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Worldshoot in the US?


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But I wager you one thing, if it is turned over to a private entity and they pocket $250,000 after paying USPSA their %, the same group that says it will be a money pit for USPSA will be complaining after the fact that the BOD was irresponsible by letting $250,000 go to someone else ;)

Oh, that's a certainty. Without a doubt. But, I'll buy the pitcher for us anyway when it happens. :cheers:

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You guys are a little behind the curve (You don't read the General Assembly agenda when it comes out...do ya?). A Pan American Shotgun Championship is already on the agenda for the General Assembly in Cheval Blanc France for the United States region in 2010.

Follow the linky and look down to item #34 on the agenda. Yours truly put the proposal together (with a lot of technical assistance) and has offerred to MD the event. Time and location of event is still top secret and requires top level security clearance. :ph34r: More info such as slot availability, match fee and other such details are yet to be worked out, but suffice to say, it will be well over 200 competitors and will have no difficulty meeting the requirements. And that's all I have to say about that...


Edited by Barrettone
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Lest anybody forget, the first step to a WS is hosting an IPSC Level IV and proving we can pull that off first.

That may be a challenge.

(L-IV and L-V)

17. Recommended minimum rounds - 300 450

18. Recommended minimum stages - 25 35

19. Recommended minimum competitors - 200 300

We can't get seem to get 100 shooter to an IPSC match here yet...and those are our current WS qualifiers.

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Lest anybody forget, the first step to a WS is hosting an IPSC Level IV and proving we can pull that off first.

That may be a challenge.

(L-IV and L-V)

17. Recommended minimum rounds - 300 450

18. Recommended minimum stages - 25 35

19. Recommended minimum competitors - 200 300

We can't get seem to get 100 shooter to an IPSC match here yet...and those are our current WS qualifiers.

You also have to understand that A LOT of competitors come from outside our region for continental championships.

My .02

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Shotgun. That may do it. Smooth move.

This L-IV requirement (is that posted somewhere) before getting a L-V...does that stand for the region, or does it need to be club specific ?

It's for the region.

We can't get seem to get 100 shooter to an IPSC match here yet...and those are our current WS qualifiers.

And the 2 main reasons Targeting Education (Level III) did not have over 200 just for the IPSC portion of the match:

1- The IPSC match was on Thursday & Friday. Together with travel time, those were work & school days for a lot of shooters. Only the shooters who lived VERY close by, who had jobs that allowed very flexible time, or who had a burning desire to get on one of the World Shoot teams made that time committment.

2- We did not let anyone on the staff shoot the IPSC portion of the match. Many, many of the IROA Canadian staff members and NROI staff from the US wanted to shoot the match, but were not able to because of the way the the match director wanted the stages staffed. Because this was a "first of it's kind" match (strict adherence to IPSC rules plus the 'stage flip'), Jeff needed to be sure the same officials were on the stages to keep it consistant.

Judging from the volumes of email & phone calls, we could have had a bigger match.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2007 Targeting Education Statistician

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Shotgun. That may do it. Smooth move.

This L-IV requirement (is that posted somewhere) before getting a L-V...does that stand for the region, or does it need to be club specific ?

Smooth like Exlax baby. Yes, as Linda said it is a REGIONAL requirement...not club-specific. IPSC just wants to make sure that the region will support the venue, and more importantly, that we can muster the officials necessary. So, no matter where the Pan American Shotgun Championships are, the Level V World Shoot could be at Tulsa. Even though it is a different venue (shotgun), it still fulfills the level IV requirement. Call it a pre-emptive strike of sorts. I am HOPING that Tom Fee has his people put in the application at Bali though, or it is all for nought. I wanted this match to serve multiple purposes. IPSC works a little different than dealing with USPSA HQ. They award the match to a region and an MD. It is then up to the MD to find the most suitable location for the match, and they like to have that announcement at least 2 years before the match. This is my first time venturing into these waters, but I have had a lot of help from the IPSC brass in learning the ropes, so the venue is successful. I also have a lot of freinds in USPSA helping me to procure a range. I will be looking for a place that has a suitable facility, lots of off-site attractions for families (a lot of these people come to our country with the whole family), as well as adequate lodging, eateries, an international airport, and with a central location to the staff that has to be imported. Lots of criteria to be sure. Yippy-Ki -A ;)

Edited by Barrettone
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I think the Pan-American Championships that were held in Barry (2000 ?) were a level IV match, ie. continental championship

Plus of course the USA hosted the 83 and 86 World Shoots

That was over 7 years ago. I am quite sure the statute of limitations has been applied by now. Things change a lot in that amount of time. You have to contunually prove yourself.

Mu .02

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Shotgun. That may do it. Smooth move.

This L-IV requirement (is that posted somewhere) before getting a L-V...does that stand for the region, or does it need to be club specific ?

I don't think it's written down anywhere, but if you're a voting delegate, do you vote for the region that just demonstrated they can hold a 800-1000 shooter IPSC match, or some region that says "we think we can do it. I know we've not done anything remotely like it yet, but I'm sure we can manage"?

