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Funny/Sad things seen/heard at the Range


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Really dumb thing I saw at the local anual full auto shoot last weekend. Guy with a 50 bmg rifle walks out directly infont of the muzzle to tap on the brake with a dead blow hammer. First he crossed the firing line when hot (machine guns going off all around) SECOND Bolt was CLOSED and THIRD muzzle pointed at his breast plate. I wonder why there are not more accidents from dumb people at ranges.....

His full auto guns hardly worked all day too.

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Having a seasoned shooter tell the new shooters the importance of a good walk though, then run into a wall when he shoots the course. dry.gif

now that is funny right there. I don't care who you are.

:blink: Stop picking on me!

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Texas Tactical Carbine Match its a two gun rifle and pistol. Simple stage shoot 4 targets twice each with the rifle then reload and shoot them again. Mags downloaded to 8 rounds.

He takes his AR aka M4A3 with optics shoots the 4 targets the bolt locks back, he drops the mag, he reaches for his mag grabs his Cell phone stuffs it in and hits the bolt catch, plastic rains on the rang!

SpaceCity Challenge 2009. Torrential rain for over an hour place is a lake, everyone is under cover, you see a guy with two range bags covered in plastic held wrist above shoulders running towards the parking lot mid calf high water splashing, then he disappears, he found the drainage ditch, but then he emerges bags still held high!

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SpaceCity Challenge 2009. Torrential rain for over an hour place is a lake, everyone is under cover, you see a guy with two range bags covered in plastic held wrist above shoulders running towards the parking lot mid calf high water splashing, then he disappears, he found the drainage ditch, but then he emerges bags still held high!

Aristotle is never gonna live that down! :lol:


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Got a Super Senior buddy who tells the story of when he first started shooting about seeing all the guys wearing cleats and thought his golf shoes would work just as well. Gets to a stage and old targets had been placed on the ground to cover mud. He starts shooting runs over the old targets and immediatley has feet like a duck. Targets stuck firmly to both feet like snowshoes. No names Joe. :roflol:


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@ club practice tonight,

My score keeper has all her mags in her belt but left her gun on the safety table while we run the others thru the stage.

All out of shooters so I ask her if she ready to go? She hands the clipboard off & proceeds to the shooting area ( un-loaded and holstered start) ;)

"Are you ready?" :)

"stand by" :D


Hand goes for the gun, but there's nothing there to grab :lol:

Edited by Mike Dame
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At our last match, we had a memory stage - 5 targets marked 10, J, Q, K, A. Before LAMR, you draw two cards and put them unseen and face down on table. At the buzzer, you flip over the 2 cards - those are your no shoots- then put two in each target (except no shoots).

Shooter X goes to line, draws his two cards and makes ready, At buzzer, flips cards over...

,,,And sees his buddy replaced his actual cards with two jokers.

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At our last match, we had a memory stage - 5 targets marked 10, J, Q, K, A. Before LAMR, you draw two cards and put them unseen and face down on table. At the buzzer, you flip over the 2 cards - those are your no shoots- then put two in each target (except no shoots).

Shooter X goes to line, draws his two cards and makes ready, At buzzer, flips cards over...

,,,And sees his buddy replaced his actual cards with two jokers.

Jokers are wild... Shooter's choice :roflol:

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Having a seasoned shooter tell the new shooters the importance of a good walk though, then run into a wall when he shoots the course.

or the May shoot at Topton, guy telling me how this is the only shooting he likes, shows me the deep cover targets on the cof... and then forgets to engage one of those deep covers

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While shopping for groceries, I was in the checkout line behind a brute squad of a guy with a Glock 22 in his back pocket. The pistol was just barely hanging in there and as he squeezed between the cart and the candy rack (to get in front of his cart to pay) the pistol peeled out of the pocket and stayed pretty-as-you-please in the box of 5th Avenue bars. This grizzly of a guy didn't notice but several people in the line did and they cleared out thinking Al Qaeda was surely close by, but I had a feeling I knew what was up so I stuck around.

