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Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane

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It's time for me to lay off. I went to the range today for my last practice. Shooting more rounds down range will not make me any better than I am at this moment. It's time for me to lay off and use that time to get hungry to shoot.

Tomorrow I'm going to load and chrono. I'm also going to put my gun on a rest and check the sights.

I put some skate board tape on my long flat trigger for a little better grip. I'm shooting the gun I've got right now. ;)

Oh yeah....you know what's going to happen on September 13th? My limited gun is going back in the safe for a little rest and my open gun is going back on my holster :D

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Oh yeah....you know what's going to happen on September 13th?

Ooh, ooh, I know! I turn 36! :D

My limited gun is going back in the safe for a little rest and my open gun is going back on my holster :D

Sweeet! :)

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Oh yeah....you know what's going to happen on September 13th?

Ooh, ooh, I know! I turn 36! :D

Then September 13th will be a very happy day for BOTH of us! My only advice to you is to suck the marrow from the bone of youth my friend. When you hit 40 stuff starts to hurt. It's hard to believe that it will happen to you but I promise you it will. ;)

For example.....

Today I went to the eye doctor in the pursuit to see to the best of my ability. I found out what my problem was. My perscription has changed in the last 6 months. It seems that instead of being -1.75 I am now -1.50. My eyes have actually gotten better! OK that is the good news. The bad news is this is a normal phenomenon that happens right before you start to lose your up close vision. :o Anyway, I got a sample of the Nike Maxsight contacts and a sample of some silicone hydrogels. We'll have to see how it goes. I think the too strong of perscription was what was giving me the trouble seeing.

Speaking of stuff that hurts...

I went for a massage today. My training has really put my back and neck in knots. To be my best at Nationals I committed myself to 4 massages in an effort to relax my back. Today was number 3. I get one more next Friday. My massage therapist can't understand why my back and shoulders are such a mess. I've wanted to tell him why but I just can't do it. How do you tell someone it's because I handle a 5 lb pistol everynight in the basement. :blink: I just don't think he would get it.

On my way to load a few rounds to chrono. Looking forward to seeing everybody this weekend in Ohio. My plan is to HAVE FUN! and LET GO!!

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When you hit 40 stuff starts to hurt.

Heck, that's already starting to happen :D

It seems that instead of being -1.75 I am now -1.50. My eyes have actually gotten better! OK that is the good news. The bad news is this is a normal phenomenon that happens right before you start to lose your up close vision. :o

D'oh!!!! Your vision is actually a tad better than mine - mine's been at -2.00 diopters for 7 or so years, now....

I think the too strong of perscription was what was giving me the trouble seeing.

That'll have an effect, even if its subtle...

To be my best at Nationals I committed myself to 4 massages in an effort to relax my back.

I've been doing that, too :) I had one before Nats last year, FL Open this year, and Nats this year. Plus some acunpuncture. Totally cool....

How do you tell someone it's because I handle a 5 lb pistol everynight in the basement. :blink:

You just tell him exactly that :D But, 5#???? Geez... My fully loaded racegun is less than 60oz...

Good luck this weekend, Jane ;) Knock 'em dead.

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I'm a big believer in explaining to massage therapists exactly what you're doing --- mine have both been able to more effectively target muscles, and have suggested ways in which I can do more between visits to keep myself from knotting up. If yours turns out to be a ninny --- time to find a better one. You are warming up the muscles before dry-fire and stretching them out afterwards, right? Are you aware of other things you do, in your daily life, that tax those muscles? The answers to those questions may provide some relief....

Last but not least: Are you getting enough protein in your diet to sustain your activity level/allow for rebuilding? Rest?

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Last but not least: Are you getting enough protein in your diet to sustain your activity level/allow for rebuilding? Rest?

It's funny that you mention diet. Because besides massage therapy the other thing I added differently to my training plan was the goal to lose some weight. I just got off the scale and I've lost 8 lbs since August 1st.

I carry my weight around my middle and when I dress like a normal person the reality of that isn't too bad. I watch "What Not To Wear" so I know how to dress my body. However, when I cinch up that gun belt around my waist the reality of that is disturbing to me. :surprise: I've read Abds diet, been a member of weight watchers etc....and I've been doing a lot of things right. But I haven't been losing. I exercise as you all well know, but still that hasn't caused weight lost. So what have I done differently?? I cut all my portions in half and drank 12 glasses of water a day. You see for me I've reached the age where my metabolism has slowed. So even though I'm eating the right foods and exercising, it's still not enough. I'm at the age where I need to eat less as in portion contol. I still eat at Burger King and have a whooper..I just cut it in half and throw part of it away. The same thing with Dairy Queen Blizzards...if I want one...I'll have a small...then eat half of it and throw the rest away. I think I've found something that works for me.

