any gain from it. :(

Well, tomorrow is the monthly match at our club, so that is one good thing. Try to focus on thr possitve,.....right?

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Sounds like a command decision gone wrong.

When I was in the military, we had kids in the barracks all the time. They were 17, 18, 19 years old...but that is another thread.

If you live in an urban area, it is IMO, foolish to answer the door late at night w/o your gun in your hand, no matter if it is a holiday or not. You just never know...


Unfortunately, I am not talking about teenagers. I am speaking of children between the ages of 4-12. Not a good idea. Yes, it was a command decision gone wrong.

You're right about answering the door, that's why I had my .40 Kel-Tec in pocket.



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