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Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane

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Let me just say this....those shots better be 50yds! If I'm going to slam the "girls" on the ground, risk my mag pouch getting broke, and a gun jam..it dog gone better be worth my time! :lol: Thanks for all the posts on prone...it was helpful info.

These last 2 weeks are hard. Mentally I'm in good shape. The trouble I'm having is with live fire. I can here the clock tick like the crocodile in Peter Pan and I feel like it may get me. What should I spend my time working on? (rhetorical question) I've got a list. I've got a gut feel for what it is...but how easier my life would be if I had a coach to tell me what to do. But in this sport you're alone. That's just the way it is. Perhaps that is what makes it so glorious. To achieve is to truly climb the mountain by yourself. Sure there are others to climb beside you, but YOU are the one who has to do it.

So...off to the range I go. It's hot. I'm going to sweat. Why go? At this moment I don't have an answer. Sometimes you just have to be obedient to yourself and just go.

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In your shoes, being 2 weeks out, I'd start focusing more on shooting small stages rather than isolated drills. Pick one or two lingering weaknesses - the ones at the forefront of your mind - and work on those a little bit, just enough to take them off your mind (ie, now is not the time for obsession :) ). Perhaps practice some visualization while you're at it. I would keep the intensity up this week, and then back off a smidge next week. Also, I would start getting my checklist of stuff to take with me together, and start organizing those things, so that I'm sure I've got everything important with me.

At this point in the game, all you can really hope to do is clean up what you already have. This is where you dial it back to the hard end of your comfort zone. The time you're concerned about being "gotten" in has already past :) Now you can relax and just shoot! :D

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I found my brother at the range. He was shooting NRA action. I put my "list" away and joined him. Like he says, you can never get enough trigger control and sight alignment time. It was good to have company. My 50 yd shots weren't very good today. My bro says it was my attitude. I think he is right so I'm going to forget about it and focus on how well I did a few days ago.

Tomorrow we are going to a steel match.

Sunday is an off day. Team Ball is headed for church. :)

My brother is right...I'm not quite myself today.

Perhaps tomorrow I'll have a better outlook.

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Here's the lesson for the day....

If you're not shooting well and things aren't going well...then stop and let it go!

Dave came home. After dinner I thought I would try again and go to the range with him. I took 40 mediocre shots and it started to rain...what appeared to be right over our range. The sun was out...but it was raining right over the range. I packed my stuff and headed for home. I told Dave I was done before I started.




Bubble bath filling, romance novel in hand, tall glass of chardonay standing by :cheers:

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I took 40 mediocre shots and it started to rain...what appeared to be right over our range. The sun was out...but it was raining right over the range.

That's God/Buddha/Allah/The Universe trying to tell you something... :D:lol: Glad you got the message ;)

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Here's the lesson for the day....

If you're not shooting well and things aren't going well...then stop and let it go!

Dave came home. After dinner I thought I would try again and go to the range with him. I took 40 mediocre shots and it started to rain...what appeared to be right over our range. The sun was out...but it was raining right over the range. I packed my stuff and headed for home. I told Dave I was done before I started.




Bubble bath filling, romance novel in hand, tall glass of chardonay standing by :cheers:

Sounds like the plates were letting you know they were sliding out of alignment.....

Set aside some time to just breathe and be still......

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Leap of Faith

I've said before that belief is what you think and faith is what you do. There is a chasm between the two that requires a small leap. I don't know why it is so hard to make that small jump but it is. My nature is to cling to belief like one clings to the side of a bridge before bungee jumping. The thrill and joy of the experience waits patiently for me to take the jump. All I have to do is LET GO! Today I'm choosing to take that leap of faith and let go. Today is the day I don't look back. The victory is not in the score sheets. The victory will be in winning the battle within myself. I've trained and prepared. I'm up for the fight. I'm ready.

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You need a case G.a.S - Give a $hits. Some of the best shooting I've ever done was when I simply, and quite plainly, didn't care what happened. That is the best way I can explain it - stop caring, stop thinking, stop worrying. When the buzzer goes off, go nuts. Shoot like your life depended on it, but just let it happen and calmly pay attention. You might be surprised.

In all that you've done in the past several months preparing, you remind me of the process bicycle wheel builders go through when building a new wheel. You've assembled the best components. You've found a way to mix those components together to build a strong, durable, lasting foundation to take you where you want to go and back again. But, the last thing the builder does before sending the wheel out is that he stress-relieves the wheel. He'll grab the spoke 4 at a time and pluck them like a harp. If he doesn't, the wheel will snap and come out of true, wobbly and unstable. However, done properly, that wheel will stand up to the most powerful sprints and toughest climbs and come back just as true as when it first went out.

Kick Ass,


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"Don't think. It only hurts the team." Crash Davis

"Don't think just throw the ball." Ebby Calvin "Nuke" Laloosh

I woke up this morning with those two thoughts. Basically that was what I was saying in my last post. I'm done with thinking. Play ball!

