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Flexmoney's Recipe


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I love tuna..... either mixed in something, or straight from the can,

I love peanut butter...... especially, Extra Crunchy,

I love mustard....... especially, brown spicy mustard,


Hey, you wouldn't do something like try to feed this to your Buckeye Blast range staff would you?? :unsure:

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I guess I shouldn't even mention the jars of baby food that I used to always have on hand???

No, you should not mention them, but you know what, the more I thought about your recipe, I think I probably could choke it down as long as I had a good 'wash' to chase it with. Some of my favorites (and guarenteed to 'clense your palate') are:

  • Pickle juice (Clausson only please),
  • Hot pepper juice,
  • Or perhaps best yet, Pepperocini juice! :wub:

Here are the keys.... first, you must eat all the pickles, etc., otherwise you could choke yourself...... second, the jar has to stay in the refrigerator so the juice is nice and cold...... third, you have to chug it straight from the jar....... fourth, it's really good to have your wife, significant other, friend or someone else standing around just to watch the look on their face.

WARNING: This is NOT for the faint-hearted, those with tender stomachs, or those on low sodium diets. This is also an excellent method to 'remove the little socks' from your teeth in the morning, following a late night range staff meeting.... :wacko:

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Pickle juice is good stuff. I used to drink it all the time (key being to eat enough pickles).

I just happen to have a jar full of juice from"Kroger Hot Pepper Rings" in the fridge right now. It's been a while, but I used to love drinking that stuff, so I saved this last jar full.

I don't have any clue what Pepperocini juice is??? I thought you said pepperoni juice at first. :wacko:

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You know I had to find out:


Pepperoncini is imported from an area in Greece called the Pellopenese in large drums. They are also called Golden Greek Peppers because of their wonderful yellow/green color.


Also called Tuscan peppers , these thin, 2- to 3-inch-long CHILES have a bright green, wrinkled skin.

They have a slightly sweet flavor that can range from medium to medium-hot. Pepperoncini are most often sold pickled and used as part of an ANTIPASTO.

They look like the peppers that come with Papa John's Pizza?

(thanks for the opportunity to learn something new)

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After a long day just got home and the only things in the house is ---- you guessed it! Now after mixing it all together it reminded me of many meals in China, (all mystery ingredients). After adding more peanut butter, then more, and then more, it finally came out fairly eddible...... Of course now I'm out of Peanut Butter!!!

Think I'll continue to use the shooting tips on the forum, but Flexmoney's recipes are "OFF LIMITS"! LOL!

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They look like the peppers that come with Papa John's Pizza?

(thanks for the opportunity to learn something new)

Flex, a fellow pickle juice drinker? Who would have thought it!! Also, feel free to bring your jar of hot pepper juice along to the Blast. Maybe we can do 'shots' with it or something..... :P

Oh, and yes, those peppers in the Papa John's box, absolutely are Pepperocini's! Awesome.....

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Somebody must have caught one of us drinking the juice a while back...

'cause a few years ago...THE Ohio State Buckeyes football team started drinking the stuff.

I guess those Florida teams ought to give up the Gatorade.


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  • 8 years later...

This is perhaps one of the funniest threads I've read on the Benoverse. Thanks for bringing it back. I'm not sure I'm man enough to try the recipe but I do love pickle juice.

HEll just reading thru the thread is like a who's who of the "old gang" from long ago. :rolleyes:

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Back when I was a poor college student, I thought I was going to be the next Mr. Olympia. When I wasn't pumping iron or posing in the gym locker room :unsure: , I was always in search of FOOD, cheap protein to be exact. I would buy store brand tuna by the cardboard flat and cases of store brand diet cherry soda, throw it all in a blender, puree and choke it down. I couldn't do it now if you paid me, but at the time I viewed it as the perfect "fuel" for my journey to the Mr. Olympia throne. I'm sure that Dorian Yates was shaking in his posing trunks. I am excited to try Flex's recipe. I think that PB might have been the missing link that derailed my dreams...

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  • 9 months later...

Very interesting. Only the second time I've heard about it. I used to know someone who made tuna with mustard all the time, he also eat tuna with peanut butter. But not all three at once. I wonder if he ever tried? lol

Tune with mustard I could eat, not my preferred way, but I could eat it. Peanut butter on the other had I couldn't bring myself to try.

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My Aunt Ruth made me tuna & mustard all the time when I was little. I loved it. Peanut butter too ? I like love peanut butter and you all know how I feel about mustard but I'm not sure about this one Flex.

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I have a bizarre food combo.

if you mix sunflowernut butter with tuna...

all the tuna flavor is gone.

dunno know how that works.

I have made tuna salad with some peanut butter

in place of mayo or salad dressing

it is good.

If you like mustard, it will work.


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I had some on a "tuna melt" this weekend. There was a bit left over. I think it is in the fridge. I will try to remember to grab a pic.

And, since you are "calling bull pucky"... you will need to eat crow. Or, in this case... wink.gif

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I had some on a "tuna melt" this weekend. There was a bit left over. I think it is in the fridge. I will try to remember to grab a pic.

And, since you are "calling bull pucky"... you will need to eat crow. Or, in this case... wink.gif

I'd never get it down. It'd be worse than the worse episode of fear factor. Peanut Butter, Mustard, tuna, bile and snot EVERYWHERE.

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Did the dog slobber help? :devil: The Mrs. wasn't too sure about the recepie and asked the question. Also, that was a good shot of your crowns at 2:44 :roflol:

I may have to try this as an energy food out on the grade, get some of those little single serve peanut butters and some packets of mustard to keep in the go bag.

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