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Cholesterol Numbers

Steve J

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I hate cholesterol numbers.

My total cholesterol is the lowest it's ever been in my life. That's good right?

My LDL is the lowest it's ever been in my life. That's good right?

Friggin' no!!! HDL is down and triglycerides are up. WTF?


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No idea what my numbers are, and don't care. I eat fairly healthy, get regular exercise and have an active lifestyle. If that's not enough to keep me off medicine with side effects, so be it.

I thought the same.Turns out mine is way too high. 350ish on a normal day.

As for side effects, like what ?

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There are a bunch of different kinds:

See here

They are designed to do different things depending on what is high or low.

If you are over 30, get a physical once a year.

Getting weighed and stuck with a needle isn't too much to go through.

And if you are afraid of what the Dr is going to say ( lose some weight, cut back on the booze, don't salt your food ) then follow the advice of Ronnie Johns.

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I hear sometimes they take the lead out of your pencil.

Bad, very bad. Not prudent!

You may be thinking of Blood pressure medication, not most cholesterol medications.

Side effects and adverse reactions are rare. For the statins (that work with liver & other organs to lower the amount of lipids [fatty substances] your body produces) you need liver function tests periodically to make sure you do not get liver damage (rare, but it can happen). Also, Some folks get a potentially serious reaction with muscle cramping & weakness (again rare, but the drugs must be stopped).

A second category of Lipid lowering medications work on the GI tract. These can cause bloating, gas, diarrhea & all the bothersome GI symptoms. But they are sometimes the only option for the people who cannot take statins due to liver problems or muscle problems.

Neither have been shown to work well unless combined with a 'cardiac low Cholesterol diet (low fat, increased protein & fiber).'

Abnormal lipid levels (most health-care professionals look at Total Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, VHDL, and Triglycerides) are not just a huge risk factor for heart disease, but also stroke, peripheral artery disease, and diabetes. If I see abnormally high Triglycerides in the absence of other Lipid elevations, I look for metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes).

Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC

Edited by LChico
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What if you eat right, work out, do cardio and are very active? 167 lbs on the scale tonight and almost no body fat. I take Zocor and it wasn't even phasing it. The Dr. doubled my Rx and we'll see what happens in a couple of months. I just hate taking pills everyday. High cholesterol blows!

Chris C.

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For those who may not want to take drugs for cholesteral. There is always the chance for heart attack, stroke and other nastiness.

I wish I hadn't ignored the obvious for so long. Perhaps I wouldn't have had a quad heart bypass 2 1/2 years ago. I'm doing fine and still have slightly elevated levels, but I eat my pills every day. You get used to them. The side effects, in my case, went away.

Although you cannot beat your genetics, you can reduce the adverse effects by eating healty and exercising regularly and taking prescribed medications if you need them.

What sucks is that a bypass operation usually only last for 10-15 years and then has to be done again.

I wish I had had sense enought to listen when I was younger <_<



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I've been getting my info from this doctor:


He considers triglycerides over 100 a problem to be solved and has a habit of citing the specific studies that justify his guidelines and advice.

Commonly recommended is below 150. Over the last year or so I've brought my triglycerides down by 100, but still haven't reached 150. They were high. Damn thing is. Is that for years no one ever mentioned them to me. Just LDL and HDL and "the ratio".

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What if you eat right, work out, do cardio and are very active? 167 lbs on the scale tonight and almost no body fat. I take Zocor and it wasn't even phasing it. The Dr. doubled my Rx and we'll see what happens in a couple of months. I just hate taking pills everyday. High cholesterol blows!

Chris C.

Our livers (certain livers that is) are hard wired genetically to produce and maintain a level of cholesterol in the blood that is too high. It does indeed blow.

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I take Vytorin which is a combo of Zocor and Zetia, 80/10. ALong wit several other heart medications,

I had my first of 3 heart Attacks when I was 36 years old(41 now). 7 stents and 50 # lighter. I swear by the drugs. My cholesterol was 240 but my Triglycerides were over 500. Now I am at 110 and 200 and happy as can be. When they say silent killer they were not kidding. I never knew I had a problem till I was given the Nitro in the ER.

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Unbuttered, blue popcorn will help lower your cholesterol. J/K.

I am lucky enough that with exercise and eating salmon weekly, I am able to keep mine in the 150 - 160 range so far.

I have not heard any of my friends who take medicine to control it complaining about side effects and believe me they would.

Good luck with it.


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Unbuttered, blue popcorn will help lower your cholesterol. J/K.

I am lucky enough that with exercise and eating salmon weekly, I am able to keep mine in the 150 - 160 range so far.

I have not heard any of my friends who take medicine to control it complaining about side effects and believe me they would.

Good luck with it.


What is it about the popcorn that helps?

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Unbuttered, blue popcorn will help lower your cholesterol. J/K.

I am lucky enough that with exercise and eating salmon weekly, I am able to keep mine in the 150 - 160 range so far.

I have not heard any of my friends who take medicine to control it complaining about side effects and believe me they would.

Good luck with it.


What is it about the popcorn that helps?

And where can you find it?

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The cholesterol number is a guide, not a rule. My number is at the highest its ever been at 195. I was pissed until I looked at my HDL, LDL, Tri's and ratio. I'm lucky. Great genes and I don't eat near as much meat as the average person. That said, I still monitor it.

Diet and exercise are HUGE factors to correct any issues, but DO NOT get wrapped around the axle over your total number.


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Commonly recommended is below 150.

True, but the MD who recommended < 100 to me is not exactly a common doctor - Google for his name to see what I mean. He told me 137 was a problem, and gave me a passing grade when I got it down to 100.

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