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Lost brass match


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So if you revolver shooters go to a match that is a lost brass match, are you expected to leave your moonclips and not pick them (and your brass) up?

I'm thinking that would be like leaving your magazine on the ground and they would let you retrieve it, but I thought I would make sure.


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So if you revolver shooters go to a match that is a lost brass match, are you expected to leave your moonclips and not pick them (and your brass) up?

I'm thinking that would be like leaving your magazine on the ground and they would let you retrieve it, but I thought I would make sure.


The brass stays on the ground but you get to pick up your moons...and if the brass stays in the moon you get that back. :ph34r: Sort of a true win win. :cheers: When I use my speedloader revo I lose all the brass I fire, even though no one really wants it.

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I take the de-mooning tool with me to the line.

That way I can leave the brass and take the clips.

Well i'm not completely stupid, I just didn't know if since most moonclips are cheap, if they expected you to "loose" your moonclips. I thought that would be kinda nuts, but thought I would make sure.

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You won't lose your moons or your brass at any match that I've RO'ed and it was a lost brass match. Frankly, you're one of what 10 guys on the range that HAVE a demooner and so I'm sure most RO's wouldn't mind you taking everything with you.


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I'm new to these comp scene and I'm learning as I go. But why is there lost brass matches? I'll be heading out to the area III championship this year. can I plan on walking away leave 300 rounds of brass there or will they let one police their brass? I never expect to go home with it all but some would be nice.

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Rich is correct, and since RO's are working for little or no compensation, that is fair. Another reason is that picking up brass might really slow down the schedule at the bigger matches. When there are so many shooters, even one squad going more slowly can back things up in a hurry.

Edited by chemepharmd
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+1 on the time thing. When you have 10+ stages and 150+ shooters, an extra 20 or 30 seconds per shooter per stage adds up quick. As long as it is announced going in- there shouldn't be any hard feelings.

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I take the de-mooning tool with me to the line.

That way I can leave the brass and take the clips.

Well i'm not completely stupid, I just didn't know if since most moonclips are cheap, if they expected you to "loose" your moonclips. I thought that would be kinda nuts, but thought I would make sure.

I thought I'd get a bigger laugh outa that one...

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One of the benefits that I have found from shoting 45 Colt in competition is that I have been allowed to retrieve my brass at almost all of the matches that I have participated in that were "lost brass" matches. :surprise: The RO's normally tell me that I can retrieve my brass after my run through the stage, or they have given it to me later in the day when the brass is gathered from the stages. I have always been appreciative of that kindness that has been extended to me. I don't count on that being the case, but I can only remember one time in the last 3 years (the whole time I have been competing in IDPA & USPSA) where I was not allowed to retrieve my brass at a lost brass match. Even that one time I was given my brass from 3 stages where the RO's on those stages did not want it.

I don't use moonclips, by the way. It's speedloaders all the way.

Edited by Blueridge
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I take the de-mooning tool with me to the line.

That way I can leave the brass and take the clips.

Well i'm not completely stupid, I just didn't know if since most moonclips are cheap, if they expected you to "loose" your moonclips. I thought that would be kinda nuts, but thought I would make sure.

I thought I'd get a bigger laugh outa that one...

Believe it or not, one time I actually had an RO tell us, "It states in the match booklet that this is a lost brass match, so if you revolver shooters would take the brass off your moonclips and put it in one of these buckets, it would be appreciated." We ignored him, and nothing further was said.

You know how it goes--most of the ROs work hard and do their best to help everybody enjoy the match. But there are always going to be a few fat-ass loser ROs who care more about their own little personal power trip.

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You know how it goes--most of the ROs work hard and do their best to help everybody enjoy the match. But there are always going to be a few fat-ass loser ROs who care more about their own little personal power trip.

+1, just try to borrow a bucket from a stage and see what you get.

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With Brass getting harder to find and costing more, I guess it would pay to be an RO at a match like that.

A 350 round match with 150 shooters would be 52,500 pieces of brass (plus the brass from guys like me who don't hit with every shot)

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At double Tap, the RO's should have gotten to share almost 9000 pieces of brass per stage. With the weather and the mud, it didn't turn out so well for them. I think the main reason for having matches that way is time, and the benefit for ROs is just a result of that.


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You know how it goes--most of the ROs work hard and do their best to help everybody enjoy the match. But there are always going to be a few fat-ass loser ROs who care more about their own little personal power trip.

+1, just try to borrow a bucket from a stage and see what you get.

That was a different situation. That shooter was trying to "groove himself in" with the bucket. Totally unethical if you ask me. ;)

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Wanna laugh? then shoot with a Revo shooter and let him come up short one moonclip. Usually the match stops, earth ceases to move, season freezes, and we call Sedro, til we find that moonclip. :o:roflol:

Like that doesn't happen when a bottom feeder shooter realizes he's one magazine short.

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Wanna laugh? then shoot with a Revo shooter and let him come up short one moonclip. Usually the match stops, earth ceases to move, season freezes, and we call Sedro, til we find that moonclip. :o:roflol:

I HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roflol:

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You know how it goes--most of the ROs work hard and do their best to help everybody enjoy the match. But there are always going to be a few fat-ass loser ROs who care more about their own little personal power trip.

+1, just try to borrow a bucket from a stage and see what you get.

Ok you HAVE to explain this one.

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+1, just try to borrow a bucket from a stage and see what you get.

That was a different situation. That shooter was trying to "groove himself in" with the bucket. Totally unethical if you ask me. ;)

I'm not saying the shooter was correct in his actions. Clearly he was not and should have been penalized and or DQed for unsportsmanlike conduct.

I was commenting on the RO, obviously drunk with power, going overboard with his castigation of the shooter. It only takes 1 bad apple to ruin the pie. I have not been back to Kansas since.

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I was commenting on the RO, obviously drunk with power, going overboard with his castigation of the shooter.

Seriously, the RO actually castigated the shooter with the bucket? Wow, I saw the RO whip out that big Spyderco knife, but I had no idea he was planning to actually cut anything off the guy. I'm surprised I missed the castigation, I must have been lighting my cigar.

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