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Strength vs. Flexability

Chris Conley

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Absolute failure on the workout today :angry:

I've been fighting being sick - got it from the family in Atlanta and it set it last night. But, I've been sitting still for two days - one in the car on Friday, and then yesterday, so I needed to do something. After two sets of the WOD, I had to cut it short - my back was killing me, and I couldn't run. Don't know if its just being weak in the back, the decongestants I'm on trying to ward off a sinus infection (and the subsequent dehydration potential), or what.... Anyhow, I finished the squats, cause I could do those w/o my back hurting - so I'm 90 back extensions and 1km short. At least I got some work done - and I feel like I probably avoided a back injury. I feel whipped, though :( That's the only time I can remember not finishing a workout :(

Hey, here's a good one for you, though. Derrick'll get a kick out of this one. The name is totally cheese (I didn't make it up), but the workout was pretty cool. They called it "Painstorm 10,000". Here's the deal. Load up a bar with weight - you pick your poison. Common weights were from 45 - 100#. Divide 10,000 by that weight to get total number of reps - then divide your total # of reps by 8 to get reps in a set. Now, you grab the weighted bar and carry it with you. Do a set, then move 400m with it, do another set, and so on. On each rep, you move the weight from the ground to overhead by whichever method you like - snatch, clean and jerk, power clean to shoulder press, deadlift to hang clean to shoulder press.... whatever. At the end, you should have traveled 1 mile and lifted 5 tons overhead ;) The hard part is carrying the weight..... ;)

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Did the following at the local gym today....

5 rounds of:

30 jumping pullups

30 rotating ball slams

30 overhead squats (45#)

30 parallete jumps (basically, jump one time over a 10-12" bar)

400 meter run

That was bad enough... took 30 minutes... sheesh...!

30 MUs is ... tasty... if I could do 1 right now, I'd be happy enough :lol:

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Don't have and rings right now so did option #2. 120 pull ups and 120 dips. That was enough for me. I'm starting to feel alot stronger an have more stamina after doing this for about 2 weeks now. The stretching twice a day really helps also. I'm going to stay with it. This is good stuff.

Chris C.

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Tabata Something Else

376. Kind of disappointed as I wanted over 400 - squats was my weakest area so I'm going to need to address that. With work I think I can hit 425 in a month. The squats at the end nearly sent me running to make an offering to the Porcelain God.

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I think Tabata Something Else is great. I remember you saying you were having trouble with pull ups - if you have the capability, try subbing in some 20 lb medicine ball slams for one of the exercises.

Other than that the push ups, sit ups, and squats are fantastic.

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I think Tabata Something Else is great. I remember you saying you were having trouble with pull ups - if you have the capability, try subbing in some 20 lb medicine ball slams for one of the exercises.

Other than that the push ups, sit ups, and squats are fantastic.

Started tracking my calories on the Zone. I was getting about 1k-1200 calories a day. No wonder bonkage. Up to 2500 a day and still low, but wow, everything got alot easier. Hard to eat enough when the BMR is 2100.

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Started tracking my calories on the Zone. I was getting about 1k-1200 calories a day. No wonder bonkage. Up to 2500 a day and still low, but wow, everything got alot easier. Hard to eat enough when the BMR is 2100.

On top of it all, having that lean a diet will make you retain weight.... :blink::wacko:

Tabata Something Else looks nicely gnarly :lol: Right now, my hams and glutes are so burnt out, I can barely stand up... We did a team workout on Friday, and a bunch of people showed up, so there weren't enough rowers... so someone gets the bright idea to sub in SDHPs for the rows... 1300 of 'em total for a team of 5. I think I did somewhere on the order of 400 of them with 1 and 1 1/2 pood KBs - most of my part of the workout was those, in fact.... ugh... :lol:

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Boy your sure right on the retainage. I can rap out pullups now and jumping wall balls are alot easier....the cardio was there but the muscle fatigue onset was rough.

