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Sick Dog "Chewy"


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What is it with all our dogs lately...? My little retriever Samatha aka Chewy, was off her food for a few days. I kept a close eye on her and she was panting more than usual. Then she started drinking a lot of water and today started vomiting the water as soon as she drank it. Damn! Off to the emergency vet. By the time we got to the vet she started discharging pink mucus. I figured it had something to do with her female parts. She's always had a hard time when in heat. We had intended to breed her, but the vet said, if we treated with anti's she would have to be bread with each heat until she was spayed. The problem is http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_pyometra.html I didn't like how fast she she was going south, so we elected to have the surgery now. I told the vet to get some figures together on the cost.... $1043-1340!!! OMFG! Of course we love her very much, so she's going in for surgery this afternoon. I would appreciate prayers/good energy for her as she goes through the surgery.

PS Anyone want to buy an open gun??? I may have to sell some stuff to pay for this one.



EDIT: You know it's a strange thing... I got a couple good paychecks just recently and was going to buy a boatload of ammo and supllies. I went as far as having the stuff in the online basket, and something told me I should wait. I canceled the purchase. Strange how stuff works eh? The dollars I saved there will go to the vet. I guess i"ll have to work some dry fire until I can get some more cash.


Edited by JThompson
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Sorry to hear that J :(

Hope she gets well quick


Thanks Jim. I added some to the post. I damned near ordered a ton of ammo which would have made this impossible to pay for. The vet only works if you have the cash.... no billing.

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So sorry to hear about Chewy, Jim. My best wishes inbound for both of you (and Jeeper).

I guess timing really is everything. Ammo one day or your buddy the next...

**My brother was explaining to me just yesterday the background on his nickname for his dog Dink, "The $4,000 Pooch!"

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JT, I'm sorry for what you're going through right now.

In 1996, I bred my stud dog. He ended up tearing his urethra and his abdomen filled up with urine. 3K and two surgeries later at the university, he made it. I

Hang in there!

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Prayers for your pooch!

I always liked that nickname. Never met a dog with that one though, alot of relatives, but they spell it Chuy. Anyways love and prayers to your girl. Let us know how she does.


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Thanks everyone for your thoughts... It was a long night, but she's doing welland may be able to come home today. We'rejust waiting for her to drink an eat, so we they can pull her off the IVs.

Thanks again!


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She's doing really well today... I pulled the IV out and gave her some antibiotic ointment. She's eating very well now and drinking water. That's a major thing after surgery. They wanted to keep her until she eat something and I wanted to get her home so she would. She's been trained not to accept food from strangers and she wasn't going to eat anything until we got her home. I'll take her back in tomorrow to have them remove the dressing and inspect the incision. I had a lot of experience with animals coming from a farm, but I want a real vet to have a look. Someone knocked at the door a while ago and she jumped up barking and ran to the door. That was very good to see, but more than I wanted from her at this point, so I gave her a small sedative/pain killer to slow her down a bit.

Thanks again for all you kind thoughts and prayers.



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No sweat.

I spent 3000+ on my old Golden Daisy to remove her cancerous 3rd eyelid.

Gave us another 4 years with her.

Money well spent.


PS I now have another Golden, Lily, who has presented me with training challenges that Daisy never did.

Funny how they all have different personalities.....like us people.

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