I think the Pan-American Championships that were held in Barry (2000 ?) were a level IV match, ie. continental championship

Plus of course the USA hosted the 83 and 86 World Shoots

That was over 7 years ago. I am quite sure the statute of limitations has been applied by now. Things change a lot in that amount of time. You have to contunually prove yourself.

Mu .02

Yup. The more recent the better. I'm not sure a shotgun championship is going to be enough, but then again, I'm not an IPSC voting delegate. Why couldn't we put on another Pan-Am? Seems like a no-brainer just for the training exercise prior to a WS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: At the EHC, a number of influential IPSC-types asked about the possibility of a WS in the US, and suggested a they would very much like to see a US bid in Bali. I directed most of the Tulsa questions to Phil and Mike who were usually nearby, but there was a great deal of interest in a bid, even without a Level IV Pan Am or the like (though planning to do one would still be helpful and a good practice run).

It would be a lot of work that USPSA (and USSA) would have to sign up for-- Basically the equivalent of a full-time person working on it for a year or more, but I now think the next World Shoot in the US could easily be a reality if we had the commitment to do it.

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As a plain-jane C class member who shoots local, state, maybe area (and isn't that basically the model of the bulk of USPSA?) I would be delighted to see the US host a World Shoot. I see no issue with the BOD approving a reasonable profit sharing arrangement with a private entity like USSA and letting them run with it, USPSA only having regulatory oversight as needed.

Not sure what the RO requirements at that level are, but I assume that we would need to import a number of ROs to fill the stages. Even without a shooting slot I would seriously consider signing up as "non-RO dumb labor staff" just for the experience, expecting only very minimal recomp if any.

Interested, indeed.

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As a plain-jane C class member who shoots local, state, maybe area (and isn't that basically the model of the bulk of USPSA?) I would be delighted to see the US host a World Shoot. I see no issue with the BOD approving a reasonable profit sharing arrangement with a private entity like USSA and letting them run with it, USPSA only having regulatory oversight as needed.

Not sure what the RO requirements at that level are, but I assume that we would need to import a number of ROs to fill the stages. Even without a shooting slot I would seriously consider signing up as "non-RO dumb labor staff" just for the experience, expecting only very minimal recomp if any.

Interested, indeed.

RO-ing (and the match itself) is actually the easy part-- IPSC has a cadre of ROs they bring in from all over, and they know how to run a match more or less anywhere in the world. The real work is around all the ancillarys-- hotels, parking, transportation, translation, banquets, opening ceremonies, entry and exit permits, visas, ammo, supplies, sponsors, etc, etc, etc..

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Yours truly put the proposal together (with a lot of technical assistance) and has offerred to MD the event

Yup. And I had the honor of presenting the proposal, and happily accepted the applause it generated. <vbg>

I'll go out on a limb here and make some unequivocal statements:

-- I *totally* believe that we (USPSA) should put in a bid for the 2011 World Shoot.

-- I *totally* believe that USPSA should "own" the match, rather than farm it out to a vendor. I believe that our ability to run a quality match is a "core competency" that we need to maintain and grow. If we "job out" that work, we're basically saying that we don't believe that experience and skill is an asset worth investing in. I'd fight that to the end.

-- I *totally* believe that we (USPSA) have to "get over" the idea that a 350-400 shooter match is a "big match". While at the GA, I had the opportunity to wander around the EU Handgun Championship (a 24-stage Level-IV match). They had 250 shooters in their PRE-match, not counting the 900 in the main match. The only things keeping us from having a 600-700 shooter US Nationals are the will to do it. Wouldn't *that* be a great way to prepare for a World Shoot?


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Bruce I agree with everything you have said. Though I think that USPSA and vendor should work together on a World Shoot organisation. There is so much overlap between organisation and the range setup that it would need to be a partnership but USPSA would obviously take the lead.

I have stated on another thread that USPSA should commit to a 1000 competitor Nationals by 2010. But to be honest there is no reason why we could not do that next year.

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I have stated on another thread that USPSA should commit to a 1000 competitor Nationals by 2010. But to be honest there is no reason why we could not do that next year.

Absolutely. All it takes is a 5 shooting days and enough stages, shooters and ROs (the EHC nearly killed some ROs on a few stages..) Add in awards/prizes and you're looking at 6+ days. The only way we could support that with the current cost structure is just one Pick-One-And-Practice Nationals. All in favor??

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Far in advance. If we insist on not scheduling our matches until 6 months out, we will not fill 1000 slots. Many people need to put in for next y2ears vacation BEFORE the end of THIS year. Remember, many, if not most of our shooters are working stiffs. This is not the "Sport of Kings" here in the US. We work for a living. Even those of us that own a business still have to work around schedules.


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Hope I'm not bringing up a negative because I would love to see a WS in the US but there may be a substantial "hidden" expense. What about the IPSC drug testing programs. I believe the initial costs of the tests were at least $200 each. We would have to get a real deal from someone to have any sizeable number of them done if IPSC requires them (and I believe they will). If you do 100 of them, that is easily $20,000+ and I don't know who pays?

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