I expect a lean and mean XRE at nationals :cheers:

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I expect a lean and mean XRE at nationals :cheers:

So do I :lol:

Now what I have to do is figure out how to periodize the CF stuff such that I'm fully recovered on major match days - but not get too far off the path on the workouts (ie, two or three days before a big match, I need to back off - maybe scale a workout, or do light stuff just to keep moving, so that everything is strong and fresh and well rested on match day....). Jake, you have any thoughts on this???

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I think that this problem might actually take care of itself Dave.

Your body is still adjusting to the intense effort you are expecting from it. By the time the season starts, your metabolic conditioning and overall strength will be much higher than it currently is. High capacity usually means better recovery.

Also it's rare that people travel to matches and shoot the match on the same day - so you automatically have a rest day built in for travel.

If you want to try and drop the intensity during the week of the match, what I would recommend is taking a half intensity week. This will be great because you will be totally fresh at the match and also will likely ensure that every so often you get the rest that your body naturally needs. It's not uncommon to actually come back stronger after taking a half intensity week.

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So we have at least 4 crossfitters on the board.

I don't know how many are going to Nationals - I don't even know if I am - but I think we should have a contest or a challenge until that match. Something to do with improvement as we all don't start at the same place.

What do you guys think? You ridin' or you hidin'? ;)

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By the time the season starts, your metabolic conditioning and overall strength will be much higher than it currently is. High capacity usually means better recovery.

That's what I've read, and I believe that to be true... I have a lot farther to go, so I'm not sure when I start reaping those benefits :D Like, if I were to do Barbara, and leave for a match the next day, and shoot the day after that right now... I'd be dead as hell the first day of the match...

The season starts in basically one month (2/8-10 is the FL Open), so its time to start thinking along these lines... 4 months of solid training has done a lot of good, but I'm figuring a year to get to a good steady state, based on my experience so far, and what others have told me....

Also it's rare that people travel to matches and shoot the match on the same day - so you automatically have a rest day built in for travel.

I'm one of those who tends to be on the long side of the DOMS scale, right now - mine doesn't show up hard until 36-48 hours after the workout. So, after a brutal workout, I currently need more than 2 days to get back to a "feeling strong/normal" kind of state.

If you want to try and drop the intensity during the week of the match, what I would recommend is taking a half intensity week. This will be great because you will be totally fresh at the match and also will likely ensure that every so often you get the rest that your body naturally needs. It's not uncommon to actually come back stronger after taking a half intensity week.

That's probably the best way to approach it, I guess - I don't want to go static for a week ahead or anything crazy like that. Backing off the intenstity for even half a week before the match would put me in a good position... I need to have a chat w/ my trainer about this, too - we'd put it off until the season was getting ready to start, and here it is already... ;)


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So we have at least 4 crossfitters on the board.

I don't know how many are going to Nationals - I don't even know if I am - but I think we should have a contest or a challenge until that match. Something to do with improvement as we all don't start at the same place.

What do you guys think? You ridin' or you hidin'? ;)

I won't be at nationals because I'll be on shift that week. I'm not hiding... what's the challenge?

Thank god for a rest day today. Man I was ready for it.

Chris C.

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Its a strength workout, and you basically work at high loads - one rep each set. You're trying to find your 1RM and do that more than once if you can. So, typically, you'd warm up with some lighter sets, and then build into 10 heavy reps with some rest in between each rep, adding weight each time. If you fail on a lift, back off for the next one and work there (and continue to back off if you fail again...).

If you don't know 1RM (and I don't for front squat, for instance), its kind of a crap shoot, but you can take educated guesses at it.


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Took Barbara to the gym today at lunch. Managed 3 of the 5 sets before I couldn't do anymore. 6:30, 7:54, and 7:57. Told myself if I got the last one under 8 that would do it for the day.

Blew chunks all over the shower at the gym after - you should have seen the look on the girl's face who runs the gym when I asked her for a mop, bleach, and gum. :mellow:

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