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Ohio Section Championship - a shooters perspective

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Flex, those cans are the wrong color - should be green.  If you have PA shooters there you need PA stuff....

Brian mentioned considering the IDPA shooters and their schedule...did anyone read Front Sight this month on the joint USPSA/IDPA match....if you want to bring in shooters and/or expose them to our sports....may be a little ambitious for a first time but something to consider.

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Hey if thats what the prize table is going to look like count me in!!!  ( nothing like positive motivation to get practice n')

Well count me in anyways,  just cause I had to miss this one.  I'll try and make alittle noise about it to the non forum members here in hoosierville.

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If I remember correctly, it was Flex's better half.... the lovely and talented, Jenny, that took that photo.

Hmmm, is that correct?? Why can't I remember the details? Must have been just some temporary memory loss thing going on that night.....


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"Spring break Inv."   I like that idea!!  Cancel the Aruba trip and go shooting!

There were probably 20 or 30 people from East Huntingdon that couldn't make it because of the TS02.  So you'll draw a much larger PA crowd than this year, depending on the schedule.

Nice trophies outdo prizes any day.  You may not draw as many "big names" that way, but you may draw in more people overall.  Of course, like 3quarter said, if that's the prize table....I'm going to start practice now!!

The idea of the USPSA/IDPA combined isn't such a bad thought.  It may be a lot of work to intertwine the disciplines, but it could be cool!

Brian, I would be glad to help out also.  I got your e-mail, so I'll send my phone# with my reply.  I can also post the match on East Huntingdon's web site -which has been getting close to 1000 hits a month- to help draw in more PA folks.

You have a great idea going.  We need more big matches around here!  I'm getting excited already! :)

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Matt Trout: Great!! Thanks for the endorsement.

Also, just to clarify, and give credit where it is due, this was actually Amos Patterson's idea (OH SC). We had been kicking around another idea that I have been trying to pull together, and kind of backed into this idea (I'll start a new thread on that). He just sent me off to do a little of the leg work.

BTW, from the last note I got from Flex, Rayner's are pretty fired up on this. Not definate yet, but seems to be looking like a strong possibility.

I'm excited too, and looking forward to bringing this to reality.


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Here's a suggestion,

Make a plan, execute it, and it will happen.

I would write the goal of the match down. ie "We will put on a 280 round 10 stage, that will blow your mind, match for shooters enjoyment" or whatever the goal is.  Then put down who will do what by what time.

I think its time to start writing down ideas and who what how when where.  Most anything can be done with planning and hard work.

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'Speedy Seevers'

Yes, I agree. I've got a lot of this stuff in my head, and in fact, am already moving on some of it.

However, before we can go full speed ahead, we need to get full permission from the Rayner's. Flex has talked with them, but this has not been 100% approved yet. We need to get full buy-in from them, and set a date. Also, Tom told me last weekend that he would be willing to put in a couple more pits. We will need to know how serious he was about that, and whether he could do it by May. Once we get this stuff figured out, I can start working with people to make this happen.

Maybe you and Flex can talk with Rayner's at their next club match. I would come out, but I am headed to CO with the little women on Saturday, and won't be back in time.


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  Whew!! Finally got home!!  The match was an absolute blast for Carrie & me! The range was fantastic as were the stages.

  Six misses put me out of the running, kinda hard to go 90 points down and win a match. Especially with the number of good shooters that showed up. I did lose by only four points, so that's some small consolation and an impetus to do better next year!

 Thanks to all of you "Buckeyes" who put on the match and especially to the Rayners for being such gracious hosts! It was great to meet all you "BE" guys too!!!

 Thanks again!

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This idea for the "Buckeye Blast" is way cool. Timing is critical. We didn't make it to the Ohio or Tri-State because we were training for the IDPA Nationals. There are a lot of shooters in the Ohio Valley area that shoot both IDPA & USPSA. Plan it for a time when there are no big shoots for either sport. I think it should just be a USPSA shoot. That is what the RO's are used to. One of the clubs where I shoot tried to have IDPA & USPSA run at the same time for monthly matches and it didn't work out. Count on 2 IDPA shooters to attend if the timing is right.

Bill Nesbitt

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We are trying to move the Buckeye Blast forward in a mid May 2003 timeframe. Does anyone have any objections to the weekend of May 10/11? Keep in mind, this is still not 100% firm, but I think we will nail this down no later than mid-Nov, and we do not want to be in conflict with other matches.


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    BDH --- I object!!!! The Area 1 championships are May 9/10 through the 12/13th. We'll be having the Idaho section champs end of May/mid June and I have to ramrod that one. We had a great time in Ohio and would like to return for a shot at redemption.

  If you do have it in early May we wish you all the best. I only WISHED our sections members were as eager to put on a first rate match as you Buckeyes! I'm very impressed with the quality of all your shooters/workers; perhaps some of them could be enticed to move to Idaho --- we have some clubs that need that infusion of talent!!

  See ya,

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I hadn't checked the major match calendar yet, so thanks for doing my job for me. Also, it turns out that the Single Stack Classic is the week before, so it is probably best to move back a week. However, moving back much more starts to get us in trouble with some other matches, so I think mid-May is the target. Really, it's up to Rayner's to finalize the actual date. I'm just trying to help us avoid conflicts as much as possible.

As for moving to ID..... well, the wife and I just got back from a week of R & R in CO, and we love the West. All you have to do is find me an equivalent job, and I would be shouting......... "WESTWARD HO" :)

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  Brian --- don't know what kind of job you have but you're a pretty stout lad so how are ya at settin' posts and runnin' barbed wire?? I've got miles of the stuff to run around my place and can always use a good man. Assuming of course that you don't eat too much!! And you can camp out right on my property *free* of charge! Interested????

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  Flex --- I do! I've got two pistol pits (all carpeted so I can find all my brass) and my rifle range goes to 500 measured yards. After that you're free to shoot as far as you'd like and guestimate the distance.

  Being the lazy sort, I set up my varmint rifle (22-250 or 260 Rem.) in the foyer on a bench with a spotting scope nearby & shoot coyotes & other *pests* by merely opening the front door about 18 inches and touching 'em off! Of course that's in the winter when things are slow around here.

 Didn't know your sister barrel raced. Carrie used to show horses & we've got a swell arena that we "play" with our horses in.

  See ya!

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