He finished up and left, pistol still in the box of 5th Avenues, so I grab the pistol, cleared it, and follow him out the door. I said something smartass along the line of "Hey Mister, you left your pistol at the checkout" and his nonplussed reply was "It's OK, I'm a cop." as he flashes me his shield. :blink:

So my earlier feeling turned out to be true, unfortunately. I went back in, paid for my groceries, and of course I added a 5th Avenue to my cart just to have some fun with the cashier.

This just cracked me up.

Getting to the range without my ammo.

Getting to the range without my gun.

Getting to the range and finding out it's not open during waterfowl season.

Driving more than an hour away to the other range.

First shotgun match, shooting over the hood of a car. Got a little close to the windshield, no break but a foot long streak of plastic from the wad.

Dropping the loaded mag during a mag change and catching it in mid-air.

Flinching a shot from a CZ-52 that skipped off the top of my buddy's chronograph (one of the down range models, not a Chrony) then explaining the chrono was not broken, the bullets were really going 1600 FPS. :surprise:

Other people...

Couple of class three manufacturers were out at the public range shooting at a square piece of diamond plate stuck in the ground with a suppressed Sten. Nice and quiet. Quiet enough for me to hear the ricochets tearing through the trees behind the berm. Once I pointed it out to them, they stopped.

Buddy used to drawing from a Safariland 012 holster using a Serpa holster at an IDPA match. No he didn't remember the button... :roflol:

Noticing smoke coming from behind one of the berms. Not sure what was going on and not wanting to head back to see. Stopped off at the ranger station and let them know...

First range trip with my younger daughter, I took a two liter soda bottle full of water. Had her hit and kick it a bit to try to "hurt" it, then set it downrange and blew it up with a hollowpoint. Daughter "Do it again! Do it again!" :)

The new handfree cell phone... Flip phone being held in place by muffs.

Having a seasoned shooter tell the new shooters the importance of a good walk though, then run into a wall when he shoots the course. <_<

This is great also, thanks :cheers:

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iron equalizer: Now that is FUNNY!

Had a Friend that was an A class Limited shooter, went to qualify for his CC in Texas. Last string is 5 Shots in 10 seconds at a couple yards. Buzzer goes off other five folks start shooting Pow...........Pow..........Pow. My guy stands there looking at the instructor, gun at ready, down range. Instructor walks over ask "did you not hear the Buzzer? You only got 5 seconds left. My buddy turns his head Racks off 5 shots at 17 splits, then turns back to the instructor and ask "How much time do I have now"? :roflol: Course everyone stops and looks over at him at that point with jaws dropping.

Just before this my Guy is shooting one big ragged hole in target, Guy next to him taps his buddy and goes" look this guys missing" :unsure:

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BRM3G, Ro's shooting???????? uh, well trying to complete stages. first off this is not a USPSA or IDPA Match, remember that point!!!!!!!

Its a three gun stage, start with your pistol put it in a box, go to your SG, place it in the vehicle where your rifle is "supposed" to be staged!!!!!!! :surprise:

Shooter gets to vehicle and discovers his rifle is not there, light bulb goes on!!! takes off to get his rifle from the car, gets it and returns, can't find ammo, leaves rifle and takes off looking for ammo, returns with ammo and continues COF. much to the enjoyment of his compatriots :roflol:

BRM3G, again!!!! Stage 2 this time, I'm ROing, and as the shooter engages targets with his pistol I notice that he doesn't seem to have any rifle mags except for the one in his rifle, OK maybe he's got them stuck in a pocket that I can't see????????

He gets to the first rifle targets, and uses up his first and ONLY mag, then he looks for mags that he must have hidden somewhere on the COF, because he's looking all on the ground and behind him, like they must be here somewhere!!!!! :surprise: i turn to the following shooters and ask does anyone have a spare mag, i get handed one with ammo in it, and the guy continues, I get handed another just in case, he gets to the last 3 long range rifle targets and needs the other mag, and then hits the targets with very few extra shots needed, he has no idea what ammo is in the mags but his gun hits the targets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That match had more hilarious crap in it than any other match i've been to, people were forgetting mags, forgetting to stage guns, forgetting to load guns, it was very funny to watch.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I know this is an old topic, but I just found it.

