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I do not want this to appear as an advert but as this process must be driven by shooters, then the only way is to reach shooters and let them know what's going on.

I am the bloke behind the Palm Scoring System.

I invite any questions that people might have to throw them up on this excellent forum.

TO cut a long story short - There are two versions - one for USPSA Rules and the other for IPSC Rules.

This is NOT merely a simple calculator type program - it/they are a reflection of the entire process of practical shooting, integrated with secure process and real personal security to achieve a wholesome and complete match management system.

This includes two special utilities that use the most common program and industry standard - Microsoft Excel. These work on your PC so that if you wish, you can prepare the match EASILY on your PC, and when finished, process the output files from the Palm into COMPLETE match and tournament results by just naming the match and clicking on "GO".

The language versions available are: English - French - German - Spanish - Italian.

It is comprehensively supported with documentation and also Tutorials in Powerpoint that steer you through the learning process.

It is REALLY easy to use, and your fully detailed personal, or squad or match results are available in seconds. Eg: The complete WS13 of 900 shooters and 35 stages on the Palm Tungsten takes 55 seconds to score Open division.

TO do that, all you need do is tap on SCORE button.

If you are monitoring your squad performance, it is a matter of one or two seconds and presto - results, with ranking and so on before your eyes.

It means - no more hanging around like a bad smell waiting for the poor buggers in stats to slave away in front of a computer to work on the results that might appear HOURS later. It means we can finally enjoy orselves more and not enslave some poor buggers in a hot/cold shed for days on end sitting and processing paper scores -- that's dinosaur era stuff - we must advance and use increasingly reliable and affordable technology to do it, or we will end up like dinosaurs.

It is so simple and comprehensive that the best bet is to try it for yourself rather than me try to describe it all here. It all does EVERYTHING we could possibly want and SO EASILY.

That's all from me.

Throw me some questions please.

Peter Cunningham

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Peter I haven't tried your system but I must congratulate you for pushing it through to be a viable option. I was wondering if you had though of providing a printed receipt for each stage. The guys who deliver water to our office have a printer that hangs on their belt, about the size of two AR15 mags. They punch in the info on their Palm, then point it at the printer and it prints out the receipt right there. Very quick and clean. Just a thought if you get any requests for hardcopies.

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The complete WS13 of 900 shooters and 35 stages on the Palm Tungsten takes 55 seconds to score Open division. TO do that, all you need do is tap on SCORE button.


It sounds like a cool system but how can it take 55 seconds to enter 900 shooters and 35 stages?

Also what do you give to each shooter after he finishes a stage?

Finally will your system run on my PDA which runs Microsoft Pocket PC software?


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  • 2 months later...

hi all,

i've been using the PALM SCORING SYSTEM (PSS) to score several club matches lately. i have found the program works great. it's easy to learn. we will be using the pss exclusively at our matches from now on. the match results computed in seconds and we can print the result right then and there.

the pss was used exclusively in a match in australia recently, there were 260 shooters and no paper score sheets. :o

check this link out: http://www.ipsc.org.au/ubb/Forum3/HTML/000093.html

for their thoughts.

lynn jones


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I have a question concerning PSS. I want to know how much memory your PDA should have in order to run PSS. I am probably going to buy a PDA just for PSS and I was looking at the Palm Zire PDA. It has only 2MB of memeory...but it's really cheap ($99).

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Strongly consider buying a refurbished Handspring. I've got one that has 8 MB and cost me all of $99 and runs circles around the palms I've owned in usability and durability.

The screen is far, far better than the cheapie Palms too. I don't know about the Zire, but the M1XX series screens are just garbage. Handspring doesn't make low-end models anymore. I'm thinking about picking up another, just so I can have a spare.

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I am pretty sure you can find an 8MB model on the cheap somewhere...as Eric said.

You might ask around and see if you have any buddies that have quit using theirs.

