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Strength vs. Flexability

Chris Conley

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Now that I have added on some bulk thru wieght lifting, I find that I'm losing some flexability. Other than stretching is there anything else that I can do? If stretching is the only thing how often? Everyday?

Also how much muscle or strength is needed? Show I maintain status quo or keep thrying to get bigger? Currently at 165 lbs and don't want to lose any foot speed.


Chris C.

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Now that I have added on some bulk thru wieght lifting, I find that I'm losing some flexability. Other than stretching is there anything else that I can do? If stretching is the only thing how often? Everyday?

Also how much muscle or strength is needed? Show I maintain status quo or keep thrying to get bigger? Currently at 165 lbs and don't want to lose any foot speed.


Chris C.

If you are using weight machines and free weights, make sure you work the exercises through a full range of motion if possible. You do not need to over exaggerate the stretch during weight training exercises. In 1992 Olympic athletes were tested for flexibility, the gymnasts were the most flexible(no surprise), but the second most flexible Olympians were the weightlifters! Stretch after you have warmed up, never stretch cold.

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Stretch every day. There's a good book by Pavel Tsatouline called Relax Into Stretch I highly recommend.

Don't confuse size with strength. Don't train to get bigger, do full body movement constantly varied at high intensity. Forget curls and the like...try and focus on functional exercises such as pull ups, olympic lifts, and the like.

After your strength training, do some sport specific training as well. That will ensure that you don't lose much of your footspeed.

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Should have been more specific. I'm not into getting any bigger just stonger. Looking for strength to hold the rifle and shotgun up steady for off hand shots. From what I've done so far it seems to be helping. It does make me feel better from day to day. More energy for sure. Thanks for the replies. I'll start stretching very day.

Merry Christmas,

Chris C.

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<_< Stretching is the foundation for most martial arts. I used to be ....in good shape ... in the past, as in=over 20 years ago used to be, but I do remember. When I started training hard, over 2 hrs a day 6 days a week. It is very rare not to give up Cosmetic Size when you train for speed and flexibility. AKA martial art training.

I stayed the same weight but gave up plenty of size in my upper body to get the speed needed for fast strikes and blocks. I also changed my diet so I gave up some size to that too. Any speed I have now is because of what I built as a foundation 22 years ago. I have read some about the speed lifting, and that sounds like the best way to round out your program. IF you just want to "look" big stick with slow reps <_< girls can't tell the difference and that is what it used to be about. I'm 51 and I don't think I give up much in the hand & feet speed to many. Learn to stretch if you want to last. ;)

I typed to slow, for off hand rifle build you lower and mid body And use some string about 3 feet long to tie 20bl weights to the barrel and stock of your gun, to do some dry fire reps. that will teach you how to lift the gun with your "main frame" and not just your arms and shoulders

Edited by AlamoShooter
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1. Nothing is stronger than muscle. (this can start a debate but I don't want to go there).

2. Nothing is more flexible than muscle.

If you train antagonistic muscle groups equally you should not lose flexibility.

Warm up before you stretch.

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Crossfit incorporates rings as well as three paths to fitness which builds strength, stamina and flexibility. It is the only thing that has worked for me. They have a great message board too to field questions on nutrition, excercises, equipment etc.


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+85 on CrossFit....

But, more to topic.... There is no such thing as "strength vs. flexibility" - if you're sacrificing one for the other, you're doing something very wrong ;) Do both, as well as speed, power, balance, agility, etc... ;)

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Strength training will do nothing but benefit you.

As you get stronger you will get faster, don't worry about foot speed.

Flexibilty should not be a problem if you do stretching exercises when working out.

In martial arts we routinely did at least 15 - 20 minutes of stretching before each class.

Two or three times a week produced amazing flexibilty.


It seems that one of the most prevalent injuries in this sport is torn calf muscles.

The sudden starts/stops jumping, squatting and changing direction on a dime can and will tear your legs up.

I had it happen to me and know at least two others that it happend to in the last year.


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Today got to work an hour early so I could work out. Short handed due it being Christmas Eve.

Gave the crossfit a try today. WOD was blurpies and rows 3x. Holy f'in sheet. Did about 35 blurpies and I thought I was going do something worse than dying. This is definately for me. I thought I was in pretty good shape until today. Thanks to all for putting be on this one. Then I stretched for 20 min. Man I'm still breathing hard.

Chris C.

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I was just checking this site out after seeing it listed on Henning's website. Am pretty intrigued but at 52 and surgeries to two shoulders and a knee I don't see me walking 100 yards on my hands anytime soon. I remember burpees from my wrestling days. Barf bags should be standard equipment. :rolleyes:

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I was just checking this site out after seeing it listed on Henning's website. Am pretty intrigued but at 52 and surgeries to two shoulders and a knee I don't see me walking 100 yards on my hands anytime soon. I remember burpees from my wrestling days. Barf bags should be standard equipment. :rolleyes:

I am 45 and was pretty broke down from years of teaching martial arts. I had to scale back the WOD's, Waaaaaaaay back, until I could do them in their entirety. I still have some knee issues but the supporting musculature has developed quite a bit to where the injuries are becoming less aggravating. Some of the WOD's like Fran and the "3 bars of death" I have miserable times on, but I track the times and get better incrementaly. I am mostly jazzed that I can do unassisted pullups but not to the tune of 30 reps non-stop.......yet. Try it you may like it!

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My wife calls Burpees something else... Pukies... ;):lol:

In the meantime, I need to make it out for a workout... being out of town for Christmas with a packed schedule is going to kill me <_< At least I got a good one in on Sunday, but stilll.... yeeeesh.... :lol:

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