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Think I got ripped off - won a gun, but not going to get it...

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What town? What shop? ...so I know which shop to stay out of the next time I'm down that way.

If you want that info, you need to contact him off the forum. We don't allow that type of thing to be posted here. As I said earlier, we don't want Brian's Forum to be a soap-box. This forum's focus is on shooting, not dispute resolution.

- Admin.

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I called and left the candidate a message today letting him politely know what I have been told so far, that I am angry and would like to work this out. About an hour later I got a voice mail from the shop saying that they are the owners of the gun and it was their match (even though it was a fund raiser for the candidate) and that I'll have to talk to them, and that they'd be happy to explain the situation to me again...

So, good - he's scared. Bad, they seem to be firm on their position. I'll have to call the shop and see how it goes from there tomorrow...

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Although I sympathise with your situation, put it in perspective. You are an outsider. You couldn't even vote in the local sheriff election. The event was to promote the candidate and some outsider came in, beat the candidate, and walked off with the prize. No wonder there is some resistance to the prize being awarded. It was intended to be a local good ol' boy thing.

Having been around, seen, done, this kind of thing in the past. My suggestion is that if tomorrows phone call comes up snake eyes, let it go. Pick the mountains you want to die on carefully.

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Hank, stop and think. They took his money and entered him in the contest. He won! It is his prize. If you went to Mississippi or Texas and shot a match and won first place and there was a big prize, would it be yours?

Krautwagen is annoyed about being cheated and rightfully so.


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I would not contact the shop but instead, continue with the candidate. It is getting action & letting him know you are not going to get sidetracked should be more succesful. If he has something to lose by you not getting what is rightfully yours, something good may happen. The shop has nothing to lose by cheating you. I say keep calling the candidate, ignore the shop. It is his name, his fundraiser, his reputation. Maintain a good tone, don't threaten but let him know you are holding him responsible.

keep at it, good luck,


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I'm from a small town in Missouri and I know the good ol boy system and I still think it's BS that he got cheated. If they only wanted locals, then they should have said that and NOT taken his money. I'm not a lawyer, but when he paid his money he basically agreed to the terms which appears to say that he had a chance at the gun.

Like someone said before, get a copy of the rules. Read them over carefully. If it looks like you are still in the right, you might consider talking to an attorney. I did something similar one time....it cost me about $150.00 to have an attorney write a letter. The letter was enough to get the other party to comply. :) Even if you have to spend $150.00, that's a pretty cheap price for a nice rifle.

Mean people suck. Someone has to make them accountable.


Hank, stop and think. They took his money and entered him in the contest. He won! It is his prize. If you went to Mississippi or Texas and shot a match and won first place and there was a big prize, would it be yours?

Krautwagen is annoyed about being cheated and rightfully so.


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Like someone said before, get a copy of the rules. Read them over carefully. If it looks like you are still in the right, you might consider talking to an attorney. I did something similar one time....it cost me about $150.00 to have an attorney write a letter. The letter was enough to get the other party to comply. :) Even if you have to spend $150.00, that's a pretty cheap price for a nice rifle.

Come on we dont have a MO attorney in the fourm ... or at least some one admitted to the MO. bar??? Help a brother out.....

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Like someone said before, get a copy of the rules. Read them over carefully. If it looks like you are still in the right, you might consider talking to an attorney. I did something similar one time....it cost me about $150.00 to have an attorney write a letter. The letter was enough to get the other party to comply. :) Even if you have to spend $150.00, that's a pretty cheap price for a nice rifle.

Come on we dont have a MO attorney in the fourm ... or at least some one admitted to the MO. bar??? Help a brother out.....

Damn straight. I bet there's at least one lawyer on here from Missouri who's been in a bar!

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I would not contact the shop but instead, continue with the candidate. It is getting action & letting him know you are not going to get sidetracked should be more succesful. If he has something to lose by you not getting what is rightfully yours, something good may happen. The shop has nothing to lose by cheating you. I say keep calling the candidate, ignore the shop. It is his name, his fundraiser, his reputation. Maintain a good tone, don't threaten but let him know you are holding him responsible.

keep at it, good luck,


Bingo! In this situation, I think the political tactics will go a lot further than the lawsuit route. Keep the pressure on the candidate and the fact that the event was held in his name. If he's not willing to stick up for you, would his competitor so willingly allow his name to be used to cheat someone? ;)

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i'm no lawyer

what if you faxed his campaign office a copy of the ad "you just took out" in the local paper - pending his reply of course - be sure to include your phone number :devil: :devil:

maybe fax it to them a "couple" of times

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He (dude at the shop) is going to mail me the newspaper that supposedly says entries must be in by the day before the shoot... But I have a feeling it's going to say just that - nothing about registering by then to be eligible to win the gun. Several times he mentioned that his lawyer says they're covered.

I'll see what the paper says and go from there (i.e. contact my own lawyers).

Thanks for all the suggestions and support guys :cheers:

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i'm no lawyer

what if you faxed his campaign office a copy of the ad "you just took out" in the local paper - pending his reply of course - be sure to include your phone number :devil: :devil:

maybe fax it to them a "couple" of times

I think I'd do something along these lines as well. Maybe a copy of a letter to the editor or even to his opponent. Is he the current sheriff or trying to become the sherrif ? Perhaps the people of his county need to know exactly the kind of man they are voting for.

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He (dude at the shop) is going to mail me the newspaper that supposedly says entries must be in by the day before the shoot... But I have a feeling it's going to say just that - nothing about registering by then to be eligible to win the gun. Several times he mentioned that his lawyer says they're covered.

I'll see what the paper says and go from there (i.e. contact my own lawyers).

Thanks for all the suggestions and support guys :cheers:

Really thinking you'll have more luck focusing on the politician to fix it for you than on the gun shop, but best of luck.

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He (dude at the shop) is going to mail me the newspaper that supposedly says entries must be in by the day before the shoot... But I have a feeling it's going to say just that - nothing about registering by then to be eligible to win the gun. Several times he mentioned that his lawyer says they're covered.

I'll see what the paper says and go from there (i.e. contact my own lawyers).

Thanks for all the suggestions and support guys :cheers:

That's bull. If they took your money, you were in the shoot. By them accepting "late" entries they voided anything the newspaper ad may say.

Since your entry fee was a "contribution" to get this dude elected, it sounds like a little campaign fraud is involved.


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This is simple. On the one hand, you have a rifle that is worth X dollars to you. It's only worth so much time and effort before you might as well ahve just picked up some work on the side to pay for it. How much time and money do you want to put into it?

They clearly do not want to play nicely, so don't bother doing so. Fortunately for you, you have a couple of free options.

1) Type up a short letter to his opponent. Focus on dishonesty, and your general willingness to help them in any way you can to exploit this event.

2) Type up a letter to the local papers. Focus on his disregard for the law at worst, and his dishonesty at best and how you think the people of wherever deserve better in a sherif.

3) Type up a letter to the local papers saying how even as an outsider, you are impressed with sherif bob or whatever for beign the kind of guy who would do yadda yadda.

4) If you think presenting him with an ultimatum won't screw you or your buddies over in the long run, ring him up. Tell him about the good letters, and the bad letters. Tell him how long he has to decide which story he likes better and would prefer as the official version.

Etiher you get your gun, or you take what action is afforded to you at a reasonable cost. That's about it. No guarantees no matter how you slice it.

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