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Something I've noticed with the lower capacity crowd.


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Great info. Corey :cheers:

The only time a SS or Production shooter should be caught with 3 or 4 mags on their belt, is during an El Prez. :D

5 on the belt, 1 in the gun (Production) here. :)

Ben Stoeger made a note in his Range Diary recently about being physically aggressive, and mentally relaxed. You cannot be mentally relaxed while re-planning the rest of the stage for new reload points, or constantly wondering when the gun is going to lock open.

Edited by MemphisMechanic
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Shooting production I carry 4+1. I don't recall ever running out of ammo, except or the odd ball occasion when I yanked all my mags off my belt with some part of the environment. There have been a few times when I've used that last mag and ran it down to empty. In reality, 5+1 is probably not a bad idea, somehow I just never picked up a 5th pouch.

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6 on my belt + barney and starter mag in my pocket. +1 to getting back on plan. Did two slide lock reloads at a local match this weekend because I did an extra reload unintentionally.

Edited by adweisbe
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It's funny, but for the past few months I've been meaning to purchase another mag pouch for the belt, but it's a little bit of a pain because I'm a lefty and I need to do a special order through Brownells. Anyway, after reading this thread I decided to go ahead and rethink my belt. I went into the closet, pulled out an old Bianchi from my hibernating thigh rig to resurrect... and lo and behold there there was a practically unused mag pouch on it!!! So now I'm at 1 in the gun, 5 on the belt, and 1-2 in the back pockets.

I have to say that I've never needed more than 1+4 in a stage, but... when new shooters ask me how many bullets to bring to a match, I tell them to bring 300-400, because they can always use left overs at the next match, but it really stinks to go home as a DNF because you didn't bring enough ammo. Same thing with this discussion-- it doesn't hurt to pack a few extra mags on the belt, so why not, especially if you already own the stuff.

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It's funny, but for the past few months I've been meaning to purchase another mag pouch for the belt, but it's a little bit of a pain because I'm a lefty and I need to do a special order through Brownells. Anyway, after reading this thread I decided to go ahead and rethink my belt. I went into the closet, pulled out an old Bianchi from my hibernating thigh rig to resurrect... and lo and behold there there was a practically unused mag pouch on it!!! So now I'm at 1 in the gun, 5 on the belt, and 1-2 in the back pockets.

I have to say that I've never needed more than 1+4 in a stage, but... when new shooters ask me how many bullets to bring to a match, I tell them to bring 300-400, because they can always use left overs at the next match, but it really stinks to go home as a DNF because you didn't bring enough ammo. Same thing with this discussion-- it doesn't hurt to pack a few extra mags on the belt, so why not, especially if you already own the stuff.

I've used up to 6 on a stage several times. Several times I've had to do reloads to get back on plan. Extra mags are always a benefit. Also, I tend to take about 10-12 mags with me when I shoot SS so make sure ALL your mags work with your gun.

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I always carried six user mags, set on my left side, I'm a righty.. And two in a straight mag pouch on my right hip, as loaders, and a striper clip in my right rear pocket..I always went to the line in the same configuration. Always did my "Make Ready" the exact same way. Stripper clip for the chamber round, safety holster, stuff the stripper back in my hip pocket, grab one of the two started mags on my right hip and fill the gun up, reholster, ready to have fun!!.. Now I have a full gun, and 7 mags available, the second started mag is an absolute last resort. But I can't remember ever using it?? But it's still there and available if needed, someday???


Edited by Ray Ninness
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The reason I like having 5 on the belt, and one in the gun? Technically, four mags are probably the most you'll ever need to complete a COF. But what happens when the gun double-feeds one round into the second mag, and you either knock one out of a pouch on a door frame, or want to throw an extra reload in to get back on your plan?

Now you need at least five, and maybe six. I like carrying enough magazines to allow me to NEVER have to worry "Do I even have enough ammo remaining to complete the stage?"

Edited by MemphisMechanic
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As much as I hate to, I agree with Z Hunter, with one slight variation. 6 mags on the belt, one in my pocket + 1 loose round. I load, then add the loose round to the mag then reinsert the mag. I guess I learned that one when there were no 8 round mags.

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I had a stage that i had one in the gun and 5 on the belt. Durning COF I pulled a mag and thru one on the ground at the same time. went to the last port and there was 8 poppers waiting after missing 3 do to getting bent dut to dropping the mag and no other mags to go into, needless to say lost that stage m and FTE

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I go to the line with 6 mags on my belt, and one in my pocket. I use the pocket mag to chamber a round, then take the mag furthest to the rear to load in the gun, I take the mag that is down 1, which I chambered a round from, and put it in the furthest rear position.

This is how I start EVERY stage.

Gee, Z that's what I do and I'm shooting L-10 :roflol: For SS, it's two mags from the pocket to top off and load, the -1 mag goes back in the pocket.

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I shoot L10 and have six on the belt and one in the gun at the start. I agree with having enough to get back on plan. I will also put extra mags on a table on those stages that require "all reloads must come off of the table". I usually stage two extra mags for these stages. You never know when you will drop one or whatever. If you don't need them, put them back in your pouches at the end, better to have extra BBs available and not use them than to run out or have to take a procedural for loading off of your belt.


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Also, I tend to take about 10-12 mags with me when I shoot SS so [red]make sure ALL your mags work with your gun.[/red]

Yes. I know that all too well. :blush:

I recently ran a club match with some new mags. I had run them through my Government, but was using my Commander that night - which I hadn't run them through yet. Let's just say that bad things happened.

Malfs are actually what throw me off more than anything - especially that night, where I ended up ditching the mags when clearing the problem(s), and then ran out of ammo for the very last target on a partciular CoF. Thrown shots (and the occassional popper) generally have some allowance in my preplanning. It's the malfs that have a tendency to completely throw me mentally off-track for my plan.

(This is coming from a predominantly SS and occasional Production shooter... who is actually starting to become more Limited-oriented, though.)

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