Blue Ridge again- stage 4. Rifle is to be staged downrange, unloaded. Mags on your person. Buzzer goes off, shooter makes his way through the shotgun targets, transitions to the pistol targets, running real well at this point. Grounds the pistol, moves to the rifle.

At this time, he notices he doesn't have any of his rifle mags on him. Very calmly, he looks at the RO, who is still holding up the timer, and says "I don't have any mags on me." RO replys in a very pleasant tone "Go get them." Timer is still running, shooter looks at the RO w/ a tilted head and puppy dog eyes- with that "I don't understand" look on his face. RO says again "GO GET THEM. MOVE!" (He said it with love and affection, but w/ the tone of a drill instructor.) It's a 50 yard dash up the hill to his bag, the shooter retreives a couple mags, returns to the rifle and finishes the course of fire. I can't remember if he timed out or engaged all targets, but we had a hell of a time! :)

BTW, he was not the only shooter to do this on stage 4.

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2009 Bianchi Cup Chapman Nostalgia Match. Plates.

We have holstered at the side of the range and walk to the line unloaded. I am using a really old Hellweg 220A Slide Holster. Had to be old school. It does not fit as well as it used to it appears that the belt has shrunk. It looks a little ungainly.

A concerned RO asks "Is that safe?"

I said "Sure, right up until I pull it out"

That settled us all down.

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The new handfree cell phone... Flip phone being held in place by muffs.

I've done that... not at the range... but at work.

I drive a truck delivering lime to steel plants using a pneumatic trailer. When I kick on the blower, it can get rather loud between the blower, aerators on the trailer and such... (think small jet engine... and I'm standing anywhere from 5-30 feet from it).

Obviously, I have to wear a hard hat while in the plant, so I got some of those muffs that attach to the hard hat... (the side benefit being that my hard hat doesn't fall into the silo when I check the level... yes... I've done it.)

Forgot my cord with earpiece for the phone one day (bluetooth earpiece doesn't work to well with muffs...), so just slid the phone up underneath one of the muffs and it worked GREAT!!!

Probably not the smartest thing I've done...


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Today, I saw to kids (around 19-20 yrs) at the range. One had a new toy. He had a AR in .308. It is stamped 'cal. 7.62' So they go and buy some 7.62 x 39 and keep trying to chamber and fire it. One was telling the other that he knew 7.62 was the caliber of the bullet, but he didn't know what the other number meant. I had to step in. Luckily these guys were receptive and took the time to actually listen to what I had to say. Quick run down on the 4 rules, the reason why you need to be sure of what you are putting in the gun. The main thing I got across to them was to drop their egos and if they aren't sure of something, they need to ask someone who does. Hopefully they learned something today.

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Shooting on a squad of about 10 guys and a shooter bitching about a call by the RO. The shooter states very loud and proud that he is an RO also and he knows the rules. As it turned out me and one other guy were the only non RO's in the bunch. The other 7 made their qualifications VERY clear to the guy and kindly told him he needed to suck it up. He took the penalty along with a big ole' slice of humble pie. :cheers:

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At the range when practising IPSC:

RO to the shooter "Load and Make Ready"

Shooters reply "Already done, I loaded while you pasted targets to speed things up a bit"........ :blink:

Needless to say that would earn the shooter a trip to the Dairy Queen and probably an invitation to never come back!



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25 round shtogun field course with 6 slugs and a flyer. Flyer does not engage, so I get a rerun and I am the last guy on the last stage. I hurry to get loaded up, but I forget to reload my front shell carriers. The first 6 targets are slugs, then all bidshot. I have 2 spare slugs in Safariland holders. I get 2/3 of the way through the COF and my shell carriers are empty. I find two shells and load them up to engage steel knockdowns. CLANG...CLANG...

2 slugs :blush: . The steel plates now had nipples, and one had a broken weld.

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