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Your top 5 favorite sci-fi films.


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Hmm lets see...

In order

1. The Abyss

2. Dune (amazing book, ok movie, but it still makes the list :) )

3. Blade Runner

4. 12 Monkeys

5. Terminator 2

I'd also like to mention Transformers and Jurassic Park but they don't make the top 5.

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Not one of my favorites but did anyone ever see

"IT... The Terror From Beyond Space" ?

This film had to have provided the idea for Alien. (Rubber-suited space alien monster killing off the crew and using the air ducts.)

I was a young kid and saw it in the 50's at the Biograph Theater in Chicago. Couldn't sleep for a week. Nightmares... the whole ball of wax.

I've only seen it in reruns. A true 'B' classic! Right up there with Invasion of the Saucer Men.

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While it would never make my top 50 list, I must confess to a certain guilty pleasure over "Starship Troopers". I hate it for the fact that they tried to pawn it off as a version of the book (which would be very hard to make into a movie). But at the same time, as a 'B' action movie, it has it's moments.

There are, in fact, so many different categories of movies that making any list is tough. And there are movies in each category that I enjoy. I'd never dream of comparing "Blade Runner" to "Them", but both were great movies in their own way.

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Very tough, because 'favorites' aren't necessarily 'greatest.' In a couple cases here, some people's favorites absolutely suck. :) Or, a movie like "2001: A Space Odyssey" is arguably one of the greatest science fiction movies, but at times bores me to tears. There are also terrific books (Fahrenheit 451) that never translated into good movies...

IMO, my favorite GOOD movies:

1) Star Wars -- the original. "Empire Strikes Back" is a better movie, but have to recognize the first for how mind-blowing it was. Every other "Star Wars *" sucked.

2) A Clockwork Orange -- hard to know what category to put this into.

3) Alien. I prefer the 2nd movie, like Star Wars, but have to honor the parent.

4) Planet of the Apes (original)

5) 20,000 Leagues under the Sea

Man. So many more.

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The trouble with the Starship Troopers movie is that they tried blending Heinlein's book with Joe Haldeman's "The Forever War."

I'll have to re-read " The Forever War" i don't quite see where they are similar.

Of course Denise Richards makes starship troopers somewhat watchable. :cheers:

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1) Aliens

Then in no particular order:

* Serenity (acknowledging the series)

* Alien

* The Thing (the version with Matt Dillon as a 7 foot tall carrot :lol: )

* Blade Runner

I class movies this way:

1) Not worth seeing

2) Worth seeing for free

3) Worth paying money to see

Aliens added a new category, "worth buying the video" and that was when movies were like $70 for VHS which I paid for Aliens. That is how much I like it.

There was a Dune mini-series which stayed closer to the books and was far better than the threatrical version.

The Scifi Channel has been running original movies, usually Saturday night, and a number of them are candidates for "worst". The standout in this category is called Spiders and it was horrible - bad writing, bad acting, bad special effects. It is not bad enough to be amusing (such as Warhol's Dracula which was so extraordinarily bad it was funny). Contrast with Battlestar Galactica (current version), which is the best show on television, scifi or not (sorry, thread drift).


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The Scifi Channel has been running original movies, usually Saturday night, and a number of them are candidates for "worst".

Well since nobody has started a separate thread for this I'll post them here. These movies were not just painful to watch, they made me mourn for the lost minutes that I would never get back.

Yor The hunter from the future & Battlefield Earth

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Hmmm.....so many good ones, don't see mention of Planet of the Apes, or Solyent Green.

There should be a worst Sci-Fi category too...Starship Troopers has to be put somewhere...lol

Starship Troopers was a great SciFi book and such a bad SciFi movie.

:roflol: You just admitted to watching the movie :roflol:

I watched the movie. If I had not seen it, I would not have an opinion on it.