The reason this was important to me now is because this has been an exercise in power. I've had success in an area of my life that has been defeating me for some time. Psychologically I wanted that success before I take the playing field at Nats. ;)

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The reason this was important to me now is because this has been an exercise in power. I've had success in an area of my life that has been defeating me for some time. Psychologically I wanted that success before I take the playing field at Nats. ;)

There's nothing quite like the realization that you CAN do something just because you've decided to do it, is there....

I love that about aging....

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The reason this was important to me now is because this has been an exercise in power. I've had success in an area of my life that has been defeating me for some time. Psychologically I wanted that success before I take the playing field at Nats. ;)

There's nothing quite like the realization that you CAN do something just because you've decided to do it, is there....

I love that about aging....

Thanks Nik :)

Ohio Match

Did you ever have a piece of equipment that wasn't running quite right? It's not broken just not quite right. For example: the rock in the hub cap, the rusty bicycle chain, the dirty air filter in the car, the ungreased wheel. That's how I would describe my Ohio match. There isn't anything really wrong...it's just the wheel wasn't greased. The main problem with that match was MISSING STEEL! My poor shooting of steel brought me to my knees in that match and the Azone only hard cover literally brought me to tears. I haven't cried over shooting in 2 years!!! In fact the last time I remember crying was at the Kentucky State match 2005 at chrono. I don't think I'm the first competitor to cry at chrono. :lol:

It's somewhat of a mental blow to have such a poor match going into Nationals. However, I spoke with my sister this morning, and she said "sometimes a poor dress rehearsal can give a wonderful opening night performance". So with that hope I'm choosing to move on and let it go. There are times when you have to choose what you want to believe about yourself. Are you the failure on the score sheets? OR Are you more than that? I'm choosing to believe I'm more than that.

So here is the plan. I thought I was done with live fire practice but I guess not. I just loaded some ammo and I'm going to go shoot some steel tonight. I'm not surprised I had trouble with it. Shooting steel well for me means a really HARD focus on the front sight. I may still be a little sloppy pulling my focus back to the front sight secondary to shooting the open gun. I've got to shoot some steel to get my confidence back. Tomorrow I'm going to work and then load my match ammo. Wednesday we are going to shoot as a family and especially work with my 15 year old son on some of the akward starts that he will be required to do in Tulsa. Thursday is a work day and Friday is massage day and day of rest. And there you have it...that will finish out my training for Nats.

I'm grateful for the "dress rehearsal". It exposed some skill areas that I need to be careful of. Mentally I was tough. Did you know you can be tough and still have tears streaming down your face? You can and I did and that's all I'm going to say about that. ;)

I wore the "evil eyes" (Nike Maxsight contacts) and liked them very much. I can see. I can control the gun. Now I need it all to come together in Tulsa. I've got the right ingredients and I'VE BEEN BAKED IN THE FIREY FURNACE!!! Let's hope Tulsa will show the final result of what I've truly become.

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Just shot 300 rounds at steel and it was just as I suspected. I didn't have a hard focus on the front sight. I was shooting a Texas Star at 20 yds with it bungee cord so it wouldn't move, steel 6 inch wide poppers, and 6 inch round plates at 25 yds. The 6 inch round plates at 25 yds really made me focus on my trigger pull which was a little sloppy also. I also did some prone at 50.

I think the lesson learned is that I need to pull back a little and be sure of what I'm seeing. Not pull back so much that I'm over confirming, but just so I AM SEEING what I need to see. ;)

Shot again in the evil eyes. Got to tell ya I'm a big fan. Shot prone in the shade with a shaded target at dusk...got 2 alpha, 4 charlie and 2 mikes out of 8 shots. The 2 mikes were trigger pull related.

I'm headed to the basement to do some loading. I had a little ammo trouble tonight which is very unusual. I had 6 rounds that had a hammer strike to the primer but did not fire??? I'll need to get to the bottom of that!

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Light strikes are likely high primers... I put all my ammo in boxes, and run a finger across them to be sure all primers are seated. If you're already doing that, how old is this brass? Its possible for primers to back out of loose primer pockets under recoil, causing the same problem... ;)

As far as hitting the steel goes - you have to realize that taking the extra couple of hundredths to set up and be sure of a hit on the target is much faster than taking one or more extra shots (at least, I'm sure you do for sure now :) ). So, just do it (easier said than done, I know :) - I'm working on the same issue.... ;) ).

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Right on my brothers!

I told Dave tonight that I just need to throttle back just a smidge. I think if I do that I'll find a really good "zone" to shoot in. We are going to shoot some mini stages on Wednesday. That will give me a chance to see what that looks like.

