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Crazy Neighbor Lady


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Lives directly across the street, nice home, nice husband, 3 sons, and bat-shit crazy.

Family is from Trinidad (of Indian descent) and the lady is very sensitive about perceived racism. She says that all other "real" Indians treat them like scum. She came and asked my wife about a 18 year old down the street who was flying a Ku Klux Klan flag on his truck. Wife told her that she should look closer and she might tell that it was an American flag. Kid in question is a bit of a red-neck (not a slur, I grew up one as well) but not in any way racist.

My wife manages our church preschool and children's ministries. The oldest boy started preschool this year and it has been a nightmare. The Mom wants to hang around all day (with 2 smaller kids) and take photos of Jr. Wife explained nicely (more than once) that we can't allow that because preschool is all about teaching kids to separate from Mom and getting them ready for kindergarten next year. She finally got it after about 3 warnings. She then began skulking about the outside during the kid's recess time and taking pictures of Jr. Wife had a long (and fairly hot) meeting with her again today and told her that she has been told twice to stop doing that. Most preschools would have kicked this nut's ass out the door on day one but my wife is trying to work with her since she really cares about the kids. The loon said she was going to check and see if we are discriminating against her and is pissed off. My wife is sweet (opposites attract for damn sure), I would have done told this woman to take her kid and not let the door hit her in the ass on the way out.

Anyway, it pissed me off and I needed to rant here, rather than go over there with my Rebel flag :) Just joking.

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<_< I remember when a Rebel Flag was used at football games. My wife was shocked when I told her that now it is associated with racism

One thing that is even harder is when the wife tells us about something at work = they are just venting and our job is to stay quiet and listen. ...Like when we tell them about our job.

sometimes I need a mouth gaurd to keep from chipping a tooth

Edited by AlamoShooter
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I really despise people who have a chip on their shoulder.

You must have very good self control :cheers:


I try to practice my faith and act my age, but being the proud son of the South that I am; it is hard not to tell this lady to go to hell when she starts messing with my sweet wife. Wife can take care of herself, she has survived 25 years with me so she isn't exactly a wall flower. But she also has to be professional and take this ladies crap when she should just tell her to take her kid and find another preschool where they will let her hang out all day.

Doesn't exist but at least it will keep her occupied trying to find one.

Gary1911: I'm an educated redneck I guess, 25 years as a software engineer, but I still find myself turning the Hank Jr. music up loud in the truck and I keep looking at dog boxes even though I just have miniature Dachshunds :)


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Some MOLLE gear on and a bandolier or two of 12 ga shotgun shells across your chest Poncho Villa style, to complete your "ensemble"...

yeah, she'll chill right out...

either that or wear an INS or ICE jacket (or whatever they are calling themselves now)


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Come home from a 3-gun match with an AR in one hand and an shotty in the other. She'll chill right out. :cheers:

Laughing my ass off, if she knew that the part of the house that faces her has my "arsenal" room in it and that I have more ammo than the local National Guard armory :)

I try like crazy to keep all the guns out of sight since the house next to them is occupied by a rather eccentric Canadian couple who seem a little paranoid. Her reaction to my burning some branches (I'm a redneck, and I had a burn permit) was over the top, I thought she was going to get Smokey Bear to come kick my big ass :)

I have been carrying openly at night since I saw a 400 lb bear on Halloween night while out with the dogs. The local animal lover up the road sent out a letter "the Florida black bear will NEVER attack a human" but I don't want to go down in the record books as the first.

The Trinidad crazy ass actually apologized to the wife after calling every preschool locally and being told that she would have been kicked out already by everyone. She even brought the wife and some of the teachers turkeys for Thanksgiving. Don't change the fact that she is crazy but at least she got her head out of her butt this time.


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I have been carrying openly at night since I saw a 400 lb bear on Halloween night while out with the dogs. The local animal lover up the road sent out a letter "the Florida black bear will NEVER attack a human" but I don't want to go down in the record books as the first.


I am an animal lover too. But bear tastes like crap.

little black bears won't intentionally hunt humans. BUT they will fight back if they feel threatened, are surprised, sick, mama trying to find cub, think you are something else, your dog really pisses it off, the moon is in the wrong phase, etc. Too many damn exeptions to take the chance. My house will never burn down, but I still have a fire extinguisher.

Wait, you did say you sa it on halloween. Did it have a bag full of candy? ;)

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I have been carrying openly at night since I saw a 400 lb bear on Halloween night while out with the dogs. The local animal lover up the road sent out a letter "the Florida black bear will NEVER attack a human" but I don't want to go down in the record books as the first.


I am an animal lover too. But bear tastes like crap.

Wait, you did say you sa it on halloween. Did it have a bag full of candy? ;)

Nope, luckily it was about 2 hours after all the little kiddies and their hay ride ended. But I would gladly give this big guy all the candy in my house if he will just agree not to eat me or my little dachshunds. I don't think they will stalk humans since they are pretty timid, but I'm a big guy (6'2", 300+) and this guy was a lot bigger (and somewhat more hairy) than me. I don't think I would have to plug him but the noise might send him on his way. We also have a momma bear and 2 cubs which scare the crap out of me.


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Come home from a 3-gun match with an AR in one hand and an shotty in the other. She'll chill right out. :cheers:

That certainlly keeps my neighbors to themselves. :lol:

till someone breaks in their place and they come running to your house, which is what the ecentric lady across the road did to me. Never a kind word complaining to other neighbors about the gunnut across the road until I am needed.

If it helps you feel any better, Grizzleys generally attack because you are a threat. Black bear attacks are rare but when they do happen it is usually out of predation, thats right, when they do attack it is because they want to eat you. Hince the most common Black bear attacks (not that there are very many) is on people asleep. So laying down and playing possum wouldnt be wise.

Have a nice day :lol:

Edited by Joe4d
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