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Last year I was doing Top 10 lists at my office of a lot of movie genres, after reading the AFI movie lists and thinking they sucked. My Sci-Fi at the time seemed pretty weak with Star Wars, the Matrix, with no other movies that didn’t even seem in the ballpark, so I rolled them into my Action Adventure category that had some other movies mentioned like the Road Warrior, Terminator, Aliens, etc.

When I saw Serenity I really liked it. I wouldn’t say it was as good as the Star Wars franchise on a whole, but I like it better than any individual movie and better than the Matrix too. What set it apart for me was the great lines dialog between characters.

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When I saw Serenity I really liked it. I wouldn’t say it was as good as the Star Wars franchise on a whole, but I like it better than any individual movie and better than the Matrix too. What set it apart for me was the great lines dialog between characters.

The question I will never be able to answer about Serenity is - "Would I still like this movie as much if it was not for the TV series." Serenity has great characters and great dialogue. But those characters and their interactions have been developed over fourteen episodes of the TV series. Most movies have 1.5-2 hours to develop the characters and tell the story. So Serenity has quite an advantage there. I had followed similar rationale in keeping Empire Strikes Back and The Wrath Of Khan off my top 5.

Edited by sslav
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When I saw Serenity I really liked it. I wouldn’t say it was as good as the Star Wars franchise on a whole, but I like it better than any individual movie and better than the Matrix too. What set it apart for me was the great lines dialog between characters.

The question I will never be able to answer about Serenity is - "Would I still like this movie as much if it was not for the TV series." Serenity has great characters and great dialogue. But those characters and their interactions have been developed over fourteen episodes of the TV series. Most movies have 1.5-2 hours to develop the characters and tell the story. So Serenity has quite an advantage there. I had followed similar rationale in keeping Empire Strikes Back and The Wrath Of Khan off my top 5.

Well, you can throw War of the Worlds into that mix then too. The plot and characters were originally released through a radio broadcast that scared the crap out of everyone.

Bladerunner seems to be the number one over all choice of the majority in their top five and there was no prior character/plot development for it.

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Ok, I'll play.

Top 5, in no particular order:


12 Monkeys,



The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (not a particularly good movie, but a favorite of mine.).

Primer is not a fast paced movie, and uh... complicated due to it being about time travel. You have to use your brain while watching it. If you liked memento, you'll probably dig this. The fact it was made on a $7000 budget is pretty impressive too. If you need crap exploding every few minutes, it's not for you.

Serenity doesn't really make the cut because although I really like it, without the TV shows, most of what I like is pretty marginalized. I talso pained me not to put Terminator on there.

5 worst (or at least REALLY bad) sci-fi movies:

Megaforce (goes past bad, to so bad it's funny, right on to painful to watch, and just keeps on picking up speed as it heads for the edge of the galaxy),

Battlefield earth,

Brother From Another Planet,

Steel Dawn,

highlander 2

So bad they're good




A bunhc more, but I can't remember them all right now.

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The question I will never be able to answer about Serenity is - "Would I still like this movie as much if it was not for the TV series." Serenity has great characters and great dialogue. But those characters and their interactions have been developed over fourteen episodes of the TV series. Most movies have 1.5-2 hours to develop the characters and tell the story. So Serenity has quite an advantage there. I had followed similar rationale in keeping Empire Strikes Back and The Wrath Of Khan off my top 5.

FWIW I still haven't seen the show, my first disc should arrive from netflix today. When watching the movie first time, I just figured I was starting in the middle of a story with a history. Kind of like Star Wars.

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Would Serenity be worth watching if you had never seen the TV series?

I only ask the question because I've seen neither series or movie.


Yes. Most of my relatives loved the movie and didn't even know there was a TV series associated to it until I pulled the whole DVD set out. I wouldn't loan out the DVD set to them either ;) .

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Would Serenity be worth watching if you had never seen the TV series?

I only ask the question because I've seen neither series or movie.


Yes. Most of my relatives loved the movie and didn't even know there was a TV series associated to it until I pulled the whole DVD set out. I wouldn't loan out the DVD set to them either ;) .

Thanks :cheers:


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