Thanks for the advice on the light strike primer thing. The brass is used/old. I'll be loading new brass for Nats. I'll be sure to watch out for high primers.

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Clean out your firing pin tunnel and check the spring too. Clean the extractor tunnel too.

Winning your class at a state can also lead to overconfidence at the Nationals. You are only the shooter you are so just aim and let it happen.

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I just made the decision to have Dave load my match ammo. It will be loaded on the 1050, hand inspected by Dave, tumbled and cleaned, and rubbed with a silicone rag. It then will be case gauged and checked for high primers and put into clean blue Dillon boxes. :wub: Dave has loaded almost every bullet out of my limited gun for the past 3 years. I trust him.

I loaded some more tonight so that I can shoot with the family tomorrow. I was conscious to really push the primer in so that I wouldn't get high primers. Hopefully that is all it is. :)

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I had a similar problem when I was shooting Open. Test this. Cock your hammer, then while pulling the trigger lower the hammer to half cock. Release the trigger and now see if you can drop the hammer by pulling the trigger. Took me forever to figure out that my hammer was following and I could still drop the hammer from half cock.

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Thanks Jake..I'll take a look.

The squad schedule is up. We are on squad 15. Because Dave and my son need to get back to school we are going to try to shoot through so we can finish the match on Tuesday. Attention Ohio friends in squad 29** We may slow you down just a smidge on Sunday. The plan is to jump in with squad 30 with our shoot through pass for the afternoon session. We need to shoot stages 11-14 Sunday afternoon in order to finish on Tuesday ;)

The goal for today's practice will be to really see my shots. Less slop...more percision.

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Good Luck at Nationals.

Hold nothing back. I would say balls out or balls to the wall but it does not seem appropriate or possible, but you what I mean.

Coach I really wish you were going with us. I want you to see what's going to happen in person...but such is life.

I don't know if I'll win but I promise to fight a good fight and to shoot with my whole heart. ;)

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Winston Chruchill

There are times in life when the battle must be won. Too much is invested to quit. I can not quit.

Tomorrow is a new day and a new match. I lost today's match but I'm going to win tomorrow. I've identified what I would like to do differently. The biggest thing I want to change is how I feel behind the gun. I'm shooting with timidity. I want to shoot with a strong heart not a timid one. Tomorrow I will be brave while still keeping my eye on the front sight ^_^

The stages are not what I thought they would be. We shot the "prone" stage (17) that I thought was going to have the 50 yd target but it didn't happen. The stage was changed so that you could squat and not go prone. I didn't see a target beyond 15 yds today! The stages aren't as hard as I anticipated which brought a mental management issue I didn't expect. Everything is pretty close and doable. I think this was my biggest mental challenge today!

I saw the ladies super squad shoot a little today. This was the first time I've watched them and said to myself, I need to shoot with them. I realized today that I may need head to head competition in order to perform at the level I desire. I didn't realize that about myself until today. Interesting.....

Like I said...tomorrow is a new day. I'm not going to quit. Today I fought like a lamb tomorrow I will fight like a lion.

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The stages are not what I thought they would be.

They never are ;)

The stages aren't as hard as I anticipated which brought a mental management issue I didn't expect. Everything is pretty close and doable. I think this was my biggest mental challenge today!

Expectations are weird things, aren't they?? :) The cool thing is, you prepped for what you thought would be a harder match, and ended up with something easier than you'd prepared for. That just means you're that much more prepared ;)

Today I fought like a lamb tomorrow I will fight like a lion.

Go get 'em ;) You're still in the fight - you've got 15 stages left, sheesh. The match has hardly begun :D

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Beautiful mindset Jane. I am sure that you shot alot of alphas today...and will have many more tomorrow.

I was at a club match today, and although I left after falling ill, was chatting with another shooters while setting up.

He commented on the difficulty of no-shoot laced targets. "Just shoot A's at your natural speed, and you will see what you need to see and get all of your hits."

Jane, there is nothing at this match that you can't put 2 a's on!

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Go get 'em ;) You're still in the fight - you've got 15 stages left, sheesh. The match has hardly begun :D

Actually I shot 7 stages yesterday...stages 11-17. We did that with our shoot through pass so that we can leave on Tuesday at noon. However you are right..there is more shooting to do. What matters is today. :)

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I realized today that I may need head to head competition in order to perform at the level I desire. I didn't realize that about myself until today. Interesting.....

That is what pushes me a lot. Out of the 4 guys I hang out with a lot there is one guy that is above me and its my goal to catch him. His goal is to not let me. Then there is a couple of guys pushing me and I try to stay ahead of them!

Like I said...tomorrow is a new day. I'm not going to quit. Today I fought like a lamb tomorrow I will fight like a lion

Go gettem!

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