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Weather From Hell


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Unbelievable: here I sit in the Bay Area, the flower of Northern California, and it was 105 yesterday. Right now it is 11:30AM, and the temperature in my back yard is 98 degrees. Back before the climate self destructed, we had a few hot days in a summer... but summer doesn't even start for ANOTHER SIX WEEKS. Average summer days used to top out at about 80 degrees or so.

The bizarre thing is that the winter we just finished was the CONSISTENTLY COLDEST in the last 30 years I have lived here. A "typical" winter day her has overnight lows in the mid 40's and afternoon highs in the low 60's. All winter long it dropped into the mid to low 30's at night and daytime highs were about 10 degrees under average.

And this "ten under average" trend continued up until about a week ago... seriously.... we had spring days where the highs were not even reaching 70 degrees.

And last night, the OVERNIGHT LOW here was 75 degrees.

So, we went from "about ten under" to "about 30 over" in the span of a week. The normal weather that Kali used to have does not even seem to exist anymore, it is just unbearable cold or insufferably hot. And it is only beginning, as summer has not even begun.

Edited by bountyhunter
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I remember a few nasty days living in San Francisco... not the usual 50degree fog with wind, but the 100+ without A/C or even a ceiling fan.

I feel your pain.

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average temps are not the same as normal range of temps.

Hot humid weather sucks. That's two reasons not to go to San Francisco. Hope you can stay cool

I'm about 30 miles from San Fran in Los gatos. It's usually about 20 degrees warmer down here in the simmer.

Talk about freudian slip... I meant to type "summer" and typed "SIMMER"....... :surprise:

Anyway, typical SF summer days are highs in the low 60's. mark Twain said the coldest winter on earth was a summer in San Francisco. When it hits high 90's there as it did yesterday, that is genuinely unheard of.

As for "NORMAL RANGE OF TEMPS"..... 105F in mid spring down here is not only outside of "normal", we broke all time highs for many Bay Area counties for all historically recorded temps. That's as abnormal as it gets.

Bay Area swelters as temperature records fall

Steve Rubenstein,Michael Cabanatuan, Chronicle Staff Writers

Friday, May 16, 2008

(05-15) 16:42 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- The National Weather Service said it was very, very hot Thursday, confirming what everyone else in the Bay Area already figured out.

It wasn't just very, very hot, the weather service said, it was "excessively hot," and the official excessive heat warning will remain in effect today.

Across the Bay Area, heat records toppled Thursday like double-decker ice cream cones in the high-pressure onslaught.

It was a full 11 degrees hotter in Oakland than it has ever been on any May 15 in the recorded history of planet Earth, the weather service said.

It hit 98 degrees in Oakland, eclipsing the previous record of 87 degrees set in 1976.

San Francisco, at 97 degrees, beat the old record of 91 set in 1970.

In San Jose it was 99 degrees, three degrees warmer than the old record, also set in 1970.

"It's all because of a massive warm high-pressure ridge centered over southern Oregon," said weather service meteorologist Dave Soroka. "It's inhibiting the normal onshore sea breeze. It's very weird."

Temperature records also fell in Santa Rosa (100, beating the old mark of 97), Napa (100, old mark 97) and Richmond (98, old mark 87).

Statement as of 16. маy 2008, 20:30 PDT

... Hot weather expected to continue through the weekend...

Weak to moderate offshore flow provided by strong high pressure

over the West Coast will continue to bring hot weather to the

area through the weekend. Daytime maximum temperatures in the

heat wave will continue to rise into the 90s across most of the

interior sections with isolated locations reporting temperatures

to near 105. The hottest locations expected to exceed 100 degrees

will likely occur in some foothill locations and across the

valleys. Warmer than normal conditions will also continue across

the coastal plain. Temperatures at the beaches south of Point

Conception will climb into the mid 70s to mid 80s... while inland

portions of the coastal plain will likely warm to near 95 locally.

Records were tied or eclipsed in some valley and mountain locations

on Friday. Near record highs are forecast Saturday in the Valley...

Mountain... and desert areas. In addition... near record high minimum

temperatures are expected to occur tonight and possibly again

Saturday night. Unseasonably warm conditions will continue through

the weekend.

Edited by bountyhunter
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A couple of days of 95+ temps makes you crazy? I can relate, generally here we count how many days we go above 100. Some years it's only been 5 days. I remember one summer where we hit 30 days.

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Funny, I said the same thing when I move to California. The problem is that many/most places in the bay area aren't used to dealing with the heat. As I said, I owned an apartment in the middle of North Beach in San Francisco that didn't have A/C or even a ceiling fan. Most of the time it was so moderate/ cool that you didn't need it.

So when its REALLY hot, the businesses and residences don't have the infrastructure in place to make it comfortable. The house we bought in Encinitas (San Diego county) was 4 bedrooms and 3 miles from the ocean... and it didn't have A/C. So if an oddball, super hot day came along, you sweated...

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A couple of days of 95+ temps makes you crazy? I can relate, generally here we count how many days we go above 100. Some years it's only been 5 days. I remember one summer where we hit 30 days.

Try reading the first sentence of the first post, I'll help you out:

Unbelievable: here I sit in the Bay Area, the flower of Northern California, and it was 105 yesterday.

And, it was followed by another 102 day.

And today, my teeth are chattering because it only got up to 98.

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Funny, I said the same thing when I move to California. The problem is that many/most places in the bay area aren't used to dealing with the heat. As I said, I owned an apartment in the middle of North Beach in San Francisco that didn't have A/C or even a ceiling fan. Most of the time it was so moderate/ cool that you didn't need it.

So when its REALLY hot, the businesses and residences don't have the infrastructure in place to make it comfortable. The house we bought in Encinitas (San Diego county) was 4 bedrooms and 3 miles from the ocean... and it didn't have A/C. So if an oddball, super hot day came along, you sweated...

Well, I am not on the coast (as I said, Los gatos) so we do get a few hot days, but NEVER this time of year.

But, as the article said:

It was a full 11 degrees hotter in Oakland than it has ever been on any May 15 in the recorded history of planet Earth, the weather service said.

When you are breakinh all-time daily highs by 11 degrees, that would be analagous to somebody going out and breaking the world record for the mile by maybe 30 seconds.

You would say: WTF is going on here?

Edited by bountyhunter
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A couple of days of 95+ temps makes you crazy? I can relate, generally here we count how many days we go above 100. Some years it's only been 5 days. I remember one summer where we hit 30 days.

Try reading the first sentence of the first post, I'll help you out:

Unbelievable: here I sit in the Bay Area, the flower of Northern California, and it was 105 yesterday.

And, it was followed by another 102 day.

And today, my teeth are chattering because it only got up to 98.

Edited for tone...

Um, sorry...105, 102, and 98 are all 95+...

In my second sentence I said

I can relate
I was agreeing with you that temps above 95+ degrees suck! A few days is crazy making, a month is instant insanity! It wasn't a rebuttal. I get crazy when the temps are 95+ for many days in a row such as July, August, and September here in the Great State of Texas. My DNA is engineered for 20" deep snow! Edited by carinab
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A couple of days of 95+ temps makes you crazy? I can relate, generally here we count how many days we go above 100. Some years it's only been 5 days. I remember one summer where we hit 30 days.

1980. There were even T-shirts here in Texas saying " I survived the Summer of '80". It was awful.

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I don't know guys.....Seems like every year we have a few weeks total of really hot weather like this, the rest of the summer is some of the best in the country. Every year folks complain about these few hot stretches and then bitch in the winter when it is too cold or too rainy. I have only been in the SF bay area for 17 years and I do remember what unbearable weather really is. Uhmmm, it ain't this :) Guess this counts as a rebuttal. Oh well, sorry.

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It's 81 today but was 95 over the past two days. Way too hot for this time of year. The rhododenron were just getting into the bloom, what with mild temps and lightly-cloudy skies--excellent weather for rhodies--but the wretched heat wave (three days' worth, essentially) just fried ALL of them not planted in full shade! Mostly it made us all too hot too early. Acck. My so-called 'economic stimulus' check will go toward A/C for the car. I just can't take the heat in the car any more. It's obscene.

Meanwhile, this high pressure thing is headed your way. Look out.

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I don't know guys.....Seems like every year we have a few weeks total of really hot weather like this, the rest of the summer is some of the best in the country. Every year folks complain about these few hot stretches and then bitch in the winter when it is too cold or too rainy. I have only been in the SF bay area for 17 years and I do remember what unbearable weather really is. Uhmmm, it ain't this :) Guess this counts as a rebuttal. Oh well, sorry.

I've lived lots of places and know what really crappy weather is: try a winter in cape Cod. A summer in Louisiana. My point is, the beautiful weather we used to have so much of out here is long gone for the most part. Winters are colder, summers (and even spring) are a lot hotter, and the nice days are a lot fewer.

BTW, it "ONLY" got up to about 88 here today. Never thought we would hear the weather guy calling a day where it was "ONLY" 15 degrees above normal was "cool weather"...... but, that's the new reality.

I liked the old reality a lot better.

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