**Thanks Big Dave for the post. I promise I'll have fun too.;)

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Flip flops.......$2 at Walmart

PJ's...............Birthday gift from sister

Cup of coffee.......Folgers

IPod...........set on shuffle

Loading 400 rounds before breakfast..........priceless

Yep, rolled out of bed this morning and got to it. I plan on shooting later today. I wanted to share something kind of ironic. I enjoy loading my own ammo! Can you believe I'm saying that? One could flip back a few pages and read how I thought it was cruel for Dave to make me do it. It wasn't cruel, it was a blessing. For me now...there is something powerful psychologically in doing it. XRE said something several pages back about being connected to each bullet. For me I think that is true. I want to be connected to each bullet. When I switched back to limited Dave was loading my ammo for awhile. It really bothered me. I think it was because I lost that connection. It made me co-dependent again and therefore...somehow....in my psyche.....less powerful. Bottom line....I need to load my own ammo. I will always need Dave :wub: and his assistance and support....but I'm the one who needs to pull the handle. ;) I'm thinking KISS bullet feeder for Christmas!

I'm feeling joy and dare I say the word....yes I'm going to say it....expectation! :D The fear and anxiety have subsided and I'm genuinely feeling good things. I worked the past 2 days and instead of coming home and dry firing at 9:30 at night in the basement...I went to bed. I have been rigid about making myself dry fire regardless of how I felt. This week I let go. I plan on getting some quality practice over the next 3 days. I'm going to lean on quality instead of quantity from here on out.

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I enjoy loading my own ammo!

Wow!!! :D Excellent!

I'm thinking KISS bullet feeder for Christmas!

Trust me, you need a 1050 AND a bullet feeder :D I don't have one, yet, either <_< But I loaded a few hundred rounds on one this pas weekend.... Sweet does not describe it in the least ;)

The fear and anxiety have subsided and I'm genuinely feeling good things.

Excellent, as well :)

I'm going to lean on quality instead of quantity from here on out.

At this point, absolutely the right plan, IMO. This is the time to start clamping down on the quality and getting your ducks in a row. You've got everything you need, Jane :) Go do it to it!

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Can Dave start loading my ammo now?

I hate reloading, but I did recently buy a SBD to set up and start reloading .40, but if Dave has the time now, he could load mine ;)

No one loads ammo like Dave. Each bullet is perfect. :bow: Any sane person would want him to load their ammo. I think I should give him a KISS for Christmas. He deserves it. :wub:

I shot all 400 rounds yesterday. I worked on stuff that I wanted to get comfortable with for Ohio and Nationals. Did some weak hand on the move, strong hand on the move, shooting on the move, poppers at 25 yds. I did my dry fire practice before going to the range. All in all it felt good. I had a little trouble with the poppers at 25 yds. Keep in mind the poppers I'm shooting are only 6 inches wide. I'm going to shoot at those again today. Today I'm going to try some more prone shooting.

I want to change my trigger shoe to a medium flat. The long flat (which is perfect for my open gun) just seems a little long on my limited gun. To change it, I'm going to have to mess with the over travel screw. Here is the problem. I have a little rule "Never change a gun that is running before a big match" The gun is running...how big of a risk is changing the shoe and messing with the overtravel screw. Dave would do the work not me! I have one of those SV interchangable trigger shoe systems.

Edited by Calamity Jane
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I'll tell ya something. I normally wouldn't change things this close to a big match. In this case, if the trigger length isn't working for you, change it. Period. The gun must work for you to produce your best performance. I changed my trigger shoe two weeks before Nationals, because the medium curve I was using resulted in my trigger finger being on the tip of the pad. I changed to a short curve. I dry fired the snot out of it until I learned the position of the new trigger face. To the best of my knowledge, I did not push anything left due to trigger length at the Nationals, and I felt confident in my equipment.

With the gun dry, cock the hammer and pull the trigger a few times to get a feel for the overtravel, then hold the trigger back all the way, and use a fine tip marker to put a mark on the trigger body where it meets the frame. Change shoes, and adjust overtravel until the mark lines up. Then dry fire it and tweak.

That said - is it just a feel thing that's bugging you, or are you doing things like pushing shots to the left or ending up w/ the tip of the trigger finger on the pad, or???

In the end, I determined that my grip on the gun had shifted a couple of millimeters to the rear, causing me to get the tip of my finger on the trigger pad. When I fixed that, I figured out I needed a longer trigger.... :) I went to a short-flat profile, and like it a lot.

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I'm greedy and arrogant.

With that said, let me explain.

Arrogance: I believe I can shoot any gun that is placed in my hands...regardless of grip, trigger, or power factor of ammo. So making this change probably isn't going to change my performance.

Greed: At Ohio we are going to shoot Can you Count. I believe I could do it faster with a medium flat trigger. Also at Nationals there is a weak handed stage. I believe I could shoot that better with a little shorter trigger.

Greed and arrogance are not sufficient reasons to change the trigger at this time. But let me add this, MATT MCLEARN WAS RIGHT!!! :bow: He told me I wanted a medium flat but I wouldn't listen to him!

It puzzles me why the long flat is so perfect on my open gun and not quite perfect on my limited gun??

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