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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!



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Monday or Tuesday, date and time to be made known in a later email, I will report for 90 minutes of re-education at my place of employment. I am to bring two forms of identification: one from list B and one from list C, or, one form of identification from list A. I must also bring a voided check or my bank routing and account numbers.

I must fill out the government forms which indicate years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines if not filled out correctly. This is to insure I am neither a terrorist nor illegal immigrant, that I am who I say I am and that I am eligible for employment in the United States.

My employer is compelled to this of course by the same insidious fascist government which required I produce the same documents of identification and financial institutions 7 years ago at the time of my initial hiring, and which since that time has directly deposited my share of my earnings in that same bank account and twice monthly has skimmed off the top all requested government tribute before doing so.

If this is what our troops are fighting for in Mesopotamia...., no, I don't want to get political. Let's just leave it at that.

"When in the course of human events...."


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Sorry Dale <_<

When I had a high level clearance I had to show every place I ever lived, worked, traveled to every traffic ticket ect.

The FBI would recheck you every few years..and I had to go through every single detail again...and again...and again.

you would think they could use the info previously given....but NOOOO....do it all again from the start <_<

I feel for you...this stuff sucks


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After putting my name, address, phone and social security number on a dozen pieces of paper I asked if they had not heard of computers. The reply was an electronic signature was not legal and they had to have all these signatures. Oh yeah, and then an employee was going to enter all this paper work into a computer. <_<

When I suggested an html based entry form which could populate all the forms then print out the paper for a signature I got the deer in the headlights look. Of course, that was nothing like the non-sequitor stare I got when I reminded them Clinton signed the legislation enabling legal electronic signatures. :blink:

Just fill out the forms.... :cheers:

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