I even think I saw some closeouts at the local "Best Buy" that were selling for ~$50. (that was near Christmas time)

Don't qoute me on this...but I was thinking the models with the 2MB didn't have a late enough version of the Palm software...not compatible with the scoring stuff.

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Greetings - I have been trying for nearly a week to be able to log on - have always had problems, but hopefully no more hassles.

Anyway - First thing:

If anybody wants to see what both shooters and match management thinks, then pop over to the Australian IPSC Site and see.

Quite a lot of info in there: http://www.ipsc.org.au/ubb/Forum3/HTML/000093.html


I prefer for Range work the now discontinued AcerS10 but of all the palms as a hack to be kept in the range bag - just go and buy a used Palm 3xe for only @US$60. They have 8mb of memory and replaceable and very long lasting (alkaline is best ) batteries, which is a huge benefit for us on the range.

ERIC - Nothing wrong with Handspring either - but make sure you get one with 8mb at least.

MOST SHOOTERS discover that when they get a PDA, that they are really useful every day, so they end up chucking their old one in the range bag and go buy another anyway.

They then turn up on the range - pool their palms (so to speak) and everybody benefits.

GENERALLY - I am nearly 53 ad have the wrinkles and the slightly diminished eyesight that goes with being an old bastard - SO - I strongly recommend NOT to get palms with small screens - as in dim light they are nearly impossible to read - at least for me they are so.

IF you want one for work, then go get something like the Tungsten - they REALLY have GRUNT.

And YES - A tungsten will score the entire world shoot, open division at the touch of one button in less than one minute. Revolver division - 9 seconds (from memory)

You know what that means? NO MORE GUT BUSTING WORK - NO MORE DELAYS - and so on.


Over this weekend I worked on the macros in the Excel Utility "MATCH MAGIC" (which as you know supports the output files from the Palm) and discovered a printing macro error. That is now fixed, and occured because of my carelessness.

DOUBLE TAP - the 55 seconds means the time the Palm takes to completely process the match scores in open division and provide the overall match results. It does not refer to the time it takes to enter competitor information.

Until online registration is achieved, then that will always be a chore, however another utility I did "Data Input" makes this very fast and easy.

I must be off - Sewer has been bloked and the most important person on earth has just arrived - PLUMBER with electric eel.


Peter Cunningham

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  • 2 weeks later...


I got an early version (around June '02) which was just for testing purposes. I have played with it from time to time and was a bit confused by the IPSC vs the USPSA nomenclature. I see now that you have both versions so that shouldn't be a problem any longer.

One question, And I'm sure I just missed it above, Can shooters be entered in advance on a PC and downloaded to your PDA? Quite a timesaver if you can.



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The Palm Scoring is now totally complete.

Two versions - one for IPSC rules and one for USPSA rules.

The Excel utilities work with the Palm like a dream.

The whole package works well and it is not just me with vested interest who is saying so either.

Anybody who has questions, then ask them here or drop me a note: ass@acenet.com.au

Peter Cunningham

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yes, you can download them after inputing them via the "DATA INPUT" spread sheet the peter includes in the match magic. but, once you get them on the pda you can activate a shoot for the match or deactivate if their not shooting. really easy

dpeters8445, no pocket pcs will not work, palms os only.

one tip, get the biggest display possible, we use the palm IIIxe. large fonts and easy to see and read.


hope this helps,


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  • 3 years later...


I understand that you now have a Club Match Package available. Can you get in touch and let me know the details? Also is there a "Shooter License" that allows the competitors to record their scores and their scores only.

Jim Norman

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  • 3 weeks later...

Read about this program in Front Sight, I have a Tungsten Palm around here that would be cool. Can we buy just the software?

Duh...Saul has software on Doublealpha.biz for 80 Euros. Any domestic suppliers?

Edited by Middle Man
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I tested his stuff on my Tungsten C when it first came out and the program was flakey at best under that version of the Palm OS. He was working to get it taken care of but after awhile I gave up trying new versions. It may well be all better now.

Download the free version and play with it for awhile before you shell out the big dough.

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