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Stupid Hunters


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Since September 5 hunters have died in Kentucky. That is more in three months than normal for a year. One died of exposure. One was shot by a hunting companion. Three shot themselves.

Is there a stupid virus going around this year????

This is embarrasing. Kentucky boys are supposed to know how to do this.

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Are they actucally from Ky? I now a lot of them come from up north for our bigger bucks. I had a close call one year. Story goes something like this. I was climbing up into my tree stand and before I get to it I hear BOOOOM and the limbs and leaves above my stand go flying. Then I hear, "what are you doing" and another voice, "aww just practicing". I quickly climbed down out of my tree stand and went home. I wasn't deep enough in the woods to leave 2 fresh holes.

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Problem is that the "typical" hunter hasn't seen his rifle since the last hunting season. The "typical" hunter buys one box of shells each year. If truly dedicated, the "typical" hunter will shoot half the box at a range to insure the scope cross hairs did not get moved too far while sitting in the corner of the hall closet.

I stopped hunting after helping carry a "typical" hunter out of the mountains after another "typical" hunter shot him in the foot. The "shootee" was sitting against a tree with his left leg propped over his right knee. The "shooter" seeing the bottom of the "shootee's" left foot thought it was a bear's ear. Even though it was deer season he shot the bear's ear/shootee's foot. Per the shooter's comments, it was not his fault since the shootee should not have given the appearance of being big game. Other than the mistaken identity, it was considered a pretty good shot considering the distance.

Met a few "hunters" since then, but have met a lot more "typical" hunters since then. Shucks, I even make it a point to avoid the rifle range right before hunting season when the "typical" hunters are sighting in their guns.

Momma didn't raise no fool.

Nuff said.


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We had a bizarre little "hunting gone bad" incident (Sept. 6) outside city limits hereabouts where one group of paintball nuts in camo were skulking around in the same woods as armed deer hunters. Deer hunter sees motion in the brush, fires rifle, shoots unsuspecting paintball nut in the neck! After much fuss (medical rescue, CPR, loss of blood, helicopter lift-out), paintball nut remains in hospital in critical condition for days (no further news available on this case at this time). Item stayed in the news for a week. I heard about it over the dispatch/call radio as I was doing a municipal police ride-along that day... it was a county call due to its location so we had no obligation to respond, but the details were coming over the ether for at least an hour......

Stupid people doing stupid things. I bet there was a lawsuit somewhere in that mess. :rolleyes:

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I have been a hunter from childhood...mentored by my grandfather and father.

I was allowed to carry a rifle and pistol from age 8...never broke the rules never had a problem.

Twice people have shot at me...once my dad caught the guy who shot at us and explained if he saw him again he would return the favor.

The second time it was me and my son who got shot at...by several people...we circled back around them and gave them the same story.

Most people who are REAL hunters are as safe as it can get !!!

The wanna be hunters...give all who have guns a bad name.

We dont hunt the mountains anymore, too many fools who shoot before thinking....we hunt the desert..you can see um for miles and keep an eye on em.


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I think that the blaze orange required in Alabama means "Shoot here first" to some of these numbnuts. :angry2:


And to think that I'm actually going hunting on the opening day of gun season in the morning. What am I thinkin'??

Edited by dajarrel
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That's one reason I only hunt on my personally owned, well posted, property. I NEVER hunt public property. Dumbass hunters shooting at unidentified objects should actually be said targets.

I tried hunting on private land (with the landowners permission) but there are some idiots out there that think if any hunters are on the land, they also have the "right" to hunt the land. In several cases they cut locks on gates to get in.

I have some inherited land in another state that I visit infrequently. Last time I was there I found two deer blinds set up back in the woods. The local law doesn't have the time or resources to do anything about it.

This hunting season (like many of the past seasons) I'll stay home. For you brave souls out there, be safe.


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Last time I was there I found two deer blinds set up back in the woods. The local law doesn't have the time or resources to do anything about it.

I know a fellow who had a tree stand show up on his property a couple of weeks before deer season. He took red and white paint and made concentric circles on it and left a note; "I've got you in my sights." The stand disappeared.

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My weird hunting story:

I used to live in CA and I was deer hunting at Cherry Lake. I'm walking along a logging road on the backside of the lake and I can hear something down below me in very thick brush. Way too much noise for a deer I'm thinking. So I keep walking down the road and I realize whatever the f!@k it is is tracking me :surprise: Safety comes off the .270 and the Glock is on my hip :unsure: I SLOWY walk a little ways and sure as the day is long, it's hunting me... So I just sit back a bit on the uphill side and start waiting. I wait roughly 30 minutes before it starts to move again. Real slow, this guy walks about 75 yrds parallel to the road and comes out standing on the road. He is of Southeast Asian heritage dressed head to toe in black pj's :ph34r: This is about 5 years ago, not 40 years. Right down to the flip flops :unsure: He's carrying a Mossberg 500 shotty. So I stand up and very politely introduce myself and after making sure he doesn't seem too harmful I close to about 35 yrds and nicely ask if he's seen any deer. He replies back that he hasn't and that he is hunting squirrels :blink: The mountain is CRAWLING in squirrels. I could have shot Lake Cities entire output for a day pounding squirrels if I had an AR with me. I was on that mountain an entire day and I never heard him fire a shot :wacko: Every single alarm went off and every hair stood up. Very very odd..

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MY Father hunted Southern California in the 40s by the 1950s He stopped because of the same kind of problems had a few shots taken at him but the shooters did not know the range and got the elevation off. The rest of story stays out to keep the thread open.

He never did take me hunting Deer when I got old enough

Edited by AlamoShooter
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Back in college, I picked up a Type II hunting permit that let me hunt on State land. Opening day I went out to the area I'd scouted and hunted all morning. Went into town and ate breakfast at the old timers' restaraunt on the square. There were a lot of hunters in there and I listened in to several conversations that morning seeing if anyone had brought anything home. The conversation that got my attention was by two wanna be rednecks (East Texas has its fair share of real rednecks - and I'm not using that term to be derogatory - but these guys were definately city folk trying to fit in with the local crowd...) They were loud and boisterous and it was hard not to overhear what they were saying.

One was bragging about the shot he took that morning. "yep, I had a great sound shot this morning!"

"A sound shot, what the hell's that?" the other one asked.

"Heard something rustling around in the bush and popped off a round at it."


Needless to say, that was the last time I hunted deer on public land.

Sadly, there's a lot of idiots out there who ruin it for everyone else. :ph34r:

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had a lease once in South Tx..sitting in my blind on opening day and looked down the sendero to the other end with my binocs and the guy in the stand at the end of the fence line on the next property was looking at me thru his rifle scope....got down from the stand and walked down the sendero about 800 or 900 yds and got right next to the fence and had a "talk" with the other guy in the stand...did not have a problem after that on that lease.

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One was bragging about the shot he took that morning. "yep, I had a great sound shot this morning!"

"A sound shot, what the hell's that?" the other one asked.

"Heard something rustling around in the bush and popped off a round at it."


There is no cure for STUPID

Edited by scooterj
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