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Getting two vertibre fused


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I think Rodeo, Moto-Cross, pro tour mogul skiing,and desert racing hurt the discs,, I still do like 100 crunches a day, just like the P.T. told me to back in 85 after a real sever get off at the Parker 400. I think the young days are attacking the old days. BELEIVE ME I WILL DO WHAT THEY SAY CAUSE I STILL WANT TO PLAY!!!!! KurtM

Thanks Neil, I will be the Bionic man next time we meet!

Edited by kurtm
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Back home. I would rate this one as a 3 car garage addition, but all deep burning nerve pain is GONE!! The L-5 was almost fused by its self and the bone was growing around the nerve bundle, the disk, or what was left of it looked like a peice of gray paper. L-4 was fused nicely, we shall report on the progress every few days, but I have a feeling this will soon be bumped into "what I love Thread". KURTM

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I guess I am just sorry to the bone cause all I have been wondering about for the last several hours is ...would Kurt be able to get out of bed and shoot me if I raided his hard cider box and made off with some of his home brewed beer to boot...? :devil:

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I had l5-s1 fused in April 2003.

I'm not fused, but I'm bulged at L5-S1 since last August 2007. I haven't competed in a long time.

I ruptured L5-S1 when I was younger and just suffered with the constant pain growing up. Then I had it removed (laminectomy...discectomy) after being crippled by it from a minor car accident in my early 20's. Three months later, after a near complete recovery, I continued my lifestyle of playing hard and working hard. Ten years later, I re-injured the same level and also L4-L5, L2-L3, and T6-T7. It really sucked, it really hurt, and I had to quit shooting. In my surgical procedure, they didn't fuse my vertebrae, they said the scar tissue would just grow back at that level. Ya right! The scar tissue grew so much that it strangled all the nerves on the left side and down my left leg. Needless to say, I am not excited about surgeons with sharp objects! I spent many years taking drugs of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Then I found, spinal injections...I get one every 10 weeks and it keeps me functional. I also started exercising 3 times a week. These 2 changes have helped me get back on the range after 17 years of no shooting. My back still hurts and my leg still has issues with the nerves.

Take good care of your back Kurt and hope to see you on the range!

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It is still going good. I am tired of being tired because of no continuse sleep. I can only lie in 3 positions and all 3 of those are sore! I have been walking and go about 1/2-3/4 of a mile per time plus around the house, but that drains me pretty good! I am basically off pain meds and have an electric muscle stimulator that works pretty darn well, except when it is dialed up to high. It is amazing how much pain a 9v timmer battery can produce! So far no pain down the legs AT ALL so I think I am going to be OK. KurtM

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Glad to hear you're healing up, and yes, those TENS units can get a bit busy on the wrong pulse setting. I have actually gotten contact burns from one once, so be careful... no need to add onto an already uncomfortable situation. I hope you make it all the way back and soon... your range buddies probably miss you plenty, and have lots of fun planned for your return. (dwarf ports, anyone? You know, those that are too high to shoot kneeling, and too low to shoot when bent over) :)

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dwarf ports, anyone? You know, those that are too high to shoot kneeling, and too low to shoot when bent over :)

I like those "there just my game" they dont call me the Brummi Dwarf for nothing, I can shoot those standing upright ! :roflol:

I will ask Martin to put a couple into the next British Open just for Kurt :cheers:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick up date. I am now 19 days past surgury, and the next post will be in the What I Like forum!! No nerve pain, I am walking 3-4 miles a day, and last night I shot a "super classifier match with My revolver. I still can't bend over at the waist ( doc's orders) but he said slowly start increasing what you do. There is still some muscle soreness where they opened me up, and I want the bone to fuse well, but so far it has been a real good thing! I now wake up in the morning WITHOUT any back pain!! For the last 2 years I thought my mattress was hurting my back....but no....my back was hurting my back!!

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  • 1 month later...

Please allow me to join this thread. I hurt my back at work in Oct '04. Have done the traction table, a year and more of physical therapy, the 3 sets of ESI's on my back. Tried a tens unit too. I have traveled to several cities to see their best Surgeons. So far 3 have said no way. They may possibly make it worse. Well now Workers comp wants to send me to another Surgeon. Don't know how I feel about it. If 3 have not hesitated in saying NO. What if this guy says YES. Mixed feelings to be sure. I'd love to get off this morphine, Oxycontin, Flexmid, Xodol and Mobic. I'm just not sure how confident I'll be with Surgeon #4 skills and honesty. Thanks for listening.


Edited by bobert1
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I'll add my 2 pennies............

I would recommend you try the Hospital for Specail Surgery in New York. They are one of the top, if not, THE top orthopod hospital in the country. They also specialize and like the hard cases-at least the spine unit does.

I’ve had two people I know go there and they’ve had wonderful outcomes.

Of course, everyone’s situation is different – but IMHO it is THE place to go.

Here’s the link:


Also, if it makes you feel any better, I am in the “the industry” and the company I work for specializes in spine products.

Good luck!

Kurt- hope your feeling better too!! :)

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I should now be posting in the what I like forum!! I am almost 3 months out of surgury, I am walking 3-4 miles a day and on some days running up to 3 also ( but I am still slow as I was REALLY out of shape due to the back pain). 5 weeks after the work I won the Kentucky State 3-gun in limited and then at 6 weeks out, placed 3rd at CMMG Mid-West 3-gun championships in limited. I have been very carefull not to do anything that I shouldn't do and I can't be happier! I went through Dr. Francel in Oklahoma City, and he is on of only 50 Doctors in the nation certified for certain techniques for Neuro-surgery. You can find him by doing a search for Dr. Francel. I hope anyone that has back trouble has as good a luck as I